Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 654: Shadow instant has no solution (Part 1)

 “A group fight?”

Deprived of the five senses, it is indeed an ability extended from the Yin Escape Brand. Even the third Tsuchikage had to ask for help from the ninja troops of the Iwa Ninja Village under his command when he was deprived of the five senses by the Yin Escape Brand ability.

 The moment he heard the order from the Third Tsuchikage, Cross Country obviously had no chance to kill the Third Tsuchikage. In other words, when facing the Third Tsuchikage and the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village, Cross Country did not have the energy to deal with the Third Tsuchikage, so after depriving the Third Tsuchikage of his five senses, Cross Country sighed deeply. He took a breath and secretly thought that he had missed an opportunity to kill the third Tsuchikage in front of the battle. Immediately, when faced with the invasion of the ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of Zixie's mouth.

"If it is other shadow-level powerhouses, such as Orochimaru, Tsunade Hime, and Jiraiya, it is easier to say that they can summon psychic beasts to fight when facing group battles. But for other shadow-level powerhouses, they will face With so many ninjas coming to invade, it will definitely take a while. After all, ninja troops usually form a formation to fight."

 “Like the battle formation of Iwa Ninja Village.”

“Is it mainly about defense?”

I have to say that the vision of cross-country is really different now. Just by looking at it, I can tell that the battle formation of the ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village is a defensive formation. If you want to solve Every ninja in the battle formation has a difficult time. However, that is for ordinary shadow-level experts, but not for shadow mages in the ninja world.

The reason why the Third Tsuchikage wanted to send his ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village to invade, a faint sneer can be seen on the face of the cross country

 The reason is that off-roaders are never afraid of group battles!


The physical energy in the body suddenly burst out. Using the "Moon Step", Cross Country abandoned the Third Tsuchikage who was deprived of his five senses behind him, and instead came to the front of the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village.

Hidden in the darkness, Kimimaro, Gaara and the other little guys, when they saw Cross Country fighting the third Tsuchikage earlier, they silently felt in their hearts that their master was indeed a famous shadow mage in the ninja world. Unexpectedly, even the long-famous Third Tsuchikage couldn't get the slightest benefit from him.

 However, when the ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village invaded, the hearts of Kimimaro and the other little guys suddenly accelerated their beating speed. Because just the aura of the ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village made Kimimaro and the other little guys feel panic and fear. But just when Kimimaro and the other little guys couldn't control their emotions, and when their souls were about to collapse in front of the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village, the cross-country "Moonstep" suddenly stepped forward. , just shouted coldly!


It’s just a cold shout!


The ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village formed a formation, and the momentum they finally gathered suddenly ended there.

 Many times, laypeople don’t understand the importance of morale.

 In fact, morale is very important during war, no matter what kind of war it is.

  For example, let’s take the battle on the ninja side.

The high-powered ninja army, each ninja can exert at least 200% of their combat power when fighting. But if morale is low, it would be very good if every ninja in the ninja army can exert his own strength. Often when morale is low, ninjas in the ninja army usually perform abnormally!

And the ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village led by the Third Tsuchikage are obviously the elite of Iwa Ninja Village. Only when dealing with big ninja villages like Konoha Village and Cloud Ninja Village will they come from Iwa Ninja Village. Move out. Just to seek justice from the cross country, the Third Tsuchikage just wanted to tell the newly famous shadow mage in the ninja world that under special circumstances, the Iwa Ninja Village is not so easy to provoke, such a high-quality ninja troop can be led by the Third Tsuchikage himself. The purpose of coming here is just to attack a small country of waves.

Because of this, this elite ninja force had adjusted its momentum when it first invaded. Therefore, when the high morale came with the invasion of ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village, Kimimaro and the other little guys had to face the terrible consequences of psychological collapse.


Failed to make Kimimaro, Gaara and the other little guys collapse psychologically. At this moment, Cross Country's cold shout completely shattered the momentum of the ninja troops in the Iwa Ninja Village in front of them!

 Because of what?

 To put it bluntly, morale is an expression of spiritual will!

Since it is an expression of spiritual will, it naturally belongs to the ranks of the secret arts of escape.

Cross Country is a master of the secret art of Yin Escape. Now he can forcefully disintegrate the morale of the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village with a cold shout. Naturally, when the cold shout is issued, he secretly activates the Yin Escape brand. Spiritual energy!

In an instant, he used the spiritual energy in his own Yin Escape brand to forcibly suppress the spiritual will of countless ninjas in the Iwa Ninja Village Ninja Army. This is the horror of the cross-country Yin Escape secret technique. Of course, after using so much spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in the Cross-country Yin Escape Brand is also consumed a lot. But compared to the amount of spiritual energy stored in the sixth stage of the Yin Escape Brand, the remaining spiritual energy in cross-country is still enough to fight against the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village in front of them.

  followed by.

 The moment a "moon step" struck, Xuan Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

 Next second!


 Use the palm blade sharp gun!

While maintaining the sharp spear in his hand, Cross Country suddenly arrived in front of the two elite jounin of Iwa Ninja Village. Without any hesitation, he controlled and released the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand. First, he condensed the shadow escape flow. The secret technique was to cast the Shadow Sewing Technique, which directly imprisoned the two elite Jonin-level Iwa Ninja Village ninjas.

Immediately, he slowly raised the sharp spear that shot out from his palm. In the first round of the cross-country battle with the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village, he first violently shattered the morale of the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village. , and then killed two elite jounin in the ninja force of Iwa Ninja Village.

So, after taking care of the two elite Jonin-level ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village, what are you going to do off-road next?

  followed by.

Off-road is suddenly ready to explode the true strength of the shadow mage, and use his own strength to tell the third generation of Tsuchikage, and at the same time tell every ninja in the ninja army of Iwa Ninja Village.

 Why is the shadow mage an invincible existence in a group battle?

“I wanted to tell you just now, the Third Tsuchikage.”

"You want to use the advantage of numbers to limit my strength, it's just a dream."

 “Because the greater the number of enemies”

“The secret technique of shadow escape I use is even more terrifying!”

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