Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 641: The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit (Part 2)



 It is not a shame for the Itachi God to be defeated at the hands of off-road.

What's more, when Off-Road shattered the spiritual space built by God Itachi, he fully withstood the full power of the spiritual space and did not let God Itachi face backlash. Therefore, God Itachi naturally knew of Off-Road's good intentions.

 Since it was a defeat, it was a defeat. There is nothing to say.

Because of this, facing his failure calmly, Itachi smiled casually, and then remained silent, undoubtedly thinking about the gains he had gained from the previous fight.

 Let’s talk about Shisui.

  After watching the battle between Itachi and Cross Country, Shisui knew that there was no way he could defeat Cross Country.

 In other words, in the ninja world, anyone who uses the secret technique of escape is unable to defeat cross-country. Even after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan and understanding the method of casting the strongest genjutsu, Beitenjin, Shisui still had no confidence in using Beitenjin to control the cross-country, because the Yin Escape Brand of the cross-country had a high number of condensation stages. If Shisui If he casts the other gods, he will most likely be controlled by the off-road instead of him using the other gods to control the off-road.

 Then, after the discussion was over, it was time to get down to business.

Off-road informs Shisui to come to see him. Naturally, it cannot be as simple as a casual chat. The two of them must have something important to say. Immediately, seeing that Cross Country had something to discuss with Zhisui, Itachi was ready to leave in order to avoid suspicion. Who would have thought that just when God Weasel was about to leave, Cross Country actually stopped God Weasel.

Immediately afterwards, under the slightly surprised gaze of the Weasel God, Cross Country even smiled and said:

"Itachi, I'm actually happier that you can come, because what I want to say when I come back has something to do with your father."


Hearing Cross Country mention Uchiha Fugaku, the corners of Itachi's eyes twitched fiercely, and he obviously had a bad feeling. Because, just like Shisui, Itachi is a three-faced spy, loyal to the Uchiha clan, the third Hokage, and Shimura Danzo. However, among the objects of loyalty, God Itachi's true loyalty is always to himself. He knows how terrible the harm caused by war is, and he also knows how many lives Konoha Village can protect.

 Hence, God Itachi hopes to stop anything harmful to the Leaf Village. In the original book of Naruto, Itachi God had this idea. On the surface, he was completely loyal to the Third Hokage. Even when the Uchiha clan was about to rebel, Itachi God would not hesitate to attack the same clan, just to avoid it. War.

 Now, knowing that Cross Country had something to discuss with his father, Itachi couldn't help but sigh secretly, thinking that what should come will always come.

 But since the purpose of going off-road is to see Uchiha Fugaku, you can still see him even if you don't pass through Itachi God. Therefore, knowing that Cross Country is a person who trusts him, Itachi God can never let Cross Country down. He immediately brought Cross Country and Shisui in disguise back to the clan. Itachi God brought Cross Country to Uchiha Fugaku and saw him. Now the leader of the Uchiha clan.

 Uchiha Fugaku is still the same.

  Usually he is very serious in front of others, but in front of off-road people he smiles and looks harmless.

Especially when he saw that Cross Country was Itachi God and Shisui brought here, Uchiha Fugaku felt that the good relationship between Cross Country and Itachi God and Shisui meant that he could still trust the Uchiha clan. Then, Uchiha Fugaku waved his hand at Itachi God and Shisui, which meant that he wanted Itachi God and Shisui, a three-faced spy, to stay away for a while, so that he could have a good talk with Cross Country.

 I never thought that what Yuexiu wanted to say had no intention of avoiding the Itachi God, Shisui.

 Because he felt that what he wanted to say could help Shisui and God Itachi escape from the sea of ​​suffering!

"Fugaku-kun, there is no need to let Shisui and Itachi leave. What I want to say is actually very simple. Even if they know it, they can't tell others."


Seeing that Cross Country was full of confidence, Uchiha Fugaku raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "Cross Country, since you said so, Itachi and Shisui, you just stay aside."

 “Off-road, please tell me.”


Nodding, Cross Country sorted out his thoughts, and suddenly sighed and said: "When I came back, I discovered that the rights of your Uchiha clan have been greatly reduced. It must be the work of the Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura and the others. If this continues, Fugaku-kun, there will definitely be more and more voices of dissatisfaction within your clan. On the contrary, the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo will only be able to push you harder and harder, and there is no way you will relax at all."

"Itachi, Shisui, you are ANBU. In fact, you must have some guesses about the third generation Hokage and Shimura Danzo's tricky tricks, right?"

“Then can I ask you, what is the plot of the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo?”

 “Please tell me!”

As soon as Xue Yue finished speaking, Itachi was silent. Obviously, even if he guessed something, as the son of the Uchiha clan leader, it was impossible for him to say it.

 On the other hand, Shisui didn't have so many worries.

Seeing Uchiha Fugaku nodding silently, he agreed with Shisui to tell Cross Country his thoughts.

 Shisui sighed quietly and said: "They are forcing us, forcing our Uchiha clan to rebel, and giving them a reason to purge them!"

“Yes, Shisui is right.”

Nodding, Cross Country sneered: "The Uchiha clan has threatened the Hokage's rights long ago, so there is either a weak Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, or it is not as good as the Uchiha clan. Since this is the case, then They will exploit you as much as possible. If you rebel, give them a reason to purge them. If you can endure it."

 “When will the endurance end?”

"So, Fugaku-kun, the purpose of my coming to you this time is to give you another way to go. There is no need for you to rebel, and there is no need to be oppressed by the Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura. Why are you, the noble Uchiha clan, Are you going to live in Konoha Village? Can't you develop your power outside? Are you, the so-called Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, going to take root in Konoha Village and die miserably, and you, the Uchiha clan, are the Uchiha clan?"


“Since the Uchiha clan is a “rich family”, it means that the Uchiha clan is a wealthy family no matter where they are!”

 “That’s what I want to say this time.”

As he said that, Cross Country suddenly paused, and soon found that Itachi God, Shisui, and even Uchiha Fugaku were looking at him expectantly. Cross Country smiled slightly and said directly:

"What I want to say this time is, Fugaku-kun, don't stay in the Leaf Village and guard the rights of the mere police force."

 “Follow me to our country!”

 “You’ve gone from being a patriarch to a great name in a country, okay?”

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