Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 741: Natural Energy (Part 2)

 Slaughter all the toads in Miaomu Mountain?


 Provide food for Longdi Cave?

 It’s also a joke!

 When he learned from the White Snake Sage that the person who could cure Uchiha Xuanyue's eyes was himself who mastered the secret of Yin Escape, Cross Country basically had no intention of trading with the White Snake Sage in the Dilong Cave. Because, even if you want to make a deal with the devil, the devil will have to offer an exciting bargaining chip. Now, apart from the cultivation method of the immortal mode, the White Snake Immortal in Longdi Cave has nothing to attract cross-country. You need to deceive the White Snake Immortal to obtain the Immortal Mode Cultivation Method of Longdi Cave.

So, why did Cross Country break his bond with the Fourth Hokage for a White Snake Sage?

Why go cross-country and offend the toads in Mt. Miaomu for a place that must be destroyed?

 That’s right.

 Longdi Cave is a place that must be destroyed, and its existence is original sin.

Furthermore, in the cross-country analysis, White Snake Immortal is strong, but he should still not reach the level of a god-level powerhouse. The reason why it can know what's going on in Cross Country's heart is probably like Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand assisting ability, which allows it to listen to other people's inner thoughts. Because, when Cross Country had no sincerity in the transaction with the White Snake Immortal, but nodded and agreed to the White Snake Immortal's request, he had no intention of breaking the contract, and the White Snake Immortal did not see any flaws.

 In this case, the ability of the White Snake Immortal is not as powerful as the cross-country imagination.

 It is not as powerful as expected, and the off-road contract break is basically a certainty.

 However, before the threat of Longdi Cave can be solved, there are still a few things that need to be dealt with off-road to avoid any eventuality.

 First, to summon the shadow-level experts from the "Twilight" organization, they must use lightning tactics to destroy Longdi Cave in an instant. When necessary, Cross Country will invite the Fourth Hokage to bring the power of Mount Miaomu to destroy Ryūchi Cave, because if he fails to directly destroy Ryūchi Cave and kill all the snakes in Ryūchi Cave.

As long as there is a snake clan still living in the ninja world, the ninja world will probably still be shrouded in the haze of Ryūchi Cave.

 Second, beware of Orochimaru when going off-road.

This is not to say that Orochimaru is a member of the White Snake Sage, but that the Sage Mode cultivation method in Ryūchi Cave is now very suspicious of Cross Country. It's very much like a quick, shortcut method of practicing the Sage Mode. Off-road subconsciously doesn't want to practice it, but look at Orochimaru and look at Yakushi Kabuto in the original Naruto novel. Don't they all want to practice the quick Sage Mode?

At this moment, when using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to condense into Kagura's Heart Eye for perception, Crossroads can find Orochimaru's aura, or Orochimaru's Yin Escape Brand like a white phosphorous snake, It has the aura of the White Snake Immortal. If Cross Country guessed correctly, Orochimaru's Yin Release Brand was condensed. The reason why it looks like a white phosphorus snake is probably because Orochimaru's Yin Release Brand was fused with the scales of the White Snake Sage.

It is also because of the scales of the White Snake Sage that Orochimaru can cast, study, and experiment with curse seals at will.

 So, in some respects, Orochimaru is already a puppet that White Snake Sennin can control.

Off-road does not believe that the White Snake Sage is so kind. He gave Orochimaru, himself, and even the pharmacist in the original Naruto novel his own scales just to help him and others practice the sage mode.

The scales that contain the aura of the White Snake Immortal must contain the White Snake Immortal’s trump card.

So, being on guard against Orochimaru at all times is what you must do when going off-road.

 After all, being wary of Orochimaru is equivalent to being wary of White Snake Sennin's trump card, isn't it?

 Third, because the White Snake Immortal can perfectly control natural energy, cross-country training also requires practicing on natural energy. Otherwise, you will be at a great disadvantage when facing the White Snake Immortal.

This is the preparation work that must be carried out before the destruction of Ryūchi Cave, and cross-country preparation requires the preparation of natural energy cultivation, which is Miaomu Mountain!

 A few days later, I returned to the country of Waves for a cross-country trip and successfully met the Fourth Hokage.

Knowing that the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina, and Uzumaki Naruto's family were living happily, Cross Country was first sincerely pleased that he had changed a tragedy in the original Hokage, and even told the Fourth Hokage about the threat of Ryūchi Cave.

 Understanding that the situation in Ryuji Cave threatens the existence of the ninja world, needless to say, people like the Fourth Hokage can definitely help cross-country with all their heart. Moreover, most things in the Kingdom of Waves do not need the Fourth Hokage to deal with now, so when he said goodbye to Orochimaru in the cross-country, he took Uchiha Genzuki with him, and the fourth generation Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina, followed him in the cross-country. Uzumaki Naruto came to another fairy land in the ninja world.

 Miaomu Mountain!

I still remember that when I first came to Mt. Myoboku, I felt that the scenery of Mt. Myoboku was very good. However, because I didn’t have a good relationship with Jiraiya, I had never really entered Mt. Myoboku. Now, with the Fourth Hokage leading the way, there is no need to worry about the possible hostility of the toads on Mt. Myouki when going off-road.

However, just when Gamabunta's huge body appeared in front of the Fourth Hokage, holding a pipe in his mouth, he was about to ask the Fourth Hokage about his purpose.


Gamabunta's eyes fell directly on Yuki.

Staring at the cross-country and feeling the aura emanating from the cross-country, Gamabunta slowly grasped the short sword at his waist and asked the Fourth Hokage: "Minato boy, you said you wanted to introduce this guy to Fukasaku-sama" , Could it be the guy with the smell of snakes all over his body? If I guessed correctly, this strong smell probably came from Longdi Cave, right?

 “Little devil, have you seen Wan Shen? Have you helped Mr. Wen?”

 “Give him a good greeting!”

Gamabunta is indeed very arrogant!

  Among the psychic beasts of the Sannin, only Slug may have the best character, like Wan Snake, he is an arrogant guy who doesn't listen to his master. Gamabunta is slightly better, but it is limited at best. Compared with Wanshe, sometimes Gamabunta actually makes off-roading feel more difficult, because Gamabunta's character is really more violent than Wanshe ah!

While listening to Gamabunta's words, Xue Yue sighed deeply, thinking that Gamabunta would come to question him. It seemed that his trip to Mt. Myoboku might not be as smooth as he imagined. However, just when Cross Country was thinking about this and was about to explain his purpose to Gama Bunta, something unexpected happened once again.

 For a moment, if the cross-country Kagura's inner eye could not perceive wrongly, the figure that appeared behind him should be the figure of Fukasaku Sennin of Mt. Myoboku.

As for Fukasaku Sennin, he suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country. Is he preparing to sneak attack on Cross Country?


 Because, if the appearance of Fukasaku Sennin was to attack Cross Country, Cross Country would not be shocked.

On the contrary, now, Fukasaku Sennin who suddenly appeared, pressed the shoulder of the cross country, and when he murmured such a sentence, the pupils of the cross country suddenly tightened slightly!

“Child, your name is Nara Cross Country, right?”

"Don't talk. Now you should be aware of the situation around you and feel the wonderful things."

 “Natural energy!”

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