Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 745: Foreshadowing (Part 2)

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Shadow Shield!”


A figure suddenly appeared. First, he slowly stretched out his finger and seriously injured Fukasaku Sage in Mount Myoki. Then he pointed his finger in the direction of the cross-country, preparing to use the same water escape and water iron cannon technique to seriously injure Fukasaku Sage. Off-road next to it.

 However, even though the figure's perception ability is very good, or it may be said that its Yin Escape skills are very good, it is actually able to temporarily hide itself in front of the cross-country Kagura's heart. However, when he severely injured Fukasaku Sennin, his figure was already exposed within the range of Kagura's eyes in the cross-country, so the figure slowly pointed his finger at the cross-country, preparing to use the same water escape and water iron cannon technique When they came to attack the cross-country, the black shadow at the foot of the cross-country suddenly stood up, forming a solid shield.

That is the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape!

 Shadow Shield!

When Cross Country uses the Shadow Shield in the Shadow Escape Secret Technique, needless to say, Cross Country is naturally very confident. His Shadow Shield can withstand the opponent's Water Release and Water Iron Cannon techniques. Because Cross Country knows that the water escape and water iron cannon technique is the secret water escape technique of the Ghost Lantern clan in the Mist Ninja Village. The method of performing the technique is to change the nature of the water attribute chakra to the extreme, and condense it on the fingers to form water droplets, like Just like a gun firing bullets, it shoots water droplets on your fingertips, instantly killing the enemy.

At the beginning, Cross Country had a lot of fights with ninjas from the Ghost Lantern Clan, and the Ghost Lantern Clan in the Mist Ninja Village happened to be the one that was destroyed by Cross Country. Cross Country knew the power of Water Release and Water Iron Cannon the best. Therefore, when faced with the mysterious figure's water escape and water iron cannon technique, Cross Country wanted to know who the Ghost Lantern clan in front of him was. After all, the Ghost Lantern clan in Mist Ninja Village had long been eliminated and bought in the hands of Cross Country. You are just the only one left alive!


Just when Cross Country was full of confidence and thought that his Shadow Shield would be able to withstand the opponent's Water Release and Water Iron Cannon techniques.


The water droplets followed the figure's fingers and directly collided with the cross-country Shadow Shield. At that moment, Cross Country could clearly see that there was a dent on his Shadow Shield, which was the dent made by the water escape and water iron cannon technique. If it hadn't been for Cross Country to suddenly use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to strengthen the defense of Shadow Shield, the secret technique of Shadow Escape, perhaps Cross Country's Shadow Shield would have been shattered directly in front of that figure.

It was also because the Shadow Shield was almost shattered that a look of solemnity suddenly appeared in Cross Country's eyes.

“There are very few ninjas in the Ghost Lantern clan who can achieve this level of water escape, so this guy is definitely not an ordinary person.”

 “Who is he?”


 “With no eyebrows and a mustache, his image”

“It looks a bit like the second-generation Mizukage in the original Naruto novel, who died early together with the second-generation Tsuchikage!”


 “Reincarnation in dirty soil?”

In the original Naruto novel, powerful men such as the second generation Mizukage appeared because Kabuto Yakushi used the filthy earth to reincarnate in the later period of the original Naruto novel.

Therefore, when I thought that the mustache in front of me was probably the Second Mizukage, I frowned slightly. Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to sense the mysterious strong man in front of me, and soon found out that the other person was a strong man with flesh and blood. Or, that is to say, the other party is definitely not a being reincarnated from the dirty soil. Who is that mustache of the Ghost Lantern clan?

And when Cross Country silently guessed the identity of the mysterious strong man in front of Cross Country, the mysterious strong man in front of Cross Country raised the corner of his mouth, smiled faintly, and said: "Really, I have long heard that the ninja generation in the ninja world is not as good as It has been a generation, and now it seems to be true. You are just a kid, but you can enjoy a reputation in the ninja world, but the shadow control technique you just used is very interesting. You are from the Nara clan of Konoha Village, right? ?”

"Who are you?"

Hearing what the mysterious strong man said, Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly and he said: "Before you tell me your identity, I have a few things to remind you."

 “First, I’m not a kid.”

“Second, the Nara clan is no longer a clan of Konoha Village.”

“Third, no matter who you are, if you dare to cause trouble in Miaomu Mountain, you are an enemy of me. If you don’t want to die,”

 “Get out of here!”

As soon as Cross Country finished speaking, the mysterious strong man pretended to be frightened and said pretentiously: "Ouch, ouch, I'm really scared! What a pity, in the current ninja world, no one can kill me. There are really too few people. And among those who can kill me, there is definitely no brat like you from the Nara clan."

 “Because I am a ghost and the moon is like a lantern”

 “But where is the second generation Mizukage?”


 Sure enough, is it the Second Hokage?

 After learning the identity of the mysterious strong man, Cross Country's expression became even more nervous. Obviously, Cross Country is not afraid of the second-generation Mizukage in front of him. Since the strong men of the older generation are already dead, let them die forever. Just now in Miaomu Mountain, with the help of Fukasaku Sennin, Cross Country understood the mystery of life energy. Now he is not far from a quasi-god level powerhouse, so even the strong men of the older generation are in front of Cross Country. Also not afraid.

The really important thing about cross-country is why the second generation Mizukage can appear in the ninja world.

 Furthermore, it seems that the second generation Mizukage was not reincarnated from the dirty land, but actually resurrected?

“There are very few people in the ninja world who can resurrect the second Mizukage.”

"If it was during the time of the original Naruto, I believe Orochimaru might have had this ability, but the current Orochimaru definitely does not have this ability. So, being able to have this ability in the ninja world will make the second generation Mizukage Is Madara the only one who has been secretly resurrected? Could it be that Madara has already mastered the mystery of resurrection, and now resurrecting the second generation Mizukage is just an experiment?”

“But why did Madara send the second generation Mizukage to Mt. Myoboku to cause trouble?”

"Could it be that"

“Is Mr. Madara just like me, making a deal with the White Snake Immortal of Ryūchi Cave?”

Hide to this thought in his mind, the way he looked at the second generation Mizukage suddenly became different.

Because, if part of Cross Country's reasoning just now is true, let's say that a small part is true. Madara has really mastered the method of resurrection, and the troubles that the ninja world will face are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Therefore, after taking a deep breath, Cross Country knew that he had to capture the second generation Mizukage in front of him alive. Although it was very difficult, Cross Country must give it a try.

  followed by.

Silently using up the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country was already fully prepared. He was preparing to show off the power of the Shadow Mage at his peak in the first round of the confrontation with the second generation Mizukage. Capture the second-generation Mizukage in front of him. Unexpectedly, just when Xue Yue silently mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the smile raised at the corner of the second generation Mizukage's mouth actually became a little more intense!

“That’s interesting, are you also a master of the secret technique of escape?”


“Then let’s see who’s more powerful in the secret art of escaping, the old guy like me, or the little guy like you!”

 “Water Release·Water Iron Cannon Technique!”

 “Continuous bombs!”

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