Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 750: This is war (Part 2)

Ban Ye speeds up the pace, and cross-country also needs to speed up the pace.

The only difference is that Banye has already prepared to speed up the pace. If Cross Country wants to speed up, the only thing he can do is to force himself and the people around him.

First, he contacted the Fourth Hokage and told him about Madara sending a clone of the Second Mizukage to attack Mt. Miaomu.

When practicing the sage mode, Cross Country just held a meeting with the Fourth Hokage to discuss the follow-up matters.

 First, the issue of cross-country training.

Off-road can't stay in Mt. Miaomu forever. His body must go to the ninja world to deal with some very important things. Therefore, when off-road is practicing immortal mode, the most he can do is practice with shadow clones. At this time, Cross Country couldn't help but feel a little lucky. After he understood the mystery of life energy, he was able to resume use of chakra.

 The Shadow Clone Technique created by the Second Hokage is a plug-in for practice. As long as you use shadow clones to practice, there is no need to worry about cross-country problems in immortal mode practice. Moreover, with the Fourth Hokage in the middle, if he wanted to return to Mt. Miaomu when he needed to go off-road, the Fourth Hokage could also help him and return to Mt. Miaomu instantly.

 Just like this, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage must always act together.

 Originally, there were not many combat forces in the Land of Waves. Off-road and the Fourth Hokage still needed to be together. No matter how you looked at it, it was a failure.

 Second, regarding the economy of the Country of Waves, after discussing with the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country is preparing to break away from the control of Iwa Ninja Village.

Since the country of fire is to be captured, the transaction in Iwa Ninja Village cannot continue. This is something that Cross Country has known for a long time, and it is something that needs to be dealt with early. This aspect of the matter has been left to Uchiha Fugaku to cross-country. I believe that Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of our Uchiha clan, can properly handle the matter of taking over the Iwa Ninja Village transaction.

As long as the Kingdom of Waves can temporarily break away from the control of Iwa Ninja Village, it only takes a little time. Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage are confident that they can win the Kingdom of Fire and begin to unify the Kingdom of Fire based on the best economy. The pace of the ninja world. In addition, Uchiha Fugaku has Shisui and Itachi's help by his side. Uchiha Fugaku's own Mangekyō Sharingan also has special abilities. Cross Country believes that the country of Waves wants to break away from the control of the Iwa Ninja Village and become independent on its own. Economically, it will only take a few months at most.

 So, after the first two things are taken care of, the most important thing is left.

That is the invasion war of the Fire Nation!

The four families of Uchiha, Nara, Akimichi, and Yamazaka are now completely separated from the influence of Konoha Village, so the family guarding the border of Fire Country has also been replaced by the Hyuga clan, which was once known as the "rich family" together with the Uchiha clan. "family. According to the information of Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, the leader of the Hyuga clan is still Hyuga Hizashi, which can not help but make Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage a little surprised.

Hinata and Hinata are both useless, so why is he still the leader of the clan?

Are the Hyuga clan ready to give up on themselves?


Hyuga Hatsuzu regained his strength with the help of the Third Hokage?

The Fourth Hokage didn't know about these cross-country trips, and they didn't even want to know. They just knew that if the Hyuga clan was guarding the border of the Fire Country, then if they wanted to invade the Fire Country, they should be better than the Fire Country guarded by the Uchiha clan. The country is simpler. After all, if the Hyuga clan really wanted to compare with the Uchiha clan, even in terms of "rich family" background, they would be so different.

In this way, the strategy was decided for the time being. Off-road and the Fourth Hokage only stayed in Miaomu Mountain for a few days. Off-road saw his shadow clone practicing the sage mode. The progress of the training was very impressive, so he was ready to go to the fire. The Kingdom of Fire invaded everything owned by the Leaf Village of the Country of Fire. Unexpectedly, just as the Fourth Hokage was preparing to hit the road, in the territory of Mt. Miaomu, he suddenly sensed the existence of an acquaintance with Kagura's inner eye.

Who is that person?

That man turned out to be one of the three ninjas!


I haven’t seen him for many years, like Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and cross-country among the Sannin. I can still meet him occasionally, but Tsunade Hime seems to have disappeared into the ninja world, even in cross-country, the Fourth Hokage The intelligence network failed to collect the whereabouts of Tsunade-hime. Now, Tsunade-hime suddenly appeared in the territory of Mt. Myoboku. When she saw Tsunade-hime's figure, she narrowed her eyes slightly and said to the Fourth Hokage next to her: "Minato-sensei, I sensed Tsunade-sama." , and looking at Tsunade-sama’s situation, it seems..."

 “It seems very bad!”

“Well, off-road, let’s go and have a look.”

Hearing what Cross Country said, the Fourth Hokage nodded, and immediately brought Cross Country to Tsunade Hime.

When they came to Tsunade-hime, they found that besides Shizune, Tsunade-hime was surrounded by slugs lying on her shoulders. They were very small and could only lie on Tsunade-hime's shoulders. .

Originally, seeing a slug is actually a very normal thing. After all, the slug is Tsunade-hime's psychic beast!

 However, the moment Cross Country saw the slug, an unpleasant emotion suddenly spread in Cross Country's mind. Then, just when Cross Country felt the bad emotion and froze in place, Tsunade-hime looked up and saw Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage, as if she saw hope, and suddenly she was half Kneel on the ground.

 “Tsunade-sama, are you okay?”

 "Minato-sensei, let me help Tsunade-sama heal!"

Squatting in front of Tsunade-hime, Cross Country controlled the life energy in her body and began to slowly envelope Tsunade-hime. However, cross-country can't guarantee that his treatment methods will be useful. After all, he knows that life energy can heal his own injuries, but he doesn't know whether his own life energy can save the injuries of others!

 When he conducted experiments for the first time off-road, he discovered life energy, which is indeed one of the most magical energies in the ninja world.

 Because, when Off-Road controlled the life energy and enveloped Tsunade-hime, some of the wounds and hidden illnesses on Tsunade-hime were slowly restored to their original state under the healing of life energy. However, if you use life energy to treat the same injury in cross-country, the life energy value required is only 10 points. Then when you use life energy to treat others, cross-country needs to consume a full 1,000 points of life energy.

That’s a hundred times difference!

Because of this, Cross Country knows the life energy in his own body. It is better not to use it to treat others until necessary, because such a consumption of life energy is too much for Cross Country. When treating Tsunade Hime's physical injuries, Cross Country used life energy to completely heal her.

On the contrary, when using Kagura's inner eye to perceive, she found that there seemed to be some kind of mental trauma in Tsunade-hime's head. Cross Country wrinkled and wanted to ask Tsunade-hime about her mental trauma. Is it the bloodphobia in the original Naruto novel?

 However, he did not give him any chance to ask questions. Tsunade-hime, who smiled wryly, set his sights on the fourth Hokage, the fourth generation Hokage.

 What she said next made the Fourth Hokage, the fourth Hokage, completely froze in place due to shock!

 “Off-road, Watergate”

 “Moist Bone Forest”


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