Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 746: Second Generation Mizukage (Part 1)

 “Continuous bombs?”

 “Could it be”

Suddenly, he felt that the second-generation Mizukage in front of him was once again preparing to use the Water Release and Water Iron Cannon technique. When he heard the second-generation Mizukage say the word "continuous bullets" from the mouth of the second-generation Mizukage, an instant in his mind Then the picture of the machine gun appeared.

Sure enough, just as Cross Country imagined, the water release and water iron cannon technique used by the second generation Mizukage at this time is just like a machine gun!

With the sounds of "bang" and "bang", water droplets continued to condense on the fingertips of the second generation Mizukage, flying towards the cross-country direction. If Off-Road was not a speedy ninja before, then at this time, there was no way for Off-Road to dodge in front of the second generation Mizukage. However, the best defense is never to avoid, but to attack!

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the cross-country to avoid the Water Release and Water Iron Cannon techniques, the figure of the second generation Mizukage suddenly "slid" in front of the cross-country. Even compared with the cross-country using the "Moon Step", the speed was several times higher. It means giving in as little as possible. Moreover, when the figure of the second generation Mizukage suddenly "slid" in front of the cross-country, the indifferent voice of the second generation Mizukage echoed in the ears of the cross-country.




The body of the second generation Mizukage suddenly exploded when it was close to Yuchi. The area covered was so large that it blew up Fukasaku Sennin, who was seriously injured beside Yuchi, and even Gamabunta. .

 Is this the power of the former Mizukage?

 Is this the power that stood at the peak of that period?

 In just a few rounds of confrontation, Cross Country knew what the pinnacle ninja in the ninja world was like. However, the second-generation water shadow suddenly exploded, and the scope of the impact may be very large. The cross-country had no intention of avoiding it at that time, and was even shrouded in the explosion, but it did not mean any pain.

  followed by.

Under the second-generation Mizukage's surprised gaze, the injuries caused by the explosion on Cross-Country's body were slowly healed!

It is a power similar to that of the first Hokage. It is also a new ability mastered after off-road understanding the mystery of life energy, which is the terrifying self-healing ability.

 As long as the body contains life energy, as long as you are injured during off-roading, you can use the life energy in the body to heal yourself at any time. Of course, if you are injured too many times and the life energy in your body disappears, off-roading will naturally be unable to use life energy to heal itself. However, just after the confrontation with the second-generation Mizukage in front of him, the amount of life energy contained in the cross-country body was simply unimaginable.

 Hence, even if he had seen through the attack of the second generation Mizukage, he had no intention of evading it.

 Even deliberately experimented to see how powerful the healing power of life energy was. After completing this experiment, Cross Country looked at the second generation Mizukage with a faint smile on his lips.

 “Your secret skills seem to be useless in front of me.”

 “Second generation.”

 “Water Shadow!”

 “Shadow Escape! Shadow Suture Technique!”




The moment Cross Country's words fell, a huge amount of spiritual energy was released from the Yin Escape imprint of Cross Country. That spiritual energy was output smoothly, and the shadow at the cross-country foot seemed to come alive, directly attacking a place where there was no one. However, it is impossible for Off-Road to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to attack the air, so in that deserted place, there must be an enemy of Off-Road hidden, that is, the second generation Mizukage who previously severely wounded Fukasaku Sennin.

 Then, as expected from the cross-country, the second-generation Mizukage used some kind of secret technique to successfully hide around him.

The second-generation water shadow that he could sense for the first time was fake. It was created by the second-generation water shadow using the secret technique of escape.

It is also because of this that Cross Country deliberately used Kagura's inner eye to locate the second generation Mizukage, and then started to cast the secret technique of shadow escape. Who would have thought that when Cross Country cast the Shadow Suture Technique and successfully imprisoned the second generation Mizukage's body, looking at the second generation Mizukage's face that still maintained a smile, Cross Country actually discovered that the Shadow Suture Technique had imprisoned the second generation Mizukage's body. The second generation Mizukage also began to become blurry!

 “Still a clone?”


 “It must be here!”

Discovering that the second-generation Mizukage imprisoned with the Shadow Sewing Technique was still just a phantom, Cross-country suddenly used "Beng Fist", seemingly dropping his fist on the air. Immediately with a "bang" sound, Cross-country used "Beng Fist". The body of a second-generation Mizukage appeared in the air where the fist hit. It's a pity that the body was just like the one that Cross Country had attacked before. It just appeared after eating Cross Country's "Collapse Fist", and then turned into a shadow again.

  Still a doppelgänger.

  Still an afterimage, the body of the second generation Mizukage, still not found off-road.

At this moment, there is no doubt that Cross Country and the second-generation Mizukage are competing in the Yin Escape Secret Technique. The Second Generation Mizukage is the attacker, showing the sneak attack and hidden ability of the Yin Escape Secret Technique, while Cross Country is on the other side. What the defensive side needs to show is its own perception ability in the secret art of Yin Escape.

  If we want to talk about Kagura's Inner Eye, it is the perception skill of the Uzumaki clan. Off-road can perfectly master Kagura's Inner Eye. His current perception ability must be one of the best in the ninja world. However, the second generation Mizukage was able to tease Cross Country again and again, and Cross Country knew that the second generation Mizukage's Yin Escape skills were very likely to be as strong as him.

Although it is unclear whether the second-generation Mizukage's body has the Yin Escape brand condensed in it.

But Cross Country knows very well that if he still loses to the second generation Mizukage in the battle of Yin Escape Secret Technique, then he will be really embarrassed as a shadow mage in the ninja world!

Also because he was proud of his Yin Escape accomplishments, after smashing another clone of the second generation Mizukage, Cross Country took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes.

 There is no need for eyes, no five senses, only the output of spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand. This is the Kagura Heart Eye to be used for off-roading, the most powerful Kagura Heart Eye.

The most powerful Kagura's inner eye, regardless of the consumption of mental energy during the cross-country trip, was just about to be used when it discerned the true identity of the second generation Mizukage.


 The figure of the second generation Mizukage actually appeared directly in front of Cross Country!

Furthermore, just when Cross Country was concentrating to cast Kagura's Heart Eye, the second generation Mizukage's palm suddenly penetrated through Cross Country's chest and directly grasped Cross Country's heart!

 “Little devil, if your heart is broken, can you...”

 “Did the repair go smoothly?”

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