Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 642: District avatar (Part 1)



 In the ninja world, the strong are indeed respected.

But "strong" in everyone's mind is different. People like Cross Country and Orochimaru feel that only their own strength is the real strength. Therefore, in the pursuit of becoming stronger, Cross Country and Orochimaru often They are all thinking about enhancing their own strength. But some people are different, like Danzo Shimura and Fugaku Uchiha before cross-country. They are not the type of people who want to strengthen themselves and dominate the ninja world, but feel that only by increasing their power can they change. A strong kind of person.

It is also because of this that the two most famous clan leaders in the Uchiha clan have gone to two extreme paths.

 The first one, needless to say, must be Uchiha Madara!

 Madara is like off-roading, and Orochimaru is on the road to becoming stronger by strengthening himself. Moreover, judging from the plot in the original book of Naruto, Madara is undoubtedly one of the most terrifying people in the ninja world. Even though he has fought against Madara several times, Cross Country still remembers that in the original book of Naruto, Madara fought against the Five Kages. time figure.

  It’s just one word!


 It’s a little more complicated, only two words at most!


However, Uchiha Fugaku's road to becoming stronger was not smooth sailing. The Uchiha clan he began to lead was actually the Uchiha clan that was declining.

 But to be honest, the fact that Uchiha Fugaku was able to turn the tide when the family was facing a crisis already showed that his level was sufficient.

 At the very least, Uchiha Fugaku is much better than Hyuga Hinashi in the cross-country impression.

When he first took over the Uchiha clan, the leader of the Uchiha clan was actually just an empty frame. Like the future Konoha Village, which may be controlled by the group of elders. After Madara defected from the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan's leader The power is held in the hands of some immortals. Those people claim to be in charge of the family's rights on behalf of the patriarch. In fact, as elders, they have long ignored the patriarch.

 It is Uchiha Fugaku.

When the elders were playing with their power, Uchiha Fugaku came out of the blue and stopped the elders from controlling the Uchiha clan, allowing the clan leader to regain his power. It can be said that if Uchiha Fugaku can do this, he is one of the most outstanding clan leaders in the Uchiha clan. After all, the rights of the elders are dispersed. Uchiha Fugaku can obtain rights from every elder of the Uchiha clan, which is equivalent to reunifying the Uchiha clan.

Other than Madara and Izuna brothers, only Uchiha Fugaku could accomplish such feats.

But after regaining his power, Uchiha Fugaku gradually became addicted to power, which created the current Uchiha Fugaku.

It would be okay if Off-Road didn't say anything about the daimyo. Just after he said that Uchiha Fugaku might become a country's daimyo, Off-Road saw a little light flashing in Uchiha Fugaku's pupils. There is no doubt that Uchiha Fugaku must be tempted. In fact, it is true. How can one be the patriarch of a family in a ninja village and become a powerful daimyo of a country?

Even the Third Hokage must maintain certain etiquette in front of the daimyo of the Land of Fire, if he can become a daimyo.

Uchiha Fugaku couldn't suppress the fantasy in his mind just by thinking about it.

 Let’s talk about Shisui and Itachi, there is no doubt that both of them are the elite among the elite in the original Naruto.

 Having had a fire-like vision since childhood, Itachi was undoubtedly relieved after hearing what Cross Country said. Because he has already felt that the Uchiha clan is not far away from the road of rebellion. Thinking about one day becoming enemies with his father, Itachi God's heart is like a foreign object, and he can't feel anything. Comfortable.

Now, seeing that Cross Country has given Uchiha Fugaku a second way to go, when God Itachi looked at Cross Country again, he obviously felt that Cross Country was the savior of the Uchiha clan.

What about Shisui?

 He glanced at the cross-country with grateful eyes. Why?

 Because, Shisui thought more about things than Itachi, and he knew that there were actually many off-road options. After all, every family could not refuse the title of "Daimyo". In fact, as a Nara clan cross-country, you can first seek help from the Nara clan, and even cross-country does not require the title of "Daimyo", the Nara clan can unconditionally help cross-country.

Do not forget.

Off-roading is the hope of the Nara clan!

At this moment, seeing that Cross Country came to seek the cooperation of the Uchiha clan sincerely for the future of the Uchiha clan, or for his own friend, Shisui took a deep breath and thought silently in his heart. So, as long as Cross Country comes to him for help, even if he is asked to die, he is willing to die for Cross Country.

 As for Uchiha Fugaku.

 After hesitating for a moment, he naturally declined and said he would think about it.

  But it was considered, but in fact, Uchiha Fugaku was already preparing for the three cunning rabbit caves, transferring the power of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village, and gradually developing towards the country of Waves where the cross-country is located.

Immediately afterwards, the matter of seeking cooperation was completed. Cross Country just had dinner at Uchiha Fugaku's house and prepared to return to the Nara clan.

 When Cross Country is preparing to return, needless to say, Shisui will definitely come to see him off.

Who would have thought, just when Shisui and Shisui were walking inside the Uchiha Clan's camp, heading back to the Nara Clan.


  When Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eye, he actually felt a terrifying and depressing aura covering his whole body.

  “the feeling of this breath”

 “It can’t be wrong, it must be him!”

You know, there are only a few people in the ninja world who can make off-roading feel scary. Moreover, anyone in the ninja world who could obviously pose a threat to cross-country would definitely not be able to leave their village. Therefore, the terrifying aura that Cross Country felt in Konoha Village at this time could only be emanated from one person.

That is Mr. Ban who has been hiding behind the scenes!

 But how did Mr. Ban come?

Did he complete the "resurrection", or did he send the "blackened" Obito Uchiha, or another "blackened" Lin came here?

With confusion, Cross Country took a breath of cold air, and followed the perception of Kagura's inner eye to pursue the terrifying and depressing aura. Unexpectedly, when Cross Country was about to chase the terrifying and depressing aura, there was a sudden "buzz" sound!

An invisible vortex suddenly emerged, and in the blink of an eye, it directly sucked Cross Country and Shisui into it!

"This is."

 “Where is this?”

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