Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 656: Shadow instant has no solution (Part 2)

“Is that guy a monster? We don’t even have the power to fight back in front of him!”

"What should I do? I'm about to fall to the ground. Do I want to die in the country of Waves like Murata did?"

 “I don’t want to die! The war is over, and the ninja war period has passed, so what does it matter if I die now!”

“Damn it, the gap is too big. Where is Tsuchikage-sama? Tsuchikage-sama, come and save us!”

That was not the exclamation of the ninjas of Iwanin Village, but the voice of the ninjas of Iwanin Village.

There is no doubt that with the condensation of the six stages of the Yin Escape Brand, the auxiliary ability extended from the Yin Escape Brand is also getting stronger little by little.

Especially after Cross Country eliminated nearly 30% of the ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village and devoured the spiritual energy of these ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village, as the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was replenished, Cross Country only felt that the Yin Escape Brand's assisting ability was getting better and better. It has become stronger and stronger, and now even the voices of the ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village can be heard. This is undoubtedly very good news.

 Then, in just two rounds of fighting, nearly 30% of the elite ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village were eliminated. Without the leadership of the Third Tsuchikage, the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village naturally collapsed. That was a sign of low morale. These Iwa Ninja Village ninjas no longer had the confidence to compete with cross-country.

 While watching the ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village fleeing, Cross Country unexpectedly did not go after the ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village who fled. Looking at the direction in which they fled, Cross Country's eyes only fell on the ninjas of the Iwa Ninja Village and on the third Tsuchikage behind them. Because, the third Tsuchikage behind him suddenly broke through the control that deprived him of his five senses, and his five senses were restored to his body. However, when he saw that the ninja troops from Iwa Ninja Village on his side began to flee.

The third Tsuchikage's pupils tightened, and immediately like the ninjas who fled the Iwa Ninja Village, the Third Tsuchikage also disappeared in front of the cross country when the Iwa Ninja Village was facing a defeat.

 “Master, you.”

 “You are so awesome!”

 Returning to Kimimaro, Gaara and the other little guys, I saw Kimimaro, Gaara and the other little guys' eyes with little stars twinkling in their eyes, full of admiration. Even Temari and Kankuro were staring at Cross Country with shocked eyes. The previous confrontation between Cross Country and Iwa Ninja Village had already made these little guys fully aware of why the brother in front of them, who was not much older than them, Can become a famous shadow mage in the ninja world.

 While Gaara, Kimimaro and the other little guys were talking about their admiration, and chattering around asking questions, they took a slow breath, and these little guys instantly became quiet. Immediately, with a slight smile, he said to the little guys in front of him: "A real strong person has no weaknesses. When I practice for you, I actually hope that you can become a ninja with no weaknesses like me. "

Saying that, Yuexiu looked at Kimimaro first and said: "Kimimaro, I restrict you from using the blood of your Kaguya clan to limit the corpse bone veins. The first reason is that there are certain dangers in the use of corpse bone veins. I You must be careful about your family's blood inheritance limit. The second reason is that your strength is the corpse bone vein, and your weakness is the corpse bone vein. It is simply the best blood inheritance limit in the ninja world. If you rely too much on it. As for corpse bone veins, it can become stronger quickly, but it will have many weaknesses in the future. "

“I want my disciples to become strong, and naturally I don’t want you to have weaknesses, so remember my teachings and don’t use corpse veins as a last resort, do you understand?”


Hearing the instructions from Yukio, Kimimaro nodded heavily, and then he also smiled at Yukio.

After giving instructions to Kimimaro, Cross Country looked at Gaara and said with a smile: "Gaara, you are a Jinchuuriki. It is not a secret between us, so I will tell you directly. Your strength is the same as Kimimaro, that is your talent, it is also the Ichibi Shukaku in your body. However, if you want to truly tame the Ichibi Shukaku, you cannot borrow Shukaku's power. What advantage do you have when fighting against it?"

“Here with me, practice slowly and become stronger slowly. The early progress may be slower, but you can also become a strong person in the future, a strong person without weaknesses, you know?”

After Off-Road said this, Gaara also nodded, and he, who was serious about words, also smiled in front of Off-Road.

Only Bai, when Xue Xue's eyes fell on him, he lowered his head timidly.

Knowing that Bai's weakness was mainly a matter of character, Cross Country sighed helplessly. He just comforted Bai with a few words and told Bai to practice well. He also told Bai not to use the family's Ice Escape Blood Successor as a last resort. There is no more to say about the limits. As for Temari, Kankuro was slightly disappointed when he found that Yukio didn't mention him.

 But isn’t that normal?

 How you treat me, I will treat you.

When Yuki faces danger, Gaara, Kimimaro, and Shiro, who are his disciples, are all willing to accompany Yuki to die. On the other hand, Temari and Kankuro, since you have some nastiness in your hearts, even if I want to teach you well, but you never listen, so there is nothing I can do.

  followed by.

  From the cliffs of the Land of Waves, I returned home.

There was no need for cross-country instructions at all. Gaara, Kimimaro and other little guys began to practice hard. Even Temari and Kankuro gave up their own training and started practicing under cross-country instructions.

 Obviously, this cross-country trip showed the powerful strength of the Shadow Mage, which greatly touched the little ones.

Presumably, these little guys must keep the training methods of the cross-country teachings in mind in the future. They will never be like Temari and Kankuro before, who easily gave up the training methods of the cross-country teachings when they saw that the training had no effect.

  As for cross-country, why did he return home?

 Have you forgotten the threat from Iwa Ninja Village?

 Of course not!

 Returning home from cross-country is actually giving the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village a time to digest their fear, or in other words, a time for the fear to continue to spread. If on the previous battlefield, Cross Country was preparing to kill all the ninjas in the Iwa Ninja Village Ninja Army, then if the Iwa Ninja Village Ninja Army counterattacked before death, Cross Country might all be injured. After all, the opponent's The numerical advantage is really huge.

 But returning to the camp where they were stationed, the situation would become different.

When returning to the camp, every ninja in these Iwa Ninja Village ninja troops must be thinking about how terrifying the strength shown by Cross Country was.

Furthermore, at night, when going off-road, you are also prepared for a sneak attack.

There is no doubt that the cross-country who went for the sneak attack at night was planning to tell the Third Tsuchikage and the members of the ninja force of Iwa Ninja Village.

 In fact, other shadow mages have no solution other than group battles.

 The art of shadow instant!

 Even more unsolvable!

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