Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 655: Shadow instant has no solution (Part 2)

Little guys like Kimimaro, Gaara, and others have always wanted to ask Cross Country a question.

 That is, faced with the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village led by the Third Tsuchikage himself, why can Cross Country come to fight alone? Could it be that he believes in his own strength so much that he can sweep away the attack on Iwa Ninja Village?


 It must be yes!

 Furthermore, besides believing in his own strength and being able to compete with the Iwa Ninja Village, the main reasons why Cross Country dared to come to fight alone are divided into three points!

 The first point is the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape, which is the most terrifying secret technique suitable for group battles!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


I have just completed the first round of confrontation with the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village. Cross-country is the first reason why I dare to come to fight alone. That is to show that my secret technique of shadow escape is the most suitable for group battles. Horrible secret technique!

Suddenly, controlling the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the off-road palm slowly fell to the ground. The shadow under his feet suddenly spread away, and in an instant it covered a ten-kilometer radius. in. That is a terrifying range of ten kilometers, whether it is the third Tsuchikage who was deprived of his five senses behind the cross-country, or the ninja troop members of the Iwa Ninja Village in front, or even Kimimaro and Gaara hidden on the cliff of Wave Country. The little guy was shrouded in the dark shadow of the shadow world when he was coming over the cross-country road.

There is no doubt that when the six stages of Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand are condensed, Cross Country's Shadow World Descendence is a terrifying secret technique comparable to the First Hokage's Tree Realm Descendance. In an instant, the huge spiritual energy was condensed into the Shadow Realm. In an instant, the powerful confinement ability of the Shadow Realm was used to imprison at least 30% of the elite ninjas in the ninja army of Iwa Ninja Village. Moreover, even if the remaining ninjas escaped from the cross-country shadow world and were imprisoned, they jumped high in the air.

 However, the second important reason why Cross Country dared to come alone to face the Iwa Ninja Village was because of the emergence of manifestation.

 That’s the terrain advantage!

As early as when Iwa Ninja Village was preparing to provoke the Country of Waves, Cross Country calculated early that the only way for the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village to go to the Country of Waves was the road in front of them. Therefore, when Cross Country brought Kimimaro, Gaara and others to come silently, they could meet the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village led by the third Tsuchikage. Therefore, when Cross Country casts Shadow Realm Descend, he calculated the surrounding terrain before using Shadow Realm Descend.

 The terrain in front of you is like this.

Except for the rear, where the cross-country confrontation with the Third Tsuchikage was on the cliff, the front was all flat land. On the flat ground, there are no trees, and there is no place that cannot be covered by the shadow realm. It is also because of this that the large-scale Shadow Realm coming from cross-country can severely imprison so many elite ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village. It was also because of this that when he sneered at the members of the Iwa Ninja Village Ninja Troops jumping ahead, the sneer raised at the corner of Cross Country's mouth suddenly became a little more intense.

"There is no place to stay. As long as you fall from the sky, you will be imprisoned by the arrival of my shadow realm."

"Under the strong confinement ability of the Shadow World, all you ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village are just lambs in my eyes. So, the Third Tsuchikage, you lead the ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village to attack the Waves Country is a wrong choice. My secret technique of Shadow Escape is suitable for group battles, and the terrain of the Country of Waves is not conducive for you to avoid my secret technique of Shadow Escape. No matter how many ninjas you send from Iwa Ninja Village, it will not work for me. It’s nothing but death.”

"not to mention"

“My secret technique of shadow escape is not only suitable for group battles, but also the secret technique of shadow escape that I use”

 “Are you equally good at defense?”

Silently thinking about the third important reason why he came alone and faced the invasion of the Iwa Ninja Village, Cross Country took a deep breath and saw him jumping high in front of him to avoid the ninjas from the Iwa Ninja Village who came to imprison him in the Shadow Realm. As expected, they were all thinking about forming seals in the air, or casting ninjutsu, or using secret techniques to attack off-road, the creator of the arrival of the shadow world.

 Obviously, this is a very normal idea.

No matter who sees Cross Country using the Shadow Realm to descend and imprisoning so many elites on their side, their first thought is to capture the thieves first. As long as they can solve the Cross Country using the Shadow Realm to Come, then the people on their side will You will be able to escape smoothly. Unfortunately, these Iwa Ninja Village ninjas have good ideas, but it is very difficult to complete them.

Just when the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village in front of Cross Country had finished forming seals, or were using ninjutsu to attack, or throwing hidden weapons to force Cross Country to put away the Shadow Realm and come, there was a sudden "boom"!

The shadow from the foot of the off-road suddenly swept over and formed a huge shadow shield, directly covering the body of the off-road.

 There is no doubt that it is the absolute defense for off-roading!

 That is one of the three main reasons why off-roading is used to conquer the ninjas of the Iwa Ninja Village in front of us!

With a huge shadow shield used for defense, and with absolute defense used for defense, no one can even think about using the cross-country Shadow Realm Advent. Immediately afterwards, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was condensed again, and a huge amount of spiritual energy was delivered. Shrouded in the black shadow descending from the shadow world, there are shadow hands extending one after another.

These shadow hands followed the body of each Iwa Ninja Village ninja and climbed up under the fearful eyes of the imprisoned Iwa Ninja Village ninjas. In just a few seconds, they climbed to the top of the imprisoned Iwa Ninja Village ninjas. On the neck of the Iwa Ninja Village ninja. Immediately, there were countless "clicks", and nearly 30% of the ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village died tragically directly under the cross-country secret technique of Shadow Escape!

 In just a few seconds, nearly 30% of the elite members of the Iwa Ninja Village died tragically. Such losses were beyond the imagination of the Third Tsuchikage.

Even when the companions below died, the ninjas who also became members of the ninja force of Iwa Ninja Village stared at the cross country with shocked eyes. Obviously, they never expected that under the leadership of the Third Tsuchikage himself, When they came to attack the Kingdom of Waves, their side lost so many people!

The only thing the Third Tsuchikage could feel lucky about was that he was deprived of his five senses and had no idea what the losses of the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village were.

It is estimated that if the Third Tsuchikage knew that the ninja troops from the Iwa Ninja Village under his command came to attack Cross Country, they would lose a full 30% of their elite troops before they even reached a hundred meters in front of Cross Country.

 The third Tsuchikage must regret it!

 Why is he?

 Are you coming to provoke the Shadow Mage?

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