Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 761: God-level battle (medium)

 Instant sale?

 What a joke!

 One is a princess who is one of the dignified Sannin, and the other is a man who bears the title of Fourth Hokage.

No matter how strong the enemy in front of them is, Tsunade Hime and the Fourth Hokage do not believe that the enemy in front of them can be killed in an instant as Cross Country said. Therefore, when they found that Madara had an unpredictable smile on his lips and was still standing there obediently, Tsunade Hime and the Fourth Hokage narrowed their eyes slightly, and they wanted to take advantage of the moment when Madara didn't make any move. It was to kill Madara instantly there.

 However, just when the figure of Tsunade-hime, the Fourth Hokage, was about to approach Madara.


 Shinra Tianzheng!

Using the power of the Rinnegan Tendo, Madara just used a Shinra Tensei to knock Tsunade-hime, the Fourth Hokage, away. Immediately, his eyes first fell on the Fourth Hokage, and Madara said calmly: "Namikaze Minato, the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, is good at the flying thunder **** technique created by Tobirama. To be honest, I I hate the Flying Thunder God Technique the most, because the man who could use the Flying Thunder God Technique almost made me fall into hell."

 “So, the first person to die is you!”

 “The Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village!”

 “Namikaze Minato!”

As soon as Mr. Ban finished speaking, a dark light suddenly lit up from his palm.

 “All things are led by heaven!”


  It was also the use of the power of heaven of the Samsara Eye. Madara cast the All-Seeing Tension, which surprisingly pulled the body of the Fourth Hokage back when he was just blown away. Under the power of the Vientiane Tenyin, the Fourth Hokage really wanted to avoid it. However, the terrifying gravity of the Vientiane Tenyin was not easy to break away from. Therefore, the Fourth Hokage had no choice but to use the Flying Thunder God. Who would have thought that the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique had just been cast, and when he was nearly a hundred meters away from Madara, the power of the All-Seeing Tension would still be able to affect the Fourth Hokage. on the body.

 With a Shinra Heavenly Strike and a All-Seeing Heavenly Encouragement, the Fourth Hokage was obviously going to be killed instantly in front of Madara just like what Cross Country said.

After seeing Madara's face clearly, especially when he heard what Madara said earlier, calling the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama a peer, Tsunade-hime's pupils narrowed slightly, and she immediately recognized him. The enemy they face is Shura Uchiha Madara, who was once the Uchiha clan!

Just like what is said in the original book of Naruto, just because of Madara's name, a war can be started in the ninja world.

 Because, Shura Uchiha Madara and the first Hokage Senju Hashirama are both legendary figures.

 If you want to win in the hands of such a person, you must pay the price of death at any time.

It was also because she knew that the enemy in front of her was Madara, Tsunade-hime's eyes were filled with solemnity, and she finally understood why Cross Country had previously said that Madara was likely to kill her and the Fourth Hokage instantly. . However, seeing that the Fourth Hokage was about to approach Madara under the power of the All-Seeing Tengen, Tsunade Hime had no choice but to rescue him.

Therefore, just when the Fourth Hokage finished casting the Flying Thunder God Technique and was once again affected by the All-Seeing Heavenly Influence, and was about to be controlled by Master Madara, Tsunade Hime's figure once again came to Master Madara's hand. before.

 Furthermore, in order not to be killed instantly by Madara, Tsunade Hime revealed her trump card in front of Madara!

 “Immortal mode!”


 That’s right.

 Although the off-roaders were very shocked, when did Tsunade-hime master the sage mode? However, when Tsunade-hime came to Madara again, she suddenly put her hands together and began to condense the natural energy. Tsunade-hime used the sage mode of the Shimobone Forest. This is a fact that cross-country must admit.

 Tsunade-hime entered the sage mode very quickly. From this, we can know that when Tsunade-hime was practicing the sage mode, at least the foundation of her training was very solid. Immediately, the black sage face appeared on Tsunade-hime's face. The appearance of the sage face was exactly the same as the sage face that appeared when the first Hokage used the sage mode in the original book of Naruto.

 That is the immortal mode of Shigulin, there is no doubt about it.

After using the Sage Mode, what once again surprised Cross Country was the Sage Mode used by Tsunade Hime. Just like the first Hokage and Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto novel, it was a perfect Sage Mode.

  followed by.

By the time Tsunade-hime's sage mode is completed, to be honest from an off-road perspective, Tsunade-hime will be able to fight Madara without having to suffer the fate of being killed instantly. Because, when Tsunade-hime enters sage mode, she feels that Tsunade-hime's strength is at least that of a peak shadow-level powerhouse. Especially when using the sage mode in conjunction with creation, regeneration, or secret techniques such as the Hyakuha no Jutsu, Tsunade-hime has a bit of the brilliance of the first generation Hokage.

Such Tsunade-hime, even among the peak shadow-level powerhouses, probably does not need to be afraid of the other peak shadow-level powerhouses in terms of competition.

However, when Tsunade-hime broke out and used the sage mode, making Cross Country think that Tsunade-hime said she could successfully save the Fourth Hokage.


The same natural energy aura suddenly rose into the sky in the direction of Master Ban!

 In an instant, Madara turned out to be like Tsunade Hime, successfully using the Sage Mode of the Shift Bone Forest, and the unique sage face makeup of the Shift Bone Forest Sage Mode slowly appeared on his face!

 “That’s true.”

“Is Immortal Mode just a bad skill now?”

“Master Ban. Master Ban can actually use the immortal mode. It seems that his current strength should be from the level of a quasi-god-level powerhouse to the level of a god-level powerhouse!”

 Obviously, the fact that Madara can also use Shigulin Sage Mode is definitely not good news in the eyes of Tsunade Hime and the Fourth Hokage in cross-country. Because Madara, who also masters the sage mode, will become even more terrifying. Tsunade-hime's burst of using sage mode can be said to be nothing worth mentioning in front of Madara, who is also a sage.

Sure enough, just when Madara finished using his sage mode, the smile that raised at the corner of his mouth became a little more intense. Madara, with his hands clasped together, was in front of the off-road, Tsunade-hime, and the Fourth Hokage. Completed the ninjutsu he had wanted to complete before.


 It should be said to be a secret technique!

 And what exactly is the secret technique?


Shockingly, after Banye’s seal was completed, it was revealed in front of Cross Country and others.

After the seal was completed, a chakra aura containing vitality instantly entered the cross-country perception from Madara's body. Just sensing the vibrant chakra aura, Cross Country frowned tightly, because he had already guessed what the secret technique Madara wanted to use.

It was also when Cross Country frowned and guessed what secret technique Madara wanted to use, two thick vines suddenly spread out from the originally empty ground, and immediately connected to Tsunade-hime. The Fourth Hokage didn't even have time to react. The thick vines wrapped tightly around Tsunade-hime. The Fourth Hokage restricted their ability to move!

 “Wood escape!”

 “A vast array of things!”

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