Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 752: Moist Bone Forest (Part 1)

 “Longdi Cave?”

Originally gearing up to kill the enemies in Shigu Forest, after hearing Cross Country's question, Tsunade Ji frowned, hesitated for a moment, and then said slowly: "It's very embarrassing to say that, in Shigu Forest, When I was in the Shigu Forest, I couldn't even fully understand who the enemy was invading the Shigu Forest, so I lost my ability to fight. You must be proficient in the secret of Yin Escape, right? The technique made me suffer from hemophobia, so..."

 “Yeah, I understand.”

Hyperphobia is a completely fatal mental illness for ninjas.

 After all, ninjas must see blood. They cannot see blood. Ninjas who are afraid of blood have no advantage at all in combat. For example, in the original Naruto novel, guys like Kabuto Yakushi can rely on Tsunade Hime's weakness of bloodphobia to directly challenge the three ninjas who were once famous in the ninja world. This shows how many disadvantages of bloodphobia there are.

 So, it is understandable that Tsunade-hime said that when Shigulin was attacked, she did not even have time to recognize the enemy. Immediately, in Tsunade-hime's narration, Cross-Country could only rely on his own speculation to guess who the person who invaded the wet bone forest was. When Cross Country was making guesses, he only knew that there was a group of mysterious people who came to invade Shigu Forest, and he felt that the destruction of Shigu Forest must have something to do with Master Ban.

 Because he was able to dispatch some mysterious strong men, who were not well-known in the ninja world, the boss behind the scenes who instantly invaded the territory of Shigulin must be Madara, right?

Well, now that we know that the enemy is Madara, and we also know that the beginning of the battle in Shigu Forest is the prelude to the war, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage just communicated with each other through their eyes, and they knew that their next stop must be Shigu. Lin, not the Fire Nation.

However, Tsunade-hime can go to fight without rest time, but before going to fight, Tsunade-hime must treat Shizune's injuries. The hemophobia has been treated off-road, and the polluted aspect of the mental energy has completely turned into Tsunade-hime's own power. Now Tsunade-hime's medical ninjutsu is definitely more powerful than before. Therefore, it only took half a day for Tsunade-hime to heal Shizune's injuries.

But when he went to Shigu Forest again, he didn’t want to take Shizune with him, because Shizune’s strength was too weak. For example, Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage, and Tsunade Hime are all shadow-level warriors in the ninja world. When facing enemies like Madara, they can escape smoothly even if they have to escape for their lives. On the contrary, with a ninja of Shizune's level, if she wanted to escape, Shizune might not be able to keep up, so she could only stay in Mt. Myoboku and wait for the cross-country trip. Tsunade-hime and others came back from the Shikbone Forest. .

What makes Cross Country feel strange is that when Tsunade-hime is getting ready to go to the wet bone forest to fight the enemies who destroyed the wet bone forest, Tsunade-hime still has a slug on her shoulder. That small one is just a slug. The slug sitting on Tsunade-hime's shoulder. His eyes fell on the slug, and he was very curious about what Tsunade-hime could do with such a slug.

 It’s Tsunade-hime instead.

 When I saw the gaze coming from off-road, I immediately knew what was going on in my heart.

Immediately, with a faint smile on her lips, Tsunade-hime asked Xiang Cross-country: "Xiao-chi, you must be very curious as to why I brought the slug, right?"


Nodding, Cross Country said: "The slug is very weak now. I can know it based on the perception of spiritual energy. Therefore, I am very curious, Master Tsunade, why you want to take the slug with you. Could it be that you brought it with you?" Slug, is the clone of Immortal Slug in Shigu Forest? Immortal Slug, is it possible?"

“Did he not die in the battle at Shigulin?”

“That’s right, cross-country. I didn’t expect you knew so much about it.”

With a look of shock in her eyes, Tsunade-hime sighed first, and then said: "Actually, the slug I channeled has always been the clone of Slug Sage. Now, the slug on my shoulder is naturally the clone of Slug Sage. When I take it with me, it can tell me the current situation in the Slug Forest, and I can also know the situation of the Slug Immortal. According to what Slug just said, the Shit Bone Forest should be completely destroyed, but Slug. The immortal is not dead, it seems."

“It seems that there is a very powerful thing that is swallowing up the power of the Slug Immortal, so if we want to save the Slug Immortal, we may have to speed up the cross-country!”


 After listening to Tsunade-hime's words, Cross Country's eyes fell directly on the Fourth Hokage.

It is true that without using the Flying Thunder God Technique, the speed of the cross-country and the Fourth Hokage are almost the same, but in the case of using the Flying Thunder God Technique, as long as the cross-country does not use the Shadow Instant Technique, the speed of the Fourth Hokage , it is still much better than off-road. Now, since he is in a hurry and cross-country is the main combat force of his team, the job of rushing quickly will probably be left to the Fourth Hokage.

Sure enough, just when Cross Country's eyes fell on the Fourth Hokage, he directly understood the meaning of Cross Country. The Fourth Hokage held a kunai in his mouth, held down Cross Country's shoulder with one hand, and held down Tsunade with the other. Ji's shoulders, ready to use the Flying Thunder God's technique to rush on. In this way, they quickly headed to the Shiggy Bone Forest. Cross-country believed that with the Fourth Hokage's full concentration on the road, it would only take half a day for them to cross countless fields and reach the Shiggy Bone Forest.

 But when we were on the road, going off-road, it was something that the Fourth Hokage and even Tsunade Hime couldn't imagine.

 In the wet bone forest, their enemies had been waiting for them to go.

 Among these enemies, there is Master Ban!

“Bai Jue, that little guy Tsunade went to Shiggy Bone Forest to ask for help. He should have arrived at Shiggy Bone Forest smoothly now, right?”

Madara, who was sitting in a wheelchair, slowly opened his eyes, revealing a blood-red color, and immediately asked Bai Zetsu next to him about Tsunade-hime's situation.

After Bai Jue heard what Madara said, he nodded silently.

Then, while using his clone to explore the situation, Bai Zetsu's lips slowly raised a smile and said: "My master, if I read correctly, the person next to Tsunade should be the Shadow Mage Nara. Cross Country, and the Fourth Hokage who has long been rumored to have died in the Battle of Nine Tails. If the three of them join forces, I'm afraid we will encounter some trouble if we go to fight with just ordinary troops."

“How about sending our secret troops to fight?”

 “Those pets of yours.”

 “You must have wanted to try the taste of blood for a long time!”

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