Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 635: The Country of Waves (Part 2)

   It's been a long time since I last saw Gaara, just like in the original Naruto novel, he is still a man of few words.

 So, the little guy who can speak cruelly to those little gangsters outside the door must be Kimimaro next to Gaara.

 Maybe it’s because the tempers of the Kaguya clan are generally not very good, and it’s more likely because Kimimaro suppressed a lot of resentment during those days in the cell. Although Kimimaro has now forgiven the Kaguya clan and also forgiven his parents for imprisoning him, in terms of doing things, Kimimaro's violent aura is actually a bit more violent than Gaara.

Then, Shi Chuang heard several "bang" and "bang" sounds in the room, followed by countless wailing sounds.

Undoubtedly, those little gangsters escaped in embarrassment with broken arms and legs under Kimimaro's violence. However, when Kimimaro came back triumphantly, Gaara sat next to him with an expressionless expression. At that time, Yukio's stern eyes fell on Kimimaro and said: "Kimimaro, did you feel like you did a good job just now?"

 “Master, I.”

The only person Kimimaro and others are afraid of is the off-roader who is young but has a strong momentum.

In front of Kimimaro and others, Yukio is definitely a stern master. Now listening to Yukio's instructions, Kimimaro's eyes showed panic, and then he knelt down directly in front of Yukio and said: "Master, Please punish me."

“I don’t mean to punish you, I just want to ask you how you feel about what you just did.”

 “Just now? No. Not very good.”


Off-road raised his eyebrows slightly, and then asked: "What did you do poorly?"

 “I shouldn’t. Should I take action directly?”

Looking at Kimimaro's tentative inquiry, Yue Yue smiled, waved for Kimimaro to sit down, and said: "Kimimaro, actually you just did a good job. When faced with such a gangster, it is better to use violence to solve it." The best yet.”

Hearing what Cross Country said, Kimimaro secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, Cross Country only paused for a moment when he said this, and then continued: "However, it was a mistake for you not to figure out where these ruffians came from and who ordered them here. We have just entered the Wave. In China, there are people who are secretly following us and trying to take advantage of us. In a strange place, we have to think more carefully, so if I are to deal with it, I must know who is behind them."

“So Kimimaro, do you know what to do now?”


Kimimaro nodded vigorously and said with a smile: "Master, I will follow them now."

 “Well, that’s a good idea, but it’s not necessary.”

In reply to Kimimaro, Cross Country silently cast Kagura's Heart's Eye. Under the terrifying perception ability of Kagura's Heart's Eye, there was naturally no room for a few little gangsters to escape. Immediately, when using Kagura's Heart Eye Perception, Cross Country discovered that these ruffians actually had an organization, but their organization was not an organization under Cardo, but just a small self-created gang within the Country of Waves.

 The country of Bo is poor, really very poor.

 In the Kingdom of Waves, there are things like houses and land that no one is willing to buy.

 So, it only cost a little money for cross-country. Cross-country means buying a place to stay in the country of waves. It's a pity that the place that was sold to Off-Road and others as a place to stay was also not a good person. Discovering that Cross Country and others were not very old yet actually carried so much money, these guys' eyes suddenly fell on Cross Country and others, thinking that Cross Country and others were fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

 Let’s talk about the small gangs in the Country of Waves. They are all idle people. Of course, these are also related to the national conditions of the Country of Waves.

 Even if they farm, they still cannot have enough to eat because they are exploited by Kado and others.

 Even if you work hard, you will never get ahead, also because of the exploitation by Kado and others.

Over time, the civilians in the Country of Waves gave up on themselves. Those idle young men formed a small gang. When they had nothing to do, they bullied the civilians in the Country of Waves and robbed some food.

If there are outsiders, these guys will exploit the outsiders layer by layer.

  It can be said that this small gang is just a bandit team with little strength and capital.

 Using Kagura's inner eye, he learned about the situation of this gang, and even knew that this gang had nothing to do with Cardo, and his thoughts about cross-country became vivid. It's a pity that there are still no useful people around Cross Country. For example, Kimimaro, Gaara and others all have some ninja skills. By practicing the secret art of Yin Escape, Gaara's spiritual energy continues to increase, and here he is the first combat force besides cross-country. However, they lack experience and also lack mature thinking. How can they prepare for cross-country tasks? What kind of help will be given when developing the country of Waves?

  followed by.

Off-roading just sighed deeply, thinking that there are some things that still need to be dealt with by oneself.

Therefore, when facing the little guys in front again, Cross Country was ready to explain his recent practice and said: "From today on, we will start practicing in the Kingdom of Waves. And, the practice I want to teach you is Starting from scratch, don't be lazy and ignore my practice, because even if it is just a basic practice, it is different from the basic practice you usually come into contact with. It is the secret technique of my Shadow Mage, and it is also tolerance. Do you know the secret technique that is one of the best in the world?"

 “I understand, Master!”

 “I understand, Lord Shadow Mage!”

 Listening to the replies from Gaara, Kimimaro, Shiro, Temari, and Kankuro, Cross Country nodded and directly connected their spiritual energy with his own. Immediately, when reading the information transmitted by Cross Country, these little guys suddenly discovered that Cross Country actually wanted to teach them the method of cultivating chakra and spiritual energy from scratch!

For example, the method of cultivating spiritual energy is okay. It is a secret technique in the ninja world. Except for Gaara, who had a little exposure to it from Cross Country, Kankuro and Temari have never been exposed to it.

 What about chakra training?

To be honest, except for Bai Shizhi, who has no skills at all, the other four little guys have all completed chakra training.

However, knowing that the problem of off-roading is unquestionable, these little guys have surprisingly started to cultivate chakra and spiritual energy from scratch. Even Kimimaro, Gaara and others who mastered the secret techniques started practicing from scratch, as if they had forgotten the secret techniques they knew before.

Because of this, Off-Road paid attention to the cultivation of the little guys and nodded silently, thinking that these little guys were very sensible in their cultivation. On the other hand, Cross Country creates a shadow clone. When controlling the shadow clone to sneak out quietly, this is what Cross Country thinks.

“Since there is a small gang in the Kingdom of Waves, let me start controlling the Kingdom of Waves from this small gang!”

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