Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 760: God-level battle (Part 1)


 That’s right, it’s eating them alive, not simply devouring them!

Although the secret technique of Yin Escape Brand of the Uzumaki clan is a crazy secret technique, and it is a secret technique that the cross-country is unwilling to truly complete. However, facing the wreckage that coexists with the remains of the outsiders, the cross-country is still unprepared. Bingxing made a dangerous move. After eating the two-tailed Mataita, he then ate the one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Sun Wukong clones cloned by Madara.

1 out out out out? In this case, in order to defeat Madara, what Cross Country must accomplish before the confrontation is to eat the one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Son Goku.

In the case where the Outer Path Golem expressed friendship with Cross Country, the one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Sun Wukong clones in the Yin Escape Brand were unable to suppress Cross Country. Instead, Cross Country could use the six-path power in his Yin Escape Brand to ruthlessly He severely suppressed the clones of One-Tailed Shukaku and Four-Tailed Sun Wukong, so the process of eating them was very simple and easy.

In just the blink of an eye, the one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Sun Wukong in the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand were "digested" by the terrifying spiritual energy in the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand. At the moment of "digestion", the original abilities in the clones of One-Tailed Shukaku and Four-Tailed Sun Wukong were gradually integrated into the Yin Escape brand of Off-Road. At the same time, Off-Road also became more aware that Madara used the remains of the Outer Dao Golem. , the one-tailed Shukaku who created clones, and the four-tailed Sun Wukong, the real idea may not be to create a clone to deal with the enemies in the ninja world.

Madara’s real purpose is most likely to use these clones to resurrect the heretic demons, or to transform into the Ten-Tails.

The most intuitive feeling is that when I ate the original energy of one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Son Goku clones off-road, I felt that the original energy of the one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Son Goku clones was almost the same as the original energy of the one-tailed Shukaku and the four-tailed Son Goku clones. Sun Wukong's body is almost the same. Of course, for example, the four-tailed Monkey King, I haven’t had much contact with cross-country, and I don’t know very well what the original energy of the four-tailed Monkey King is. On the contrary, the one-tailed Shukaku, the number and time of cross-country contact is more, because Gaara is this Ichibi Shukaku's jinchūriki is a disciple of cross-country.

So, when he ate the original energy of the Ichibi Shukaku clone, Cross Country felt that his own strength was increasing, and at the same time, he suddenly discovered the secret inside the Ichibi Shukaku clone's body. Gradually, the original energy of One-Tailed Shukaku and Four-Tailed Son Goku's clones were completely eaten by Cross Country, just like the original Two-Tailed Matauri's original body, they disappeared into the ninja world.

 In an instant, he felt his strength increase, and a smile slowly appeared on his lips.

  However, just when that smile was raised, he suddenly frowned.

  followed by.

Under Master Ban’s surprised gaze, Cross Country suddenly spit out two things from his mouth.

 Those two things needless to say, they are naturally the remains of the heretic demon!

The clones of the One-Tailed Shukaku and the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong were completely eaten, leaving only the remains of the Outer Dao Golem, which cannot be directly eaten by off-roaders, and it is difficult to "digest" them. The only way is to spit it out, that is the safest way, and when spitting out the remains of the heretic demon statue. The connection between the cross-country and the outside demons is directly interrupted there.

On the other hand, Banye was really envious when he saw Cross Country's ability to spit out the remains of the heretic demon.

Thinking about how wonderful it would be if I could separate myself from the heretic golem and spit it out of my body like I was going off-road. Immediately, Master Ban's eyes slowly fell on the body of the cross country, and his hands slowly closed together in front of the cross country, and said lightly: "It seems that I have to deal with you now. Trouble, I didn’t expect that the tailed beast clone that was still useful in my plan was actually absorbed by you using the Uzumaki clan’s secret technique.”

"Let me say, when it comes to madness, the madness of the Uzumaki clan is the real madness. Nara Cross Country, before the confrontation, let me tell you another secret. As we all know, the Uzumaki clan and the Senju clan are good friends. , the two clans often intermarried, for example, Hashirama’s wife was Mito of the Uzumaki clan. However, do you know who was the person who ultimately caused the Uzumaki country to perish and the Uzumaki clan to perish?”

“It’s not the Tobirama who is usually very cold, but the Hashirama who looks very kind but is very vicious on the inside!”

"It was the First Hokage in your eyes who destroyed the country of Uzumaki and wiped out the Uzumaki clan!"


“It’s the secret technique you just used, Nara Cross Country!”

 Master Ban, what you said is indeed a shocking secret.

  The first Hokage actually destroyed the Uzumaki clan and his wife's family. Is it just for the so-called stability of a family that has good relations with the Senju clan?

 The Third Hokage, it seems that your character is really similar to that of the First Hokage.

 It's just for a village, under the guise of for the ninja world, as long as you feel that there is a threat to the ninja world, your first thought is to eliminate it!

Listening to Madara's words, a slight chill ran through his body. Even at that moment, he was thinking whether all the Hokages were like the first and third generations of Hokage, who held the so-called righteousness and saw who didn't. I want to eliminate someone in an instant. However, when fighting Madara, Cross Country knew that this was not the time to be distracted. Therefore, after Cross Country learned what the first Hokage had done, Cross Country's perception was still firmly locked on Madara.

And Ban Ye’s idea is similar to what Off-Road had previously thought. To throw out a shocking secret, all that is needed is for Off-Road to reveal its flaws.

Looking back on the cross-country, although he had suppressed the shock in his heart very well, a small flaw still appeared in Madara's eyes. Therefore, when he put his hands together to form a seal, Madara smiled confidently and started to use ninjutsu, or secret techniques, to limit the power of cross-country.

Unexpectedly, just when Madara was about to start a confrontation with the quasi-god-level warriors off-road, two figures suddenly flashed in front of Madara like lightning.

When Cross Country saw clearly that the two people who quickly flashed to Madara's side were Tsunade Hime and the Fourth Hokage who were outside earlier, Cross Country was very happy that Tsunade Hime and the Fourth Hokage came to help him.


 The enemy they face is Madara, the god-level strongman in the ninja world.

So, almost when he saw the Fourth Hokage and Tsunade-hime going to attack Madara, Cross Country's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly exclaimed:

 "Tsunade-sama, Minato-sensei, come back quickly!"


 “You may be killed instantly!”

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