Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 647: Alliance of Four Tribes (Part 2)

 Out of control?

Dignified Master Ban, is there anyone who can control him?

 No one knows, this must be a mystery in the ninja world.

 However, Ban Ye has escaped from some kind of control, and the person who faces danger must be off-road. In other words, in Banye's plan, although he is an enemy of cross-country, every time he confronts cross-country, Banye seems to suffer a loss, but in fact he is using cross-country to complete his step-by-step plan.

If this is the case, then Master Ban is really terrible!

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

Accompanied by Shisui, he returned to the Nara clan cross-country. Naturally, he had a good get-together with Shikaku and his family first. It's been a long time since I came back from a cross-country trip. When I saw them this time, Uncle Shikaku and Aunt Yoshino who were on the cross-country showed happy smiles. Only Shikamaru, maybe because he had been separated from the cross-country for too long, actually felt a little strange when he saw the cross-country.

Especially the name of Shadow Mage is too loud in the ninja world.

Knowing that his brother is such a terrifying figure in the ninja world, Shikamaru couldn't help but show a timid look when he faced off-roading. Even watching the off-roading felt very funny. In the original work of Shindo Naruto, Shikamaru has a super high IQ. , also know what awe means?

However, the reunion time was destined to be short, and soon Cross Country talked to Shikaku about the situation in the Country of Waves.

  When he just heard that off-roaders could actually control a country, Shikaku was really shocked. Just like Uchiha Fugaku, as the patriarch of the "rich" Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku was very surprised to know that cross-country can control a country. After all, the daimyo of every country has a very high status. Even if it is a daimyo of a small country, it may not be able to compete with a "rich" family in terms of power, but in terms of status, the daimyo is undoubtedly higher.

However, when I heard that Cross Country needed the power of the Nara clan to help build the country of Waves, what surprised Cross Country was that Shikaku actually hesitated.


The reason for Shikaku's hesitation was not whether to help cross-country build the country of Waves.

To be honest, cross-country is the hope of the Nara clan. Now, under the pressure of the Third Hokage, the Nara clan has lost its original glory. Therefore, as long as they can take over the Kingdom of Waves and help the construction of the Kingdom of Waves, the Nara clan can restore its glory and even become a "rich" family in the ninja world.

 The reason why Shikaku really hesitates is that the members of the Nara clan are generally controlled by the Nara mark.

Under such circumstances, even if Cross Country can trust his own family, can those in the "Twilight" organization trust the Nara clan?

  When talking about the Nara brand, off-roading is inevitable.


The Nara brand is a very troublesome thing. There is no way to remove the Nara brand from Shikaku by going off-road for the time being, let alone so many members of the Nara clan?

 Hence, the conversation between Shijiu and Shikaku fell into silence when he reached this point.

Still cross-country, and finally supported Shikaku to lead the Nara clan to take over the country of waves.

With such a good thing, Lu Jiu naturally cannot forget his brother and his brother's family. It is also because of this that on the first day after returning to Konoha Village cross-country, he first agreed to take over the Kingdom of Waves. The next day, the four clans in Konoha Village, Uchiha, Nara, Akimichi, and the heads of the four mountain clans, gathered together.

 Start carving up.

 Have a piece of cake from the Land of Waves!

 There is no doubt that the main rights of the country of Wave belong to the "Dusk" organization, which is the base of "Dusk". This right must not be lost. However, the "Twilight" organization's status in the Kingdom of Waves is equivalent to that of the Supreme Emperor in the feudal era. Only when the national power of the Kingdom of Waves is needed, the "Twilight" organization can issue orders to the people in the Kingdom of Waves. Whatever is needed, the Country of Waves will provide it.

And the people who really dominate the political power of the Country of Waves are still the Uchiha clan, for three reasons!

First point, if you want to develop the country of waves, you must need the power of the Uchiha clan. The Uchiha clan is now in decline, but after all, it was a "rich" family in the past, and its heritage is not what the cross-country and others can. imagination. If you want the Uchiha clan to develop the Kingdom of Waves well, you need to give the Uchiha clan enough rights.

 The position of daimyo is that of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, that is, Uchiha Fugaku.

 Those who also exercise the rights of daimyo are also members of the Uchiha clan.

This is the price for the Uchiha clan to take over the country of waves, or what they must pay.

Then, the three clans of Nara, Akimichi and Yamanaka, just like the two wealthy families of Uchiha and Mori no Senju when Konoha Village was first founded, have great power in the Country of Waves, and can vaguely compete with them. The Uchiha clan resisted. With these two forces present, the Kingdom of Waves will definitely be more stable. In addition, the impact of off-roading on the three tribes of Uchiha, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka, I believe that as long as there are no accidents in the off-roading, the Kingdom of Waves will be able to develop well. .

Even with the alliance of the four races, it is possible for the Kingdom of Waves to surpass Konoha Village in the future.


  Ninja villages cannot be built in the Country of Waves. The only ninjas that can be used are elites sent by each family. This is the only flaw in the development of the Country of Waves.

 But to develop Ninja Village, more things are needed.

  All the cross-country and others need is a base area, so for the time being, matters related to the village have been put on hold.

After discussing the alliance of the four clans, it was very secretive. The ninjas from the four clans of Uchiha, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka quietly started to move from the Leaf Village to the territory of the Country of Waves.

These people will live permanently in the Country of Waves in the future, and the host country must solve the problem of off-road accommodation!

 Fortunately, there is a shortage of everything in the country of Bo, except for workers!

Let alone giving money, let’s just say that the workers can have three meals a day. The common people in the Kingdom of Waves are flocking to it.

Because of this, when Cross Country returned to the Country of Waves from Konoha Village, there was a prosperous scene in the Country of Waves. It's just that when there are good things, there must be bad things. When the development of the Country of Waves is on the right track, with the alliance of the four races, the Country of Waves is already somewhat about to undergo a "qualitative" change.

 An external crisis has suddenly arrived!

 That is the threat from the Iwa Ninja Village!

Tsuchikage cannot be a generous person. He will definitely come to take revenge on the affairs of the Country of Waves.

It was the sixth day after Cross Country returned from Konoha Village. Suddenly, he received information from the elite of the Uchiha clan. Cross Country remained silent for a period of time in front of Kimimaro and other little guys.

  followed by.

 Wait until a faint smile appeared on the off-road face.

The famous shadow mage in the ninja world showed his power for the first time in front of Kimimaro and other little guys!


 “Can I finally fight you?”

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