Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 649: The Earth Shadow is Coming (Part 2)


As soon as Xue Yu finished speaking, Gaara, Kimimaro and Shiro nodded vigorously.

Even though Temari and Kankuro wanted to stop Gaara, unfortunately they didn't dare to show anything in front of the cross-country. They could only bite the bullet and follow Gaara, Kimimaro, and Shiro's footsteps, walking silently. Off-road is behind it.

 About an hour later.



When Gaara, Kimimaro and the other little guys followed the cross-country to a mountain peak at the border of the Land of Waves, what did they see?

 What caught the eyes of these little guys was the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village!

 For the little guys who have never participated in a ninja battle, this is the first time they have seen so many elite ninjas. At a glance, I can only feel that the road ahead is full of traces of the Iwa Ninja, as if they could level the mountains on the border of the Land of Waves just by walking silently. Taking a deep breath, Kimimaro, who had always been fearless of the sky and the earth, felt his heartbeat speed up, and Gaara felt panic spreading throughout his body. Shiro looked timid and hid. He was behind the cross-country, as if he was afraid that the Iwa ninja below would eat him.

Temari and Kankuro also had a look of fear. They wanted to escape with Gaara several times, but unfortunately they stopped thinking of escaping when the off-road eyes glanced at them unconsciously.

 But the momentum of the Iwa ninja ninja troops coming was really terrifying.

So, seeing the Iwa Ninjas in front getting closer and closer, Temari finally couldn't help but said: "Master Shadow Mage, do you think we should leave? If we are discovered by the Iwa Ninjas, then we..."

  “It’s not necessary.”

Before Temari could finish her words, Yukio's gaze slowly fell on Kimimaro, Gaara and Shiro from Temari and Kankuro, and said with a faint smile: "Gaara, Kimima Lu, Bai, do you know what you are lacking now?"

  “It’s strength.”

 After the off-road questioning, Gaara was the first to answer.

 “No, it’s combat experience.”

 After Gaara, Kimimaro frowned and answered the same question.

When Gaara and Kimimaro finished speaking, the clever Byakugan looked at the Iwa ninja troops below, and suddenly said timidly: "Master, do you mean that what we lack is battlefield experience? You He was a famous ninja during the war. Now the ninja world has basically entered peace, so you want us to train on the battlefield? "

After Shiro finished speaking, both Kimimaro and Gaara looked enlightened. When they immediately looked at the Iwa ninja troops below, they still couldn't help but swallowed their saliva, feeling very nervous.

However, what Bai said was indeed what Cross Country wanted to say.

Because of this, Bai nodded towards Gaara and Kimimaro, and then said slowly: "War is very training for people. The ninjas of my time basically trained on the battlefield. However, even if they have not actually killed enemies on the battlefield, they have felt the atmosphere of the battlefield. However, in peacetime, most ninjas in the ninja village can only practice silently, lacking the training of the battlefield, and those simple tasks. How can we develop a truly strong person?”

"To put it bluntly, it is absolutely impossible for a jounin who has just been promoted to be able to compete with a jounin during the war. In real combat, a jounin during the war can at least beat a jounin who has just been promoted. There are quite a few little guys. So, I brought you here mainly to let you feel the atmosphere of the battlefield."

 “As for the battle.”

 “Of course it’s my job!”

 Having said that, off-roading, I saw the scouts of Iwa Ninja Village, and they were already close to within one kilometer in front.

Within this range, Kimimaro, Gaara and other little ones would inevitably be in danger, so Cross Country stopped his words and carefully instructed: "Kimimaro, Gaara, Shiro, remember, When the battle begins, don't show your face, and don't use chakra. Now I use my secret technique to block other people's perception of you. As long as you stay within the range of my secret technique, you will not be sensed by the Iwa Ninja. If the type of ninja finds out, then you are safe."

“Master is going to fight, Shiro, you are the most sensible here, please watch Kimimaro carefully, Gaara.”

“If they want to help me, remember to stop them.”

“And Kimimaro, Gaara, remember not to be impulsive, okay?”

 After saying that, Gaara, Kimimaro, and Shiro nodded vigorously when they met in the cross country, and suddenly their figures disappeared from the place.

 What are you doing cross-country?

 There is no doubt that Cross Country must have gone to deal with the scouts from Iwa Ninja Village.

 That's right, the number of ninja troops attacking from Iwa Ninja Village is indeed beyond the imagination of Cross Country. Originally, Cross Country thought that for the sake of a country of waves, the Iwa Ninja Village would at best send a ninja force to attack. At the most, the more famous elite Jonin in the Iwa Ninja Village would lead the team. Who would have thought that when he sensed the movement of the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village, Cross Country discovered that three ninja troops had attacked Iwa Ninja Village, and the leader was the Third Tsuchikage!

 Is he crazy?

That is the country of Waves, not the Leaf Village!

As for coming in person, are you still leading three ninja troops?

 Obviously, when the Third Tsuchikage personally led the team here, he vowed to conquer the country of waves and capture the cross country alive. Because, Cross Country once harmed the ninjas of their Iwa Ninja Village, even if it was for the sake of the ninjas of their Iwa Ninja Village, the third Tsuchikage needed an explanation, and Cross Country's life was the best explanation.

 So, while slowly advancing, the third Tsuchikage had no expression on his face, except for occasionally touching his waist.


 The third Tsuchikage's waist has never been very good.

Not long after, it felt like the Kingdom of Waves was approaching, so the Third Tsuchikage carefully sent scouts to explore the situation inside the Kingdom of Waves. With this caution, and in the case of a sneak attack, let alone the border of the Kingdom of Waves, maybe even the border of the Kingdom of Fire would be in danger when facing such an attack.

It's a pity that the third Tsuchikage had many calculations, but he failed to realize that the rising star of the ninja world, the Kage Master, was far more terrifying than he imagined.

  It took a full three minutes for a scout, or rather an exploration team, to be sent to investigate, but it didn't disappear at all. The third Tsuchikage frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong. After five minutes, no one came to report the situation. The Third Tsuchikage ordered the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village to stop temporarily.

Immediately, almost when the Third Tsuchikage ordered the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village to stop advancing, there were several sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang"!

 That’s a human head!

 It is the head of the scout sent by the Third Tsuchikage!

 Hyper-blooded heads fell from the sky one by one. The only thing on the faces of these heads may be the look of shock!

Seeing that all the scouts he sent were dead, the corner of the third Tsuchikage's eye twitched fiercely, and he was about to go and investigate in person to see what kind of monsters were hidden in front of him. Who would have thought that before the Third Tsuchikage used his secret technique, his body slowly floated up, and a cold voice came from the cliff in front, reaching the ears of all the Iwa ninjas, and even the Third Tsuchikage!

“Tsuchikage, I, the shadow mage, have been waiting for you for a long time!”

 “Come up and die!”

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