Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 734: Longji Cave

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a few days have passed.

 Whether it’s off-road or off-road, Orochimaru has his own things to be busy with.

Orochimaru wanted to conduct experiments for Onito Suigetsu, and study the use of curse seals, so as to be able to glimpse the true secret of immortalization as soon as possible. After Cross Country discovered the secrets in the cells of the first Hokage, he didn't have much time to teach Uchiha Xuan Yue to practice. He had to transform life energy almost every day. During the almost sleepless practice, he didn't make much progress. Cross-country was actually due to practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape, which made his face turn pale.

His accomplishments in the Yang Escape Secret Technique, cross-country can't be said to be at the peak level, at least it can be said to be at the proficient level, right?

I never thought that it would be so difficult to smoothly convert body energy into life energy. Cross-country forcibly transforms the body energy in the body under unexpected circumstances. The body energy that needs to be consumed every day is simply an astronomical figure. . There were no enemies around who could be devoured by the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path. With a helpless sigh, Cross Country could only hold on to his body and hurry on.

Fortunately, after a few days, Cross Country and others finally arrived at the border of Longdi Cave.

If it had been a few more days, I would have been exhausted from the cross-country trip.

At this moment, Uchiha Xuanyue, who is blind, is helping the cross country with great respect. Following Orochimaru, when he entered the territory of Ryuji Cave cross-country, his pupils suddenly shrank slightly, because the demon Suigetsu beside Orochimaru suddenly started to run wild when he entered the territory of Ryuji Cave. Got it!

 “Off-road, help!”


Listening to Orochimaru's voice, Cross Country didn't hesitate at all, and started to help Orochimaru restrain Suigetsu. This was basically the work that Cross Country had to do every day when he was experimenting with Orochimaru. Many times, under the study of Orochimaru, Kiden Suigetsu would go berserk at every turn.

 So, using the secret technique of Yin Escape to imprison the ghost lamp and water moon is what must be done when going off-road.

The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand is directly output. First, the shadow suture technique in Shadow Escape is used to imprison Gui Deng Shuiyue, and then the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path is used to devour the natural energy in Gui Deng Shuiyue's body.

However, when he devoured the natural energy in Gui Deng Shui Yue's body in the past, relying on his attainments in the secret art of escape, Cross Country was able to easily suppress that natural energy. Using Gui Deng Shui Yue as a medium, he completed his immortal transformation. Feel the power of the immortal. But this time, when he used the power of the Hungry Ghost Path to devour the natural energy in Gui Deng Shuiyue's body, Cross Country only felt that his body began to stiffen. It felt as if he was about to turn into stone!

“Damn it, did Ghost Lantern Shuiyue absorb too much natural energy?”

“The natural energy in this area seems to be more than ordinary places. Could it be that this is the so-called fairy land, and the natural energy is more abundant than ordinary places?”

 Secretly, he took a deep breath and could only clear the natural energy in his body.

 Gradually, all the natural energy was cleared, and Xue Yu narrowed his eyes slightly. Sure enough, he found that the situation of Gui Deng Shui Yue had improved slightly. However, it was only a few seconds before Gui Deng Shui Yue started to go berserk again. Looking at the situation inside Gui Deng Shui Yue's body, Cross Country sighed helplessly and stepped forward directly, maintaining a Hands together gesture!

 “The Six Paths of Reincarnation! The Path of Hungry Ghosts!”

 “The hungry ghosts are banned!”


A palm landed heavily on Gui Deng Shuiyue's abdomen. At this time, Cross Country used the ability of Hungry Ghost Dao to directly cast Hungry Ghost Seal, allowing the power of Hungry Ghost Seal to continue to devour the natural energy in Gui Deng Shuiyue's body. He finally managed to It restrained Gui Deng Shuiyue from going berserk.

Orochimaru next to him saw that the off-road had solved the troubles faced by Kito Suigetsu. He narrowed his eyes slightly and kept staring at Kito Suigetsu, as if he was trying to get rid of this failed experiment.

 But in the end, Orochimaru still did not go to solve Suigetsu. On the contrary, mad scientists need to be patient, don't they?

 Then, he walked up to Gui Deng Shui Yue and took a good look at Gui Deng Shui Yue's condition.

When Orochimaru discovered that there was actually a black talisman on Suigetsu's abdomen caused by the cross-country cast of Hungry Ghost Ban, he raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue. Orochimaru smiled. Tong Chuo said: "Chu Chuo, is this also your Yin Escape secret technique? It's very interesting. It seems that your secret technique is called the Shadow Escape secret technique, right?"

“You mean, the shadow escape style that surpasses the Nara clan’s secret technique?”

“Orochimaru, it seems that now is not the time for us to talk about this.”

Looking at Orochimaru in front of him indifferently, Cross Country wrinkled, protected Uchiha Xuanyue behind him, and said: "You should feel the situation around you, it seems that those guys in Ryūchi Cave are not very friendly! "


Hearing what Cross Country said, Orochimaru quickly sensed the situation around him, and suddenly discovered that the situation around Ryūchi Cave was really not good.


 They are pythons that look like thousands of snakes.

 Nearly every python is stronger than Orochimaru's psychic beast Ten Thousand Snakes.

 Although in the original Naruto novel, Ten Thousand Snakes did not appear a few times, and every time they appeared, they would almost always be tortured. However, the fact that Wan Snake's name can become famous in the ninja world means that Wan Snake is indeed a relatively powerful psychic beast. Now, so many Ten Thousand Snakes are around Off-Road and Orochimaru, and most of them are stronger than Ten Thousand Snakes, let alone Orochimaru. Off-road's expression has changed slightly.

 The reason.

Definitely not these pythons that can rival ten thousand snakes.

But the White Snake Immortal of Dilong Cave seems to dislike off-roading, just like Orochimaru.

 Otherwise, how could these pythons look at off-road Orochimaru with the same eyes as their prey?

 The off-roading was okay. After all, it was the first time to come to Yongdi Cave. It is understandable to face such a situation. On the contrary, Orochimaru suddenly found that the White Snake Sage in Ryūchi Cave seemed to be very unfriendly to him. Orochimaru, who had been to Ryūchi Cave many times, took a deep breath and looked at the pythons around him. Said: "I am a guest of Ryūchi Cave. You go and inform White Snake Sennin that Orochimaru is here and I have something to discuss with him."

“Also, please help me inform the Wanshe guy that my sacrifice is ready.”

 “If it wants to enjoy the sacrifice properly”

“You’d better come over quickly and lead me the way, otherwise I’ll keep the sacrifice myself and there’s no need for it to enjoy!”

Orochimaru just finished speaking.

Sure enough, a familiar figure appeared in Cross Country Kagura's mind.

 No, it should be said to be a snake shadow!

That snake shadow is not the arrogant Ten Thousand Snakes, so who is it?

 “Damn it, Orochimaru, it actually takes you so long to prepare a sacrifice for me!”

 “Do you want me to eat you?”


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