Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 751: This is war (Part 2)

Moist Bone Forest.

 The legendary land of immortals is actually gone?

  Meaning that Madara’s first target is not Miaomu Mountain, but Shiggou Forest?

Or maybe it means that the first target of Longdi Cave is not the toads they hate, but the slugs?

 Listening to Tsunade-hime's words, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage were completely shocked. They stayed there in a daze and could not come back to their senses for a long time. Because, the disappearance of the wet bone forest is really shocking news for the cross-country and the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, in order to obtain more information from Tsunade-hime, Cross Country first supported Tsunade-hime and went to sit inside Mt. Miaomu.

At this time, Cross Country was a little glad that he did not rush off with the Fourth Hokage in advance, otherwise he would not have been able to meet Tsunade Hime and know the news that could change the direction of the ninja world.

 Then, he brought Tsunade-hime to Mt. Miaomu, and found that Tsunade-hime's mental state was very unstable.

One of the dignified Sannin, Tsunade-hime would definitely be able to remain calm even when facing danger, instead of looking panicked like she is now. In addition, when I used Kagura's inner eye to sense the internal situation of Tsunade-hime, I found that there was something strange in Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy. I took a deep breath. Cross-country was just when the Fourth Hokage was about to ask Tsunade-hime, When what happened in the Shiky Bone Forest, he directly output the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand, and penetrated deeply into Tsunade Hime's spiritual energy!



The spiritual energy output in the Yin Escape Brand, the cross-country spiritual energy directly invaded Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy. In an instant, Tsunade-hime fainted in front of Cross-country, which made Tsunade-hime's abnormal mental energy even more important. It was probably the reason why Tsunade-hime, one of the three ninjas, became so weak.

On the contrary, the Fourth Hokage frowned when he saw that Cross Country actually used spiritual energy to invade Tsunade-hime's body, but said nothing. Because the Fourth Hokage believed in cross-country, he had already guessed the purpose of cross-country, which was probably to restore Tsunade-hime to her original peak appearance.

 That’s right.

When he first met Tsunade-hime, even the Fourth Hokage felt that there was something abnormal about Tsunade-hime.

 Because speaking of contact, as a disciple of Jiraiya, the Fourth Hokage must have had more contact with Tsunade-hime. So, since even off-road can tell that there is something abnormal in Tsunade-hime's situation, the Fourth Hokage can naturally tell that something is wrong with Tsunade-hime's situation, and she does not have the domineering power of Tsunade-hime, one of the three ninjas.

 Just because of his status, the Fourth Hokage didn't say much.

 On the contrary, it is off-road, it is really a practical one.

Finding that something was wrong with Tsunade-hime, he used his own spiritual energy to invade Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy and began to check what was going on with Tsunade-hime's abnormal mental energy.

Soon, Cross Country discovered that there was a piece of contaminated spiritual energy in Tsunade Ji's spiritual energy.

 That part of the spiritual energy penetrated deeply into Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy, and its effect was to weaken Tsunade-hime's will!

  Such spiritual energy, how

How similar to Shisui’s Mangekyō Sharingan eye power is!

"The spiritual energy that can change the will of others is indeed like Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan eye power. However, the contaminated spiritual energy of Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy seems not to be Shisui's eye power, but to imitate it. It was shaped by Shisui's pupil power. Sure enough, Danzo was already ready to attack Tsunade-hime. I wonder why Tsunade-hime has bloodphobia in the original Naruto novel. It turned out to be Danzo's fault. That guy did it.”

“No, it’s not just Danzo, there is probably the tacit approval of the Third Hokage.”

"If the Third Hokage doesn't allow it, it's just Danzo, so why can he attack one of the three ninjas?"

“When I first formed an alliance with Tsunade-hime and the Uchiha clan, I lived in seclusion in the Sand Ninja Village for a period of time. I’m afraid that the part of Tsunade-hime’s spiritual energy that was polluted was Danzo’s fault during that time.”

“However, in the past, I couldn’t do anything about this part of the polluted spiritual energy.”


 “Hungry Ghost Path!”

 “Swallow it for me!”



When the spiritual energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand was successfully transformed into the Hungry Ghost Path ability within the Six Paths of Power, the contaminated part of Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy was transformed into the Hungry Ghost Path ability. The pure spiritual energy was replaced by Tsunade Ji's spiritual energy. It is equivalent to saying that Cross Country used that part of the polluted spiritual energy to strengthen Tsunade-hime's will, turning the former princess, one of the three ninjas, into a famous three ninja in the ninja world.

And when that part of the polluted spiritual energy was successfully solved by the off-road hungry ghost's ability, it was not so easy for the off-road's spiritual energy to invade Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy.

 Because, Tsunade-hime is also a strong person in the ninja world, and she is also a famous existence in the ninja world.

 Other people think that among the Sannin, only Orochimaru and Jiraiya have improved a lot in the later stages of the original Hokage. In fact, Tsunade Hime is also improving, but few people know it.

Just like now, her spiritual will has obviously been polluted for so long, but Tsunade-hime's strength still has not deteriorated.

Just by opening my eyes, a strong wind blew by.

Feeling the aura of Tsunade-hime, a faint smile appeared on the corner of the cross-country's mouth. Even the Fourth Hokage looked at Tsunade-hime in front of him with relief.

There is no doubt that Tsunade-hime will return to normal and regain her previous domineering power.

And just like off-roading, as the Fourth Hokage thought, Tsunade-hime, who had regained her dominance, first touched the slug on her shoulder sadly, then glanced at Shizune next to her with her peripheral vision, and found that Shizune was also covered in When Tsunade-hime was seriously injured due to the battle in which the wet bone forest disappeared, Tsunade-hime took a deep breath and went off-road in front of her domineering fellow. The Fourth Hokage said:

"Minato, even though I knew your death was strange, I never thought you would fake your death."

“There is also off-roading. Thank you for solving the hidden dangers in my mental will. Now I feel very good, so.”

“Off-road, Minato, you follow me back to Shigu Forest and deal with those **** intruders!”

  After saying that, Tsunade-hime actually turned around and was about to go to Shigu Forest, even forgetting the fundamental purpose of going to Mt. Miaomu.

Off-road found that Tsunade-hime's temper had returned to the same state as before, and it was better not to recover, with many black lines falling on her forehead. Off-road and off-road quickly blocked Tsunade-hime's way, and comforted Tsunade-hime:

"Tsunade-sama, this is a war, not a child's play, so we need to prepare well before preparing for war."

"And one thing is very important, that is, we must know who our enemy is."

 “Tsunade-sama, may I ask?”

“Did our enemies come from Longdi Cave? Was it the snake tribe from Longdi Cave that went to destroy Shigu Forest?”

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