Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 740: Natural energy (medium)

 The next day.

After a restless night in Ryūchi Cave, Orochimaru and others suddenly embarked on the road to Myoboku Mountain after going cross-country. In order to abide by the deal with the White Snake Sennin, they went to Myoboku Mountain to kill all the toads inside.

On the way to Mt. Myoki, Uchiha Genzuki was still practicing under the guidance of cross-country as he was going to Ryuji Cave. Gui Deng Shui Yue still has the fate of being an experimental subject. From time to time, he goes berserk and needs to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to deal with it. Instead, Orochimaru and Orochimaru remained silent on the road. Apart from daily teaching Uchiha Genzuki and conducting experiments with Ghost Light Suigetsu, the two of them had almost no communication.

 However, no one knows what is the reason for Orochimaru's abnormality.

 The abnormality in off-roading is due to the immortal mode training in Longdi Cave.

 Because, when I obtained the Immortal Mode Cultivation in Ryūchi Cave from the White Snake Immortal, I discovered on a cross-country trip that the Immortal Mode Cultivation in Ryūchi Cave was completely different from the Immortal Mode Cultivation in Miaomu Mountain!

In the original plot of Naruto, Mt. Myoboku also plays a lot of roles. Uzumaki Naruto's practice of sage mode in Mt. Miaoboku is recorded in detail.

 So, relying on the memory in the original book of Naruto, Cross Country can clearly understand what the sage mode training in Miaomu Mountain is like.

And how does the sage mode training at Miaomu Mountain proceed specifically?

Relying on the memory in the original work of Naruto, Cross Country divided the training in the sage mode of Mt. Miaomu into three parts. As long as you complete the training of these three parts, you can master the sage mode of Mt. Miaomu!

 The first step is to form the magic chakra.

 What exactly is the Immortal Mode?

 To put it bluntly, the Sage Mode is a secret technique that transforms oneself into a Sage and can master the Chakra of the Sage.

 The normal chakra form of a ninja is shaped by the physical energy in the body combined with the spiritual energy. And if you want to complete the practice of immortal mode, you need to absorb the natural energy in nature, so that the physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy form a perfect ratio, exist in the body, and form the immortal chakra.

 As long as the senjutsu chakra is completely formed, the ninja using sage mode will be able to have a sage face on his face. The ordinary chakra in his body can also be turned into senjutsu chakra, completing the so-called sage transformation.

 However, natural energy is not easy to master, and magical chakra is not easy to shape or condense.

When practicing at Mt. Myoboku, Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto novel knew that if he failed to control the natural energy in his body when absorbing natural energy, then use Mt. Myoboku's training methods to practice in sage mode. , the result of being unable to control the natural energy in the body is that the body transforms into a frog bit by bit, until it completely turns into a frog, the body will change again and turn into a stone-like statue.

 So, when Uzumaki Naruto was doing the first step of training in the Myoboku Sage Mode, the Toad Fukasaku Sage of Myoboku Mountain was always guarding in front of Uzumaki Naruto.

 This step of cultivation is the foundation of the immortal model.

 Similarly, this step of cultivation can determine a person's attainment in the immortal mode.

But after completing the first step of training, even if you can perfectly control the natural energy in the body and form the sage chakra, like Uzumaki Naruto and the first generation Hokage, who use the almost perfect sage mode, the practicing ninja will still There is no way to master the sage mode.

 Because, the first step of the Miaomu Mountain Immortal Mode cultivation method is actually laying the foundation for subsequent cultivation.

 It is very difficult for ordinary people to perceive natural energy.

 To perceive the energy of nature, one must be absolutely still and be one with nature.

It is also because of this that the sage mode training at Miaomu Mountain usually uses toad oil, which can enhance human perception, to assist in training. The condensation of sage chakra is completed first, and then the second step of natural energy perception training is carried out.

 As for the second step of natural energy perception training, it goes without saying.

Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto novel is sitting on a stone slab on a very sharp mountain peak, using the method of maintaining balance to practice absolute stillness and sensing natural energy, isn't it?

Then, after completing the first two steps of Sage Mode training, a ninja can actually use the Sage Mode training method of Mt. Miaomu.


 Miaomu Mountain’s sage mode cultivation method still has a third step!

 That is, the body is further fused with Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage of Mt. Myoboku, allowing the user to "sit" on the two Toad Sages on the shoulders!

However, in the original Naruto novel, it seems that Jiraiya is the only one who can complete this step of training, right?

Uzumaki Naruto was unable to fuse with Fukasaku Sage and Shima Sage due to the nine-tailed demon fox in his body, so his Sage Mode training did not complete the third step of Myobokuyama Sage Mode training.

It’s just that the third step in the Miaomu Mountain Sage Mode Cultivation Method is a special Sage Mode Cultivation Method unique to Miaomu Mountain.

 Now that we have talked about so many cultivation methods in Miaomu Mountain, it is time to talk about them next.

How different are the immortal mode cultivation methods in Longdi Cave!

 The training method of Longdi Cave obtained by Cross Country from the White Snake Immortal has a certain relationship with the Immortal mode cultivation method of Miaomu Mountain, so there must be some similarities.

  But in the details of use.

White Snake Immortal taught the cross-country Immortal mode cultivation method, which is undoubtedly more rough than the Immortal mode cultivation method of Miaomu Mountain!

The first step in practicing the Longdi Cave Immortal Mode is to borrow the scales of the White Snake Immortal to sense the natural energy in nature. Therefore, when Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi in the original Naruto novel were practicing in sage mode in Ryūchi Cave, the scales of the White Snake Sage must have been transplanted into their bodies.

Perhaps because of this, the final form of the reincarnation technique Orochimaru studied was White Phosphorus Orochimaru, and after Yakushi Kabuto transplanted Orochimaru's body cells, his skin also turned into snake skin. Reason.

Then, after transplanting the scales of the White Snake Sennin, and being able to sense the natural energy in nature, the ninja who transplanted the scales of the White Snake Sennin will be like the ninjas who were coated with toad oil in Mt. Myoboku, practicing the condensation of celestial arts chakra. .

 Soon, the gap in details became apparent again.

 After using the cultivation method of Miaomu Mountain and cleverly using toad oil to complete the cultivation of senjutsu chakra condensation, isn’t it necessary to practice the cultivation of perceiving the natural energy of nature and understanding the absolute stillness?

 The Immortal Mode Cultivation in Longdi Cave is not the case!

 After completing the first step of training to be able to condense the celestial chakra, the sage mode training in Ryūchi Cave turned out to be

 Use the magic chakra condensed in the body to further condense it into tentacles that can sense the natural energy of nature!

 This is what Kabuto Yakushi calls the transformation from snake to dragon in the original Naruto novel!

Completing the first step of Immortal Mode training is to use the scales of the White Snake Immortal to cheat, and completing the second step of Immortal Mode training in Longdi Cave is actually based on the cheating of the first step of Longdi Cave Immortal Mode training. Further cheating, instantly It makes off-roading feel that the immortal mode training in Longdi Cave is a quick method.

 In this world, the so-called quick success and trickery must have flaws.

It is also because he understands that quick success and taking shortcuts are not the right way. When he kept silent in the past few days, he was thinking about whether there was any problem in the immortal mode that the White Snake Immortal entrusted to him to practice?


Is it really the pure immortal mode cultivation method in Longdi Cave?

“If you want to confirm whether the words of the White Snake Immortal are true, it seems that you must go to Miaomu Mountain.”

“White Snake Immortal, I guess you never expected this.”

“I’m going cross-country in Nara. I might break my promise, right?”

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