Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 677: Six Paths of Reincarnation (Part 1)

 Shadow Dragon Art



That is a new cross-country secret technique of shadow escape, a secret technique that can only be cast in the perfect form of the shadow dragon technique.

 At this stage, it is also the strongest shadow escape secret technique that Off-Road has mastered in terms of attack!

When the shadow dragon in perfect form appeared in front of the Third Tsuchikage and the ninja troops of the Iwa Ninja Village, the shadow dragon, which was a hundred meters high, suddenly cast a dark shadow over the Third Tsuchikage and all the Iwa Ninjas. On the body of the village ninja. Looking at the hundred-meter-high Shadow Dragon, the Third Tsuchikage fell silent, and all the members of the Iwa Ninja Village Ninja Force fell into silence at the same time.

 Because, the third Tsuchikage and the ninjas of the Iwa Ninja Village have only now realized the real gap between them and the Shadow Mage. At the same time, all the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village, plus the third generation of Tsuchikage, also understood why Cross Country came to fight alone. It turned out that Cross Country had the capital to destroy them all long ago!

 However, when the dark figure condensed by the shadow dragon arrived, the ninjas of these Iwa Ninja Village, including the third Tsuchikage, just thought that Cross Country was sure of victory. When the dark figure formed by the shadow dragon slowly condensed into a giant divine dragon, coiling around the black shadow formed by the shadow dragon, the Third Tsuchikage subconsciously wanted to order his ninja troops to evacuate, lest everyone The army was annihilated at the border of the Kingdom of Waves.

Unexpectedly, by the time the Third Tsuchikage wanted to issue an order, it was already too late.

 Because, the giant dragon condensed by the Shadow Dragon Technique suddenly rushed towards the direction of the ninja troops of the Iwa Ninja Village under the control of a dark figure condensed by the Shadow Dragon.

 Darkness interweaves, and the dragon strangles!


Amidst the roaring sound of endless majesty, the dragon formed by the condensed black shadow suddenly rushed through the air. When they came to the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village, they were just under the majesty of the Dark Dragon. There was no possibility of resistance for these ninjas from Iwa Ninja Village. Their eyes were filled with only despair.

Sure enough, the Dark Divine Dragon only hovered in the sky for a moment, and then the figure of the Dark Divine Dragon rushed into the sky. When it appeared in front of the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village again, the Dark Divine Dragon was Falling from the sky, he crashed into the crowd of ninjas in Iwa Ninja Village.


 The whole world seemed to be shrouded in darkness.

 The whole world seems to be looking for light.


 Light appeared bit by bit, indicating that the outbreak of the Dark Dragon was finally over.

However, when the figure of the Dark Divine Dragon, plus the dark figure condensed by the Shadow Dragon, disappeared under the control of the off-road, the third Tsuchikage looked at the original location of the ninja of Iwa Ninja Village in a daze, and at a glance .

There is no one everywhere!

Under the power of the new Shadow Escape secret technique, the Shadow Dragon Technique, the ninja troops in the Iwa Ninja Village were wiped out in an instant!

Moreover, right where the ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village gathered before, a bottomless canyon suddenly appeared.

 That is the initial valley that off-roading wants to create!

 The Initial Valley of the future is the symbol of the entire country of Waves!

 The defense of the entire Kingdom of Waves!

However, while the Third Tsuchikage was in a daze, heartache for the destroyed ninja troops of Iwa Ninja Village, the cross-country figure came in front of the Third Tsuchikage. It can be said that as early as when Cross Country mastered the Shadow Dragon Technique, Cross Country knew how terrifying his Shadow Dragon Technique was. Moreover, to say that the consumption of the previous Shadow Dragon Technique was indeed very high, but don’t forget that the off-road Yin Escape brand has the ability of "Northern Darkness". With the "Northern Darkness" ability, it can swallow up the spiritual energy of the dead ninjas of Iwa Ninja Village. , Nowadays, some of the spiritual energy lost in the cross-country Yin Escape brand has been replenished.

Furthermore, the third Tsuchikage's mentality has completely changed due to the annihilation of the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village.

How can such a third-generation Tsuchikage be a cross-country rival?

However, it is still a bit troublesome to kill the third Tsuchikage here. After all, the Third Tsuchikage is only the leader of the Iwa Ninja Village, and cannot be said to be the only pillar. Therefore, if you kill the third Tsuchikage, you will only get a counterattack from the Iwa Ninja Village, which is something that Cross Country does not want to see. Even if his shadow mage does not need to be consumed when killing enemies and can face many enemies, the Kingdom of Waves always needs time to develop, right?

 Not long after its development, it encountered a war.

 A country that goes to war does not necessarily have no losses. For example, if the Country of Wind and the Country of Fire fight, even if the Country of Wind wins three times, won't the Country of Wind still be at a disadvantage when faced with attrition?

Who made the Fire Country rich in resources?

  followed by.

Coming in front of the Third Tsuchikage, he controlled the secret technique of shadow escape and directly cast a shadow suture technique.


 The shadow under his feet was connected to the shadow of the Third Tsuchikage before the Third Tsuchikage regained consciousness. Coupled with the terrifying confinement ability of the brand-new Yin Release brand, Cross Country imprisoned the third Tsuchikage in place, making the famous third Tsuchikage in the ninja world his prisoners.


 The Third Tsuchikage is, after all, a peak Kage level powerhouse and is not easy to capture.

It can be said that the third Tsuchikage came to his senses almost the moment he was captured by Cross Country and found that he was possessed by the secret technique of Shadow Escape. Recalling the destruction of the ninja troops in Iwa Ninja Village, the third Tsuchikage felt his heart bleed. Therefore, with a sudden burst of chakra, the third Tsuchikage suddenly shattered the cross country's shadow escape flow secret technique.

It's just that in the end, the third generation Tsuchikage was unable to go to compete with the cross country, because the third generation Tsuchikage was a very rational person.

 Since you lose, then just lose.

  Witnessing history, the third Tsuchikage at least knew that the country of Waves was far from being so easy to mess with.

But when leaving, the Third Tsuchikage still couldn't help but cast a deep glance at Cross Country. When Cross Country was also looking at the Third Tsuchikage, the Third Tsuchikage took a deep breath and ran. Road, while sighing silently:

 “At the beginning.”

 “You really shouldn’t let the shadow mage grow up!”

 Sighing silently, the third generation of Tsuchikage left.

 However, is it really possible to limit the growth of off-road vehicles?

 In the process of growing up in cross-country, it is not that we have not encountered strong enemies, let alone the test of life and death. It is precisely the training of life and death that gives Cross Country the strength to rival the ninja world today. If the Third Tsuchikage had wanted to eliminate off-roading from the beginning, it might have led to a leap in off-roading. Who told off-roading that when it came to this world, it was destined to be extraordinary?

However, after the crisis in Iwa Ninja Village has been resolved, there are still other crises to be resolved in Cross Country.

Especially when I found out that Yahiko, the ninja force of the Four Clans Alliance, was about to retreat under the attack of the ninja force organized by the "Akatsuki" organization.

Kagura's eyes were directly locked on the current commander of the "Akatsuki" organization. When looking at that person, Cross Country's pupils tightened slightly!

 “Those purple eyes...”

 “Is it the samsara eye?”

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