Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 636: Assassination of Cardo

 Off-road work, traveling with thunder and lightning.

Since he is going to gather the gangs in the Kingdom of Waves, the shadow clone he condensed with his spiritual energy must gather the small gangs in the Kingdom of Waves within today.

However, when Cross Country gathered a branch of a small gang in the Country of Waves, Cross Country suddenly discovered that there seemed to be some trouble in getting rid of the small gangs in the Country of Waves.


 The reason is naturally not that there is a problem with off-road strength, but that the small gangs in the Country of Waves are simply too scattered!

 The small country of Waves is just like the Warring States Period when heroes were divided among themselves. Almost every village has a small gang, and in larger towns, the number of gangs is even more numerous.

With the oppression of Cardo and others outside, and these small gangs wreaking havoc inside, how do you want the civilians of the Kingdom of Waves to develop?

 So, in the end, Cross Country gave up the idea of ​​gathering these small gangs, or rather these lazy and lazy gangsters. Whenever he meets someone who joins a gang, Cross Country controls the shadow clone's immediate decision, which is to kill all the gangsters in the gang. Then, in just three days, all the gang members in the Country of Waves died at the hands of Cross Country.

Even the civilians in the Country of Waves are very curious as to why all the gang members who usually come to bully them suddenly disappeared?

At this time, the cross-country needs the little guys like Kimimaro, Shiro, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro to take care of things.

 Public opinion is always a very powerful weapon.

When Cross Country quietly promoted an organization called "Twilight" in the Kingdom of Waves, preparing to take over the Kingdom of Waves and bring light to the Kingdom of Waves, those civilians who were oppressed by gangs and Cardos and did not dare to speak out on weekdays They undoubtedly regard the "Twilight" organization as a savior. This is equivalent to cross-country laying a very good foundation for the "Twilight" organization to enter the country of waves in the future.

 However, if we want to solve the internal dilemma of the Country of Waves, there is still an unavoidable problem.

 That’s Kado!

Kado is still loyal to a certain force!

The gangs in the Country of Waves are just minor troubles. Cardo is the real big trouble in the Country of Waves. Cardo must be solved before the people of the Country of Waves can see the future. Therefore, Cross Country ordered Kimimaro and other little guys to continue to build momentum for the "Twilight" organization in the Kingdom of Waves. On the other hand, Cross Country quietly sneaked into Cardo's company, preparing to seize...

 Assassinate Cardo!

 However, this time, he went off-road and lurked into Kaduo's company for three full days.

Kado is a very busy guy. He has a lot of business in the ninja world, which is not something you can see casually. Although off-road can solve the people in Kado's company, use the ability of Yin Escape Brand to read their memories and obtain information about Kado. However, it is impossible for these little people to know what Cardo does on a daily basis and where he is.

  In other words, it might be very troublesome even for Zabuza in the original Naruto novel to see Kadashi more than once.

 A little puppet can actually have such awareness. Off-road can't help but secretly sigh, Cardo is really a character.

If he were a ninja, with this kind of mind, his future achievements would be at least the village chief of a small ninja village, and at the worst, he might become someone like Danzo Shimura.

It's a pity that what Kado has to face is not Kakashi in the original Naruto novel, but the Shadow Mage who is now famous in the ninja world.

It is also because of this that when Cross Country lurked for three days and gradually became impatient, Cross Country with a faint sneer on his lips suddenly caused another tragedy in the Country of Waves!

 That was the tragedy that destroyed Caddo Company!

 Overnight, Cardo's company disappeared, and the Country of Waves was filled with joy, almost like celebrating the New Year.

Hearing the news that the company in the Country of Waves was destroyed, Cardo finally couldn't sit still, and the next day he came to the Country of Waves.

Who knows, on the road from Cardo to the land of waves, Cross Country is already waiting there silently with Kimimaro and other little guys. When Cardo's team gradually came into view of Cross Country, he used Kagura's Eyes of Mind to lock Cardo's position. Cross Country faced Bai and asked: "Bai, do you know who these people are?"

"have no idea."

Bai shook his head and returned to the off-road path.

"These are the bullies in the Kingdom of Waves. They are the ones who make the civilians of the Kingdom of Waves miserable."

Touching Bai's head, Yuexiu smiled and said slowly: "The reason why ninjas become stronger is not to dominate one party, nor to kill anyone, but to protect what is important to me. My most important thing. Even though I am in Konoha Village, in order to protect them, I am willing to leave Konoha Village and the home where I grew up."

"I hope you can all remember that it is very important for a ninja to understand the secrets of Ninjado. Now, you all think about what you want to protect, and then think about it, for the most important thing in your heart, Can you persist in the arduous training and step by step reach the pinnacle of the ninja world?"

Off-road said, Kimimaro, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro all had some insights, but if they wanted to truly understand the principles of Ninja, they also needed some practice.

Like off-roading, I learned about the secrets of Ninja from Matt Dai. In the end, I was able to stick to my own Ninja only after I understood it clearly. Therefore, the four little guys like Kimimaro, Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro, even if they have a vague understanding now, they still have a way to go if they want to embark on the path of adhering to the way of ninja.

 But it’s only white.

In the original Naruto novel, he was the very kind-hearted Shiro. After listening to what Cross Country said, he bit his lower lip tightly and remained silent.

However, off-roaders know that it takes a lot of hard work to cultivate a good athlete. Therefore, when Cross Country's eyes were locked on Cardo in front of him again, he took a deep breath and ordered Bai to say: "Bai, I just said that Cardo is the bully of the Country of Waves. The Country of Waves It's important to us that in order to save the civilians inside, we all have to kill Cardo."

 “Now, the task of killing Cardo is left to you.”

“Bai, I believe you can do it. So.”

 “The mission to assassinate Cardo begins now!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai just nodded silently.

 When facing Cardo, even though he knew that Cardo was a bully, Bai still couldn't make up his mind to assassinate Cardo.

 Kimimaro, who still had the best relationship with Shiro, frowned tightly when he saw that Shiro was about to disobey the cross-country order.

 Next second!


Before Bai could go to attack Cardo, Kimimaro suddenly stood up and rushed straight towards Cardo for the sake of his first senior brother Bai!

“Senior Brother Bai, since you can’t bear to take action, transform into Shura.”

“Then let my junior brother take your place and become the Shura next to the master!”

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