Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 648: Earth Shadow Attacks (Part 1)

 The crisis is coming!

The threat from the Iwa Ninja Village finally began when the alliance of the four races began to invade the country of Waves.

But to be honest, in the face of the crisis in the Iwa Ninja Village, in addition to being able to maintain a normal mentality while off-roading and silently teaching Kimimaro and other little guys, there are also elites from the Uchiha clan, who are from the Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans. Among the elites, there is a sense of panic, because the guards of the Kingdom of Waves cannot be compared with the Iwa Ninja Village. The current combat power of the Kingdom of Waves is even higher than that of the Iwa Ninja Village. Underground!

Many pseudo-Hokage fans think that during World War I, World War II, and World War III, Konoha Village won a very simple victory and established its reputation as the number one ninja village in the ninja world. This is actually wrong. In fact, in addition to the Mist Ninja Village, whether it is the Iwa Ninja Village, the Cloud Ninja Village, or the Sand Ninja Village, they have all brought threats to the Konoha Village. If there were no cross-country participation in the third war, Konoha Village's title as the No. 1 Ninja Village in the Ninja World might now be given to Kumo Ninja Village.

After all, the Cloud Ninja Village in the original Naruto novel, when it participated in the third war at the end, it was almost equal to overpowering the Konoha Village, right?

The Iwa Ninja Village, led by the Third Tsuchikage Tōtōhō Onoki, also threatens the existence of the Konoha Village. To use a little metaphor, the third Tsuchikage is the third generation Hokage in Konoha Village. They have high majesty in the ninja world. Even though they are old, they are still at the pinnacle of the ninja world. For a newly famous ninja like Cross Country, even if they can It was a sensation in the ninja world, but if you really want to compare it with guys like the Third Tsuchikage and the Third Hokage, it is impossible for ordinary ninjas to think highly of off-roaders.

However, if others don’t think highly of themselves, how can they not think highly of themselves in cross-country?

Since he has declared war on the Tsuchikage, with his off-road capabilities, it is impossible to be afraid of a surprise attack by the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village.

 So, when you are in the Country of Waves, the cross-country home is just moved from the inside of the Country of Waves to the border of the Country of Waves. There, Cross Country was silently waiting for the attack of Iwa Ninja Village, preparing to solve the crisis in Iwa Ninja Village. What shocked Kimimaro, Gaara and the other little guys was that when Cross Country was waiting for the Iwa Ninja Village to attack, they did not dispatch any of the elites from the four Uchiha, Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi families. !

“Tell me, what do you think, Master?”

During the training, Kimimaro glanced at the cross country who was silently guarding there, and secretly said to Gaara and others in front of him: "Although I have been in the Mist Ninja Village, I have heard of the prestige of the Iwa Ninja Village. I heard Temari say some time ago that the third Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village and the third Hokage of Konoha Village are the most powerful ninjas in the ninja world. Although their masters are very powerful and are also famous shadow mage in the ninja world, they have to. Against the Third Tsuchikage, Master will not have the energy to deal with the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village."

 “The country of Nabo.”

 “Is it dangerous?”

After listening to Kimimaro's words, Gaara, who had remained silent, suddenly said: "Moreover, we can't understand Master's thoughts at all. You may not know that those who Master dispatched from Konoha Village These guys should be the ninjas of the Uchiha, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans. The country of Waves is in a period of development, and the master is unwilling to use the Uchiha, Akimichi, and Yamanaka clans. After all, they are foreigners. Now It is the moment to stabilize people's hearts. If they are sent to fight, they may be misunderstood and the alliance of the four races in the country of wave will be broken. "

“But why doesn’t Master even use members of his own family, the Nara clan?”

 “Could it be.”

“There is some rift between the master and his family, so are you trying to mend it now?”

After Gaara finished speaking, Kimimaro and others were all silent. Only Temari and Kankuro, they were not disciples of cross-country in the true sense, so while they were practicing silently, their eyes were already on On Gaara's body.

There is no doubt that if there is any crisis in the Country of Waves, then Temari and Kankuro's first thought will definitely not be like Kimimaro and Gaara, who accompanied Cross Country to face the crisis in Iwa Ninja Village. Time took Gaara back to Suna Ninja Village. The little Temari and Kankuro knew how important Gaara was to Suna Ninja Village. They also knew that no matter how arrogant Iwa Ninja Village was and privately started a ninja war, it was not something they could do.

 So, with the big tree of Sand Ninja Village behind them, Temari and Kankuro were not worried about Gaara's safety at all.

 Just like Gaara and Kimimaro, when they look secretly at the crossroads.


Temari, Kankuro actually has a feeling that all the off-road aura is hidden, and when it breaks out again, it must be very terrifying!

 The next day!

 Cultivation is still cultivation.

 It seems that when training under the command of Yuanyang, Gaara, Kimimaro and other little guys lived the same life every day. However, little guys like Gaara and Kimimaro, who are determined to become stronger and have different understandings from ordinary people, know that they can endure the hard training. And like Bai, the last time he broke out the Ice Escape Secret Technique, he vaguely understood something. Now even if he is carrying out very painful training, he can still grit his teeth.

Only Temari and Kankuro were very excited when they started training with the Cross Country, thinking that they would definitely become stronger by following the Shadow Master. Unfortunately, after following the cross-country training for a period of time, Temari and Kankuro began to secretly carry out their original training and gave up on the cross-country training plan. The reason, of course, is that while training with Cross Country, Temari and Kankuro didn't make any progress.

 However, Temari and Kankuro don't know that they haven't made any progress, which is actually a good thing. The so-called accumulation and training of cross-country planning may be a little boring for the time being, but it is to lay the foundation for the future of these little guys. The better the foundation, the faster you will improve in the future. But as mentioned before, since Temari and Kankuro don't regard themselves as cross-country disciples, why should they bother to teach them cross-country?

So, once again, Kankuro discovered Temari and did not carry out the training he arranged. He just smiled lightly and didn't say much. However, when the training of Kimimaro and the other little guys was about to be completed, the figure of Cross Country suddenly appeared in front of Kimimaro and the other little guys, and immediately smiled and said to these little guys:

"Kimimaro, Gaara, you have been worried about the affairs of the country of Waves for the past few days, haven't you?"

 “Yes, Master!”

Listening to the cross-country question, Gaara and Kimimaro responded in unison, and then Kimimaro frowned and said: "Master, I heard Gaara say that you seem to have some conflicts with the ninjas from the families in Konoha Village. ? It doesn’t matter, Master, if other families don’t support you, I, the Kaguya Clan, will definitely support you! Master, I’ll go to the Mist Ninja Village for support now, okay?”

"You are facing a crisis in the Iwa Ninja Village. It is really too dangerous!"

 "And my Sand Ninja Village!"

After Kimimaro said that, Gaara said slowly: "Master, I can go back and ask for help from Father, and come to help you resist the crisis in the Iwa Ninja Village!"


 When Gaara finished speaking, Shiro was very anxious, because among the disciples of Cross Country, he was the only one without power.

However, after listening to Gaara, Kimimaro, and Haku's words, Yukio smiled happily and didn't say much. Only when Kagura's heart eyes were opened, there was a chakra fluctuation that could not be concealed by anything, and when he slowly stepped into Yuji's perception, Yuji slowly put away the smile on his face, the same as Kimimaro in front of him. , Gaara, Bai said:

“Master appreciates your good intentions.”

“But now Master has more important things to do. Are you willing to follow me?”

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