Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 676: The Valley of Beginning (Part 2)


 Start from the Land of Waves!

Without any hesitation, he cut off the head of Uchiha Obito after the "blackening". When Cross Country took the head of Uchiha Obito after the "blackening", he naturally did not want the Mangekyō Sharingan of Uchiha Obito. Instead, he wanted to take Uchiha Obito after his "blackening" to witness history.

 Witness the history of the country of waves!

 Next second!


 The figure disappeared. Off-road only created a shadow clone and headed towards the direction where the "Akatsuki" organization invaded. As for the invasion from the other two directions, Cross Country believes that Yahiko in the Kingdom of Waves and the people from the Four Clans Alliance can help to resist it a little. Even if the Uchiha, Yamanaka, and Akimichi clans are not prepared to defend the newly developed country of Waves, Cross Country still believes that the elites of the Nara clan can help him resist a little.

 There is no doubt that the current situation is very critical, and the country of Waves is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

 However, there was no look of anxiety on Cross Country's face.

Especially when he once again faced the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village led by the Third Tsuchikage, Cross Country's eyes were full of determination, and then he just pointed at the "blackened" Uchiha Obito's head and murmured: "Obito, be careful. If you want to get light in the darkness, the first obstacle is the third Tsuchikage and the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village. They must be completely defeated before they can withdraw from our Nara cross-country preparations. Guarded country.”

 “Since that’s the case”

 “Third Tsuchikage, come and fight!”

When Cross Country came to the end and invited the Third Tsuchikage to come and fight, Cross Country's figure echoed in the ears of the Third Tsuchikage and even every ninja in Iwa Ninja Village. There is no doubt that this is the secret technique of Yin Escape mastered by Cross Country. In the case of exploding the spiritual energy in his own Yin Escape brand, Cross Country uses the direction of spiritual communication to put his voice into the hearts of every ninja in Iwa Ninja Village. In their ears, they can recall the terror of the Shadow Mage.

Sure enough, recalling the madness of the Shadow Mage on the battlefield, and recalling the unexplained deaths of their companions at night, many ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village had timid expressions on their faces. They clearly did not want to encounter the Shadow Mage on the battlefield. An ordinary character. Only the Third Tsuchikage recalled the loss of the Iwa Ninja Village while listening to Cross Country's words. Moreover, the Third Tsuchikage now knows that the Kage Mage's group fighting ability ranks among the top in the ninja world.


  It should be said to be the first!

 Shadow Mage's group fighting ability is a symbol of invincibility in the ninja world!

 So, in order to reduce the number of casualties among the ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village under his command, the Third Tsuchikage had to go and fight off-road in person. Therefore, when the Third Tsuchikage began to form a strange seal, the figure of the Third Tsuchikage suddenly disappeared. When the Third Tsuchikage appeared again, Cross Country saw the palm of the Third Tsuchikage. There is a milky white light shining inside. What is contained in that milky white light is not the terrifying dust escape power?

Escape from the dust!

 It’s Chen Escape again!

The last time he faced the Third Tsuchikage's Dust Escape, Cross Country had time to use the Shadow Escape Brand to deprive him of his five senses and fight against the Third Tsuchikage in front of him. So, now that the Third Tsuchikage had prepared Dust Escape early, he was ready to use Dust Escape when he showed up. There was no time for Off-Road to use Yin Escape Brand to deprive him of his five senses. How would Off-Road resist against the Third Tsuchikage? What about Dust Escape, which has the effect of annihilating shadows?

 The answer is

 The Art of the Shadow Dragon!


In an instant, the third Tsuchikage's dust escape secret technique was released. Cross Country also suddenly cast the new shadow escape secret technique he had mastered, the Shadow Dragon Technique, in front of the third Tsuchikage.

The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was outputted surgingly, and a figure shrouded in darkness slowly appeared in front of the Third Tsuchikage. There is no doubt that that was when the secret technique of dust escape had just arrived. As long as the milky white light shrouded the cross country, the third generation Tsuchikage would not be able to escape from the dust directly even if he cast any secret technique. Escape from within the envelope.

 But what happened next was something the Third Tsuchikage never expected.


When the first form of the Shadow Dragon Technique gradually enveloped the cross-country body and turned into a skeleton-like dark figure, the power of the Dust Escape Secret Technique burst out, and the Dust Escape with the annihilation effect actually shattered .

 What was shattered was just the cross-country Shadow Dragon Technique!

In other words, using the first form of the Shadow Dragon Technique, Cross Country completely blocked the Third Tsuchikage's Dust Escape Secret Technique!


 Completely shocked!

From the beginning of practicing the secret art of dust escape, the third generation Tsuchikage never thought that someone could resist his own secret art of dust escape. However, now that the facts are in front of us, the Third Tsuchikage cannot help but not believe it. Therefore, when the Third Tsuchikage's eyes were filled with astonishment, and he really didn't believe that someone could stop his secret dust escape technique, the cross-country was shrouded in fear. The dark figure that came disappeared due to the casting of the Dust Escape Secret Technique, and in an instant it condensed into shape again.

Furthermore, when casting the Shadow Dragon technique on this cross-country trip, there was no need to worry about the consumption of spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand.

 Shadow Dragon Art, initial form.

 Shadow Dragon Art, first form.

 Shadow Dragon Art, second form.

 Shadow Dragon Art, third form.

 Shadow Dragon Art

 Perfect form!


Wearing dragon scale armor and a dragon-headed helmet, the figure of a ferocious dragon coiled around his body. With the output of the spiritual energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand, he suddenly appeared behind the off-road.

When looking at the shadow dragon figure behind him that looked like the God of War in the Nine Heavens, the Third Tsuchikage was stunned. The members of the ninja force of Iwa Ninja Village in front were even more stunned.

For a moment, there was only one thought filling the minds of the Third Tsuchikage and the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village, and that was, was the shadow mage in front of him really a human?

 As for whether off-roaders are human beings, perhaps only he himself knows.

Furthermore, there is one thing that is very clear to Cross Country, and that is that when he fights the Iwa Ninja Village this time, he will be like the first Hokage and Madara who created the Valley of the End during the battle.

Now he wants to use the fierce power of the shadow dragon technique to create an initial valley on the border of the Kingdom of Waves!

 The implication is.

 The Valley of Beginning is a new beginning for the Country of Waves!

 Outsiders who step into the initial valley at will.

 Kill without mercy!

“The third Tsuchikage, all the ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village, and Obito who was just killed by me.”

“Watch carefully with your eyes, now is the moment for me, the Shadow Mage, to create history!”

"same with"

 “It’s time for the initial valley to take shape!”

 “Shadow Dragon Technique. Kill!”

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