Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 644: District avatar (Part 2)

 How can Master Ban’s clone be just a different clone?

 Actually, seeing how powerless Shisui is in front of Madara’s clone, we can imagine that Madara’s clone is also a very terrifying shadow-level powerhouse.

 But in the ninja world, only a few people can say that as long as they do not face Madara's real body, they can torture all the clones of Madara. That person naturally includes Cross Country, who practices the essence of Yang Escape Secret Technique. In terms of Yin Escape Secret Technique, he is a shadow mage who has the sixth stage of Yin Escape Brand Condensation. He is now one of the three major forces of the "Twilight" organization!

Therefore, when Cross Country finished reading the memory of Master Ban's clone, that is, the young figure, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand continued to be output. Cross Country was clearly preparing to use the method of fierce battle in Daming Mansion to deal with Master Ban's clone in front of him. Lose.

Undoubtedly, thinking about it in cross-country, the method Ban Ye used to control his clone was the Yin Escape brand he condensed into this young figure. That is Master Ban's pure spiritual energy. Although Master Ban may not have practiced the secret technique of Yin Escape, Master Ban's spiritual energy is also very pure. As long as you want to condense the Yin Escape brand, basically the quality of the spiritual energy will be It has reached the point where the six stages of cross-country Yin Escape brand have been condensed.

 It’s just that such pure spiritual energy is just a tonic when going off-road!

 After all, Madara’s accomplishments in condensing the Yin Escape Brand are far inferior to Cross Country. Therefore, when using the shadow suture technique to imprison Madara’s clone, Cross Country directly used his own Yin Escape Brand ability.

Who would have thought that when Cross Country used his Yin Escape Brand ability, the corner of Zi Banye's clone's mouth would actually raise a mocking smile!

“Nara Cross Country, you have destroyed so many of my experimental products, do you think I can have more experimental products that will be defeated by the same trick?”

 “The ability to swallow other people’s spiritual energy? It’s indeed very interesting, but it’s a pity”

 “It’s just a bit immature!”


As soon as Ban Ye's clone finished speaking, he felt a terrifying shock in his mind.

  followed by.

The spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Escape Brand was uncontrollably output into the Yin Escape Brand of Madara's clone as he used the Yin Escape Brand ability "Beiming". Although Banye failed to master the ability to cross-country Yin escape brand, such as "Beiming" is used to devour other people's spiritual energy, such as "Wuxian" can purify and refine spiritual energy. However, when the spiritual energy of cross-country is injected into the Yin Escape brand of Banye's clone, Banye's clone can directly seal the part of the spiritual energy lost by cross-country, and continue to weaken the ability of cross-country!

Suddenly, he found that his Yin Escape brand's "Beiming" ability was no longer able to restrain Madara's clone in front of him. He frowned slightly, feeling a little regretful for the wasted mental energy. Immediately, the shadow extending from the foot of the cross-country, connected to Master Banner's clone, suddenly burst out and forcefully flew Master Banner's clone away.

 In this way, I finally stopped the loss of my own spiritual energy.

 Next second!


Off-road, there was an explosion of physical energy, and with a "moon step", he hit the front of Madara's clone. However, just when Cross Country's next "collapse punch" was able to severely injure Madara's clone, another thing happened that Cross Country never expected. That was when the off-road preparations took advantage of Madara's clone's inability to control his body and prepared to severely injure Madara's clone. The body of Madara's clone actually revealed a purple brilliance!

That brilliance

If it’s not the light that Susanoo appears, what is it?


Madara’s clone can actually use the Uchiha clan’s Mangekyō Sharingan pupil technique without awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan!

 Could it be that Madara is cheating?

The corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. He really didn't want to believe that Madara could allow a ninja who had never awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan to have the ability to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan. Fortunately, when Cross Country saw the eyes of Master Madara's clone and found that the pupils of Master Madara's clone had turned into the appearance of Master Madara's eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Cross Country breathed a sigh of relief.

 Unfortunately, before that breath could be exhaled, Cross Country took another breath of cold air!

 Because, isn’t it even more terrifying that Madara can lose to the power of his clone, the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?

“Weird things happen every year, why are there so many this year?”

"It's just Madara's clone, but he can actually possess Madara's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Are you kidding me? Didn't Madara's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan become the Rinnegan, and it's in Nagato's place? If I can't Before regaining his eyes, even the resurrected Madara in the original Naruto novel had no eyes. But now, a clone of Madara actually has the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan? Could it be that Madara regained Nagato? Eyes? Or"

“Madara’s current pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Eyes, are they cloned?”


Could it be that the black technology created by Danzo Shimura and Orochimaru in cooperation will be carried forward in the hands of Madara and start to be used to harm the ninja world?

Looking at Madara's pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, at this time, Cross Country did not need to care whether Madara was going to use the clone's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to use illusions to attack him. After all, Cross Country's Yin Escape skills are among the best in the ninja world. Even if Madara uses the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to cast illusions, it may not be able to harm Cross Country.

Now, Off-Road has only one idea, and that is to dig out the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in Madara's clone to see if this thing is a cloned copy.

 There is another point that must be acknowledged in off-roading.

 That's Madara's clone. It can't be said to be a different clone.

It should be said that Madara's clone, this clone with the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, can already be called a Shura in the ninja world!

Off-road can imagine that as long as Madara can perfectly control this body, he can regain his original terror!


The current young clone of Mr. Ban is far more terrifying than the former Mr. Ban!

 Because the ninja world is changing, Madara

 It’s also changing!

He has obtained more secret techniques and more forbidden techniques. If the current Madara could go back to the past, the first Hokage would not be his opponent. The only thing that makes Cross Country feel lucky is that Madara's clone failed to show the ability of the Wood Release Secret Technique, otherwise Cross Country would really feel impossible to play.

However, while Cross Country was observing Madara's clone, trying to understand the mystery of the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, something strange happened.

Since opening the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Cross Country has discovered that Madara’s clone has become a little weird.

The only weird thing is that

 With the previously dull eyes of Madara's clone, a pair of eyes turned out to be somewhat lively!

 “Could it be.”

“Madara’s clone is like the original clone of Hyuuga Hizashi, and has its own consciousness?”

"So, now is a good opportunity to fight back? Because Madara..."

 “Can’t you perfectly control your clone?”

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