Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 637: Bai's consciousness


Seeing him hesitate, Kimimaro suddenly went to assassinate Cardo. Bai's pupils narrowed slightly, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated in the off-road perception.

 There is no doubt that Shiro is worried about Kimimaro's safety.

 However, considering the rotten fish and shrimps around Cardo, how can it be said to Kimimaro?

 In the original book of Naruto, Kimimaro was imprisoned in a cell for a long time. When he left the cell, he participated in the fierce battle between the Kaguya clan and the Kiri Ninja Village. In that fierce battle, all members of the Kaguya clan died, and only Kimimaro was able to escape from the Mist Ninja Village alive. What does this mean?

 It shows that Kimimaro is very strong. At least he still persisted despite the siege of the ninjas in Kiri Ninja Village!

However, Kimimaro could go to assassinate Kado for Shiro, but Shiro watched Kimimaro take risks to help him, and still hesitated, which made him sigh secretly.

However, teaching white does not happen overnight, and it became clear early on in cross-country.

  followed by.

Cross Country's eyes fell on Kimimaro, because he knew that the minions under Kado's command could not be Kimimaro's opponents at all, but there were a few guys hidden in Kado's team. It might cause a little problem for Kimimaro.

Sure enough, when Kimimaro just rushed into the Cardo team one second ago, the wandering ninjas in the Cardo team came to Kimimaro the next second.

But don’t forget, Kimimaro is a proud disciple of cross-country.

If some wandering ninjas want to cause trouble to Kimimaro, it is also impossible!


Without the use of chakra, and even less the ability to use corpse veins, Kimimaro faced the attack of wandering ninjas and was using taijutsu to fight against them.

There is no doubt that Kimimaro started practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape following Cross Country.

 In other words, cross-country is to improve the secret technique of the Kaguya clan and combine it with the secret technique of Yang Escape to create a brand new combat technique of the Kaguya clan.

It is completely different from the method of using the Yang Escape Secret Technique to temper the body in Cross Country. Combining the secret technique of Yang Escape and the secret technique of the Kaguya Clan, the new secret technique of the Kaguya Clan recreated by Cross Country is a physical training method. The supreme cultivation method for tempering the body. To practice this kind of secret technique of Yang Escape, you don't need any talent, all you need is hard work.

Just like in the original Naruto novel, Akai and Xiao Li practiced before the Eight Gate Dungeon, Kimimaro used the new Kaguya clan's combat skills created by off-road to practice, and basically had to carry out overloaded weight-bearing training every day. However, every time he performs overloaded weight-bearing training, as long as he can break through his own limits, Kimimaro's physical fitness will be strengthened little by little.

Even after breaking through the limit, Kimimaro not only strengthened his own strength, speed, and physical strength, but also the strength of the body, the strength of the lungs, and even the strength of the bones can be slowly increased during practice!

 In the future, if Kimimaro can master the new secret technique of the Kaguya clan created by Cross Country to the extreme.

Presumably Kimimaro will be the person with the best physical skills in the ninja world, and can even crush Akai who has all eight armors activated!


 It takes many years of hard work to grow to that level.

Unless there is a chance, it will probably be more than ten years before Kimimaro wants to advance to the shadow level.

However, facing some wandering ninjas, Kimimaro's physical advantage was fully utilized. When fighting those wandering ninjas, Kimimaro didn't need to think about avoiding the attacks of those wandering ninjas, he only needed to think about how to knock down the wandering ninjas in front of him. Because, even if the sharp kunai held by those wandering ninjas fell on Kimimaro's body, relying on Kimimaro's terrifying physical fitness, when the sharp kunai passed by, it would only be able to hit Kimimaro. There was just a white mark left on Lu's body.

 What about Kimimaro’s fist?

 There is no doubt that it is the "Bengquan" of cross-country!

 A "Collapse Fist" fell on the body of the wandering ninja. The wandering ninja's body, plus his internal organs, were attacked by the power of the "Collapse Fist" and were about to collapse there!

 In just ten seconds, three wandering ninjas died!

 Kimimaro's outstanding achievements made Gaara narrow his eyes slightly.

 Faintly, Gaara felt that Kimimaro in front of him was his only competitor in training.

It can also be said that when Kimimaro showed off the results of his training, Gaara, who was originally stronger than Kimimaro and the other little guys, was the one who truly valued his juniors.

 However, just when Kimimaro had eliminated three wandering ninjas and several minions around Cardo, he was about to appear in front of Cardo and kill him directly.


A jounin wearing a ninja forehead protector suddenly appeared in front of Kimimaro.

Looking at the man's ninja forehead protector, Kimimaro narrowed his eyes and murmured:

 “People from Iwa Ninja Village?”

 That’s right!

 They are from the Iwa Ninja Village!

It turns out that the man behind Cardo is none other than the Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village. In the original book of Naruto, the Third Tsuchikage is a very ambitious guy. Like the Third Hokage, he is the "old immortal" in the ninja world. While he is very powerful, he also hopes to let the Iwa Ninja Village defeat the Leaf Village. Become the number one ninja village in the ninja world.

 The Tsuchikage supports Cardo, which is undoubtedly a dark move.

It's a pity that Kado in the original Naruto novel broke away from the Tsuchikage's control and just dreamed of becoming a chess player from a chess piece.

 Let’s talk about Kimimaro.

Facing the attack of the Iwa Ninja Jonin, Kimimaro was obviously a little powerless.

However, during fierce battles, Kimimaro still abides by the cross-country teachings, that is, never use the ability of corpse veins unless necessary. Obviously, those who want to come to Kimimaro's new Kaguya clan's secret skills on the cross-country have not yet mastered the skills. If they use the corpse veins many times and inadvertently enter the path of Kimimaro's evolution, as in the original Naruto novel, they will suffer the disease, even if they are cross-country. Facing Kimimaro's illness is a bit difficult.

It is also because of this that for the time being, Kimimaro can exert at most 30% of his own strength. After all, if he cannot use the corpse veins, Kimimaro's strength will be weakened to the freezing point.

But at this moment, he watched Kimimaro helplessly as he was attacked by the Iwa Ninja Jonin. He didn't even have the strength to fight back. His body was even scratched with several deep cuts by the Iwa Ninja Jonin's kunai, like Temari and Kankuro who were beside Yuchiko all showed unbearable expressions. Gaara even tried to step forward to rescue Kimimaro several times, but he was blocked by Yuchichi.

 Because, when Kimimaro was injured, Cross Country suddenly noticed that Shiro's eyes had changed.

 From the previous kind gaze, it turned into a cold gaze!

 Next second!

When Kimimaro was severely knocked out by the Iwa Ninja Jonin again, fell to the ground, and spurted out a few mouthfuls of blood.


 The gorgeous frost suddenly enveloped the body of the Iwa Ninja Jonin!

  followed by.

 Haku's figure appeared in front of the Iwa Ninja Jonin!

 “Protect something important?”

“Master, I seem to understand what you said before!”

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