Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 733: alternative clone

"turn out to be."

“The cultivation of Yin Yang Escape Technique has its own ultimate, or it can be said to be a “qualitative” change.”

“The pinnacle of the Yin Escape cultivation path must be at my current level, which is to allow the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to be transformed into the power of the Six Paths using the power of the Six Paths.”

 “And the cultivation of Yang Escape secret technique is the ultimate.”

“If I’m not wrong, I’m afraid it’s a “qualitative” change in body energy, life energy!”

Discovering the traces of life energy in the cells of the first generation Hokage, Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly, and in an instant, he gained a new understanding on the path of Yang Dun cultivation.

 Obviously, there is a big difference between a moment of realization like cross-country and an epiphany.

 It’s just that the understanding of cross-country, or the epiphany, is based on one’s own strength.

  Otherwise, even if he had obtained the cells of the First Hokage in the previous cross-country, it is estimated that the method of using the cells of the First Hokage to become stronger would be similar to Danzo Shimura in front of him, but just integrating the power of the cells of the First Hokage.

 But that kind of road is the LOW road, right?

 The cells of the First Hokage are, after all, the cells of the First Hokage, not their own cells.

 Especially the life energy contained in the cells of the first generation Hokage, which cannot be suppressed by the physical energy in ordinary people's bodies. Therefore, even if he is fused with the cells of the First Hokage, Danzo Shimura will face the tragic end of being back-bitten by the cells of the First Hokage at any time. Unless the cells of the first Hokage were transplanted in childhood, and they could fully withstand the test of the cells of the first Hokage, like Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo's experimental subject Tenzo, or Yamato in the original Naruto novel, the body has completely become The physique of the first Hokage.

In this way, the cells of the first Hokage can be perfectly integrated, but how much power can be exerted depends on the qualifications of the fusion itself.

   Yamato in the original Naruto novel and Tenzo in cross-country eyes will never be able to become the first Hokage because he did not survive during the Warring States Period.

Shimura Danzo.

His experience on the battlefield is enough, but unfortunately his strength is not enough. He thinks that merging the cells of the first Hokage will make him stronger. Even if such a person can perfectly fuse the cells of the first Hokage, the final result will be better than Yamato in the original Naruto novel. , Tianzang is just a little stronger now. It's also because of this that the First Hokage gives people a feeling of being insurmountable.

However, now that Cross Country has discovered a way to surpass the First Hokage, or in other words, he has an idea in his head that he has the physique of the Senju Clan, which is also the immortal physique.

 Before talking about this idea, we must first talk about life energy.

 What does the so-called life energy look like?

There is also life energy. How is it stronger than body energy?

Let’s start with the form of life energy. In fact, in the original Naruto novel, apart from the first Hokage, there are only two people who can use life energy smoothly.

  The only difference between the two is that after one uses life energy, he is completely dead.

 The other one uses life energy. Chakra must be stored for a long time before it can be used in a short burst of life energy.

 That’s right.

 These two people are Chiyo and Tsunade Hime in the original Naruto novel.

Chiyo uses life energy because he wants to save Gaara, who became the Kazekage in the original Naruto novel. As long as the jinchuriki is deprived of the tailed beast, he will die immediately. This is a law in the ninja world. In the original book of Naruto, only Kirabi, Gaara, and Uzumaki Naruto did not die after being deprived of the tailed beast.

 Everyone has his or her own reasons for not dying.

I won’t say much more about Uzumaki Naruto. He is a cheater. If he dies, the original Naruto story will not be able to continue. Therefore, Uzumaki Naruto can be resurrected. There is not much explanation. It is nothing more than the protagonist’s aura or something.

  Kirabi is also special because the eight-tailed ogre has the ability to clone himself.

  If the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki is deprived of it, all he needs to do is leave his octopus tentacles in Kirabi's body, and Kirabi can maintain his own life.

 So the Jinchuriki, who is the Eight-tailed Gyushi, is simply one of the luckier Jinchuriki.

 And what about Gaara?

In the original book of Naruto, Gaara became Kazekage. After being deprived of the one-tailed crane in his body, the method of resurrection was the secret technique used by Chiyo. That secret technique, to put it bluntly, is a use of life energy. Now from a cross-country perspective, the principle of the technique is probably to output the physical energy in one's own body, complete a "qualitative" change, and form life energy to be transported to the body of others. Go inside!

 It was that secret technique that allowed Gaara to be resurrected.

 But because Chiyo failed to grasp the mystery of life energy, he needed to output all the physical energy in his body before he could transform it into the life energy that resurrected Gaara.

It was for this reason that Chiyo died directly after successfully using his life energy.

 Let’s talk about Tsunade-hime.

Her creative regeneration, the art of creative regeneration and Baihao, can actually be regarded as an application of life energy. It's a pity that Tsunade-hime used the method of overextending her lifespan to activate creative regeneration, or the creative regeneration·Hakuho no jutsu, which can only be used for a short period of time at most. Like the first generation Hokage, she can convert body energy into Life energy can restore physical injuries anytime and anywhere. In comparison, Tsunade-hime is simply weak!

 Next, let’s talk about why life energy is more useful than body energy.

 The reason.

 That is, in addition to having all the advantages of body energy and being stronger than body energy in every aspect, life energy has terrifying healing abilities that can completely crush body energy!

And if off-roading is correct, if he can master the use of life energy, then the mystery of eternal life will be revealed in front of him. There is no need to destroy yourself like Orochimaru did, and there is no need to be like the Sage of Six Paths, who just retains his own will and survives in the ninja world.

If Off-road can perfectly grasp the mystery of life energy, then he will be a **** in the ninja world!

So, when Cross Country gradually revealed the secrets inside the cells of the first Hokage and understood the existence of life energy, there was almost no pause. Cross Country thought of a way to further improve his Yang Escape skills!

 That’s a different kind of cloning!

 “This is not a real clone, but a different kind of clone, or imitation!”

"If I want to use my own cultivation method to slowly improve the quality of the body's energy and slowly and smoothly transform the body's energy into life energy, it will take at least several years of my time. However, now that I have the first generation Comparing the life energy in Hokage's cells, I can actually use my powerful Yin Escape Secret Technique to slowly transform the physical energy in my body."

"First, imitate the "form" of the life energy contained in the cells of the first generation Hokage in Danzo's body, and then slowly improve the quality of the life energy itself. Isn't this a shortcut to practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape?"

 “And now, I still have the image of an immortal sealed in my Yin Escape Brand!”

“Wait until the physical energy in my body can be cloned into the life energy in the cells of the first generation Hokage.”

 “That’s it.”

Secretly, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Jiujiang's mouth, and then his eyes were fixed on the immortal head sealed in the Yin Escape Brand, and then he thought:

“Then transform the life energy in my body into the power that exists in the avatar of an alternative cloned immortal, and further enhance my Yang Escape Secret Technique!”

 “Strive for one day as early as possible.”

“Let my Yin Escape Secret Technique and Yang Escape Secret Technique be combined together to master the mystery of Yin and Yang Fusion!”

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