Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 643: District avatar (center)

 “Where is this?”

An invisible whirlpool suddenly emerged, and Cross Country and Shisui were sucked into it. When they opened their eyes again, they suddenly discovered that they were no longer in Konoha Village, but in a strange space.

In the space, there is endless darkness.

Under some light, pillars were erected all around, and below was an endless abyss.

At this moment, when they came to this strange space, it goes without saying that Cross Country and Shisui must be standing on top of the pillar, otherwise how could they have time to care about where they were.

However, in terms of experience, off-roading is definitely more important than Shisui. Therefore, when Shisui opened his Sharingan on guard and prepared to observe the surrounding situation, Shisui took a deep breath and said to Shisui next to him: "Shisui, if I guessed correctly, we are probably... Was attacked by that person.”

"Remember the guy who helped you awaken the Mangekyou Sharingan, right? Yes, that's him. It turns out that he is also hiding in Konoha Village. He may have sensed my existence unintentionally, so he got you and me. Come here. Moreover, Shisui, this is no longer Konoha Village, but another time and space. That guy brought us here using time and space ninjutsu."

With that said, Cross Country slowly turned around and faced a shadow hidden in the darkness. He raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Am I right? Obito!"

 “Nara off-roading is really awesome.”

The figure slowly appeared. Wearing a spiral-shaped mask, the "blackened" Uchiha Obito undoubtedly slowly appeared in front of the cross-country.

 However, when the "blackened" Uchiha Obito appeared this time, he was not the only one. After all, even if the "blackened" Uchiha Obito is very strong, he is not as strong as he is now in cross-country. The Yin Escape Brand has already reached the level of six levels of condensation. If Madara hadn't been here, it would have been impossible for the "blackened" Uchiha Obito to produce the terrifying and depressing aura that made Cross Country feel. .

So, the guy next to Uchiha Obito after his "blackening" is Madara?

 But how could he be so young?

How could his face be so childish?

 Could it be that Madara used Orochimaru's reincarnation technique to take away the body of an Uchiha ninja?


 Can his appearance change and become what he is now?

He was secretly guessing who the guy next to Uchiha Obito was after his "blackening". In fact, he was secretly expecting Shisui to recognize the identity of that guy. In that case, the previous speculation of him That's right, Madara did indeed use Orochimaru's reincarnation technique.

 Furthermore, as long as Madara uses Orochimaru's reincarnation technique, then Cross Country will be absolutely sure to defeat Madara.


 Because Orochimaru's reincarnation technique is a forbidden technique with flaws.

Even if Madara is very knowledgeable and powerful, as long as he uses the technique of reincarnation, there must be flaws in his mental energy. If he is not sure to defeat Madara with his accomplishments in the Yin Escape Brand, That cross country has really been practicing the secret art of Yin Escape in vain until today, and now has six levels of condensed Yin Escape brand attainments.

 It’s a pity that the cross-country is disappointing.

Shisui didn't know who the young guy was, and the "blackened" Uchiha Obito just praised the cross-country, and then disappeared into this strange place again with the invisible whirlpool. inside the space.

But almost at the moment when Uchiha Obito disappeared after being "blackened", suddenly the young figure moved!

In an instant, the young figure actually attacked directly in front of Zhisui. Although he had closed his eyes tightly from the moment he appeared, with the perception of spiritual energy, the young figure suddenly sensed Zhisui. Where the water is, it can even be said that he has discerned the flaws in Shisui's body. On the contrary, Shisui, even though he had opened the ordinary form of Sharingan early, in front of that young figure, his Sharingan failed to discern the young figure's attack method!



 A punch landed heavily on Zhisui's cheek, sending Zhisui's body flying away.

However, as soon as the young figure's feet landed on the ground, there was a "swish" sound.

 There is no doubt that it is the cross-country secret art of shadow escape, called shadow suture. Extending the shadow under his feet, Cross Country was clearly preparing to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to condense the secret technique of Shadow Escape. Taking advantage of the young figure's opportunity to sneak attack Shisui, he used the Shadow Sewing Technique to directly imprison him. The body of that young figure.

 However, the secret technique of Shadow Escape was successfully cast, and the shadow extended using the Shadow Sewing Technique was also connected to the shadow of the young figure, tightly confining it in place.

However, when Off-Road used Shadow Suture to imprison the young figure, Master Ban’s voice actually echoed in Off-Road’s mind.

It was also the voice that belonged to Mr. Ban. It made Cross Country frown slightly and at the same time, the pupils in his eyes contracted slightly!

“Nara Cross Country, I can finally compete with you.”

 “Don’t worry, I can’t kill you directly, but”

 “I just want to play with you!”

 Having fun?

Who can believe it?

Although Off-Road was shocked on the surface, the spiritual energy in Off-Road's Yin Escape brand followed the shadow of the young figure and penetrated directly into the spiritual energy of the young figure.

 Within the spiritual energy of that young figure, using the ability of Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country undoubtedly penetrated the memory of that young figure.

This is an ordinary boy who used to be a member of the Uchiha clan, but unfortunately he disappeared during the Third War.

If the memories of Cross Country, Shisui, and God Itachi were good enough, they would definitely be able to remember this Genin of the Uchiha clan who disappeared early in the Third War. However, the memory of this young figure suddenly stopped there when he disappeared during the Third World War. However, being able to obtain the past memories of this young figure means that he can determine what is going on with the young figure in front of him.

There is no doubt that this young figure is not Master Ban, at best it is just a clone of Master Ban!

Combined with Orochimaru's reincarnation technique, Madara has created an alternative clone technique, which is to use his own spiritual energy to control the bodies of others and make others into his own puppet clones. As long as he controls this clone, relying on Madara's knowledge, vision, and once Shura-like strength, Madara can turn an ordinary genin into a clone with the strength of a Kage-level powerhouse!

The young figure in front of Cross Country is undoubtedly Madara's shadow-level powerful clone.

So, when he understood what was happening in front of him and what it was about, the look of shock on his face slowly disappeared, and he slowly raised the corners of his mouth and murmured:

 “It’s just a matter of distinction”

“Master Madara, do you really think that a shadow-level clone can defeat me?”

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