Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 732: The mystery of the first generation

 It is not so easy for a peak shadow-level powerhouse to enter the god-level palace.

Just look at the original Naruto novel and you will know how many shadow-level powerhouses are stuck at the level of peak shadow-level powerhouses, never being able to take a step forward. Because there is a "qualitative" difference between the peak shadow-level powerhouses and the powerhouses in the god-level palaces. Even the amazing Madara and the first Hokage in the original Naruto books are just stepping into the demigod-level palaces. To put it bluntly, They are just shadow-level powerhouses who are more powerful than peak shadow-level powerhouses.

 In the original work of Naruto, those who become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, such as the Sage of the Six Paths, Obito the Six Paths, and Madara the Six Paths, are undoubtedly the true god-level powerhouses.

 However, they all have one characteristic, that is, they have become the jinchūriki of the Ten-Tails.

Nowadays, Cross Country has devoured the power of the Two-Tailed Mata Brigade. If he can swallow the power of the other eight tailed beasts, then it is very likely that Cross Country will become the only one who has not become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, but can rely on the tail beasts. The strong man who has entered the god-level palace with beast chakra, the true god-level palace.

 However, swallowing the tailed beast is a last resort.

And there are two obstacles to swallowing the tailed beast, that is, the one-tailed Shukaku in Gaara's body, and the nine-tailed demon fox in Uzumaki Naruto's body, which the cross-country cannot swallow.

 Swallowing the tailed beasts inside their bodies, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto?

 So, since the road to swallowing tailed beasts and the road to becoming the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki are not feasible, cross-country needs to find other ways to enter the palace of **** level.

Now, if you want to enter the quasi-god level in cross-country, you have a certain idea.

 There are three aspects that need to be improved for off-roading.

 First, the new Yin Escape brand, the six-path power of the six magatama reincarnations.

Nowadays, cross-country only unlocks the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path among the six powers. When facing the peak shadow-level powerhouse, using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand to construct the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, cross-country can be easily accomplished. He has to deal with peak shadow-level powerhouses like the Third Hokage, so if Cross Country can successfully unlock all the powers of the Six Paths of Samsara, it will basically be a matter of course for him to step into the quasi-god level. It's a pity that if you want to liberate the ability of the six paths of reincarnation, you need to rely on comprehension, and there is no way to use external force.

 Sometimes when going off-road, I wonder how great it would be if I could use an APP to directly release the ability of the Six Paths of Samsara.

In this way, he can directly become a demigod-level strongman. Even if he is facing Madara now, he will have a certain degree of confidence in completely defeating Madara, solving Black Zetsu, and solving the hidden dangers in the future.

 Second, immortal mode.

From Orochimaru, or rather from Onito Suigetsu, he understood the secrets of natural energy. After successfully transforming into a sage, Cross Country knew that if he could perfectly master the sage transformation, he could also reach the level of demigod. level. However, if you step into the demigod level by relying on the immortal transformation, your strength will definitely not be as strong as the ability to liberate the six paths of reincarnation and step into the demigod level. However, as long as you can successfully enter the demigod level, that's good.

So, isn’t it the reason why we follow Orochimaru to Ryūchi Cave cross-country to become a sage, or to be in Ryūchi Cave’s sage mode?

Third, an evil path, which is also a path that cross-country people can embark on nowadays, is to study the first-generation Hokage cells in Danzo Shimura's body, plus study the power of the immortal head named Otsutsuki.

When Danzo Shimura sealed the Sage Avatar cross-country in his Yin Escape brand, he learned about the power inside the Sage Avatar's body due to a battle with Shimura Danzo under the control of the Sage Avatar, and the first-generation Hokage cells in Shimura Danzo's body. After it was all helpful to him, Cross Country has been thinking about studying the secrets inside the two bodies.

it's good now.

Cross Country finally had time to conduct research, so when he could not further understand the power of the Six Paths of Samsara and it would take some time to go to Ryūchi Cave, Cross Country just sat there silently and did not teach Uchiha Xuan Yue how to practice. , instead of studying the magical effects of natural energy with Orochimaru, they first studied the first-generation Hokage cells in Shimura Danzo's body there.

  Studying the cells of the First Hokage in Shimura Danzo's body is a basis for Cross Country research. Only by understanding the secrets contained in the cells of the First Hokage can Cross Country be able to analyze the secrets inside the body of the Immortal Avatar.

When studying the cells of the First Hokage in Danzo Shimura's body, let alone observing them with Kagura's inner eye for a while, Cross Country discovered that the power of the First Hokage was actually related to the power contained in his own body. What a difference.

"The stronger a person becomes, the higher his vision is, and the more things he can understand. At the beginning, I followed Orochimaru and Danzo to conduct experiments. I only knew that the cells of the first Hokage were very strong, but I could not analyze the first generation. The secrets inside Naruto's cells. Now, in terms of research, Orochimaru is a few steps ahead of me. After all, Orochimaru is the mad scientist in the Naruto world, and the so-called Snake Einstein must be him. ”

"But although I am not as strong as Orochimaru in terms of research, I am stronger than Orochimaru. When I use Kagura's inner eye to see something, I can see far more than Orochimaru. This is what I have The advantage.”

 “And what a surprise.”

"With just one glance, I can see through the secrets contained in the cells of the first Hokage and practice the secret technique of escape"

 “It is indeed the kingly way!”

 Sighing silently, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Xue Yu's mouth, and he had a preliminary analysis of the mystery contained in the cells of the first generation Hokage.

According to the legend in the original Naruto novel, the Senju clan is a family that inherited the immortal physique, and the Uzumaki clan, which is closely related to the Senju clan, is also a family that inherited the immortal physique. In the past, even when traveling off-road, I felt that the immortal body of the Senju clan was probably the same as the immortal body of the Uzumaki clan. It was nothing more than Xiaoqiang's body with sufficient chakra, so it was no big deal.

Especially when he came into contact with Tsunade-hime, because Tsunade-hime failed to inherit the power of the first Hokage, Cross Country gradually looked down upon the Senju clan of the first Hokage.

At this moment, when deeply analyzing the secrets of the first generation Hokage cells, Cross Country found that he was really wrong.

 It’s so wrong!

Furthermore, the moment he knew he was wrong, Cross Country only felt that the immortal body inherited from the Senju clan, where the first Hokage belonged, was the real immortal body!

A fairy physique like that of the Uzumaki clan is simply weak in front of the immortal physique of the Senju clan!

 Why do you say this?

Because, today's off-roader with a high vision, when he used Kagura's inner eye to observe the cells of the First Hokage, which should be said to be just the energy contained in the cells of the First Hokage, he suddenly discovered that there was energy in the cells of the First Hokage that should have been body energy. The energy is actually completely different from the physical energy in the bodies of ordinary ninjas and even the Uzumaki clan!

The reason why the Uzumaki clan is powerful is that the physical energy and mental energy in the Uzumaki clan's bodies are several times that of ordinary people.

 What about the Thousand Hands Clan?

If Off-Road is right, one of the reasons why the Senju Clan's physique is called the Immortal Physique is that, like the Uzumaki Clan's body, the physical energy and mental energy contained in it are those of ordinary people. Several times as much.

 As for the second reason

 That is the important reason why the Senju clan, or the physique of the first Hokage, can crush the Uzumaki clan's physical fitness.

The reason is that the body energy in the cells of the first generation Hokage can be converted into a special energy at any time, containing vital energy!

If Off-Road’s guess is correct, I’m afraid that this weird body energy in the cells of the first Hokage should be called life energy!

 Those with a higher "quality" than the body's energy

 Life energy!

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