Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 774: Journey (Part 1)

 The great battle

it's over!

Although it seems that the fierce battle between Cross Country and Banye has ended in a hurry, only those who fight in person like Cross Country and Ban Ye know how dangerous their battle is.

It was originally supposed to be a protracted war, but it was Cross Country who seized the opportunity, and Banye was interfered by the demon of the outside world, so Banye finally died tragically in the hands of Cross Country.

However, when Shijie used the power of the Hungry Ghost Path to get rid of Banye’s soul, as Banye’s soul gradually dissipated, Shijie suddenly discovered that there were only four fingers on Banye’s left hand!

What about the missing finger?

Xiu Chuang didn't know where he was going. He just hoped that Banye's finger disappeared, as long as it wasn't a foreshadowing.

  Although an enemy who can fight with oneself is the one that cross-country hopes and the cross-country wants to challenge. But an existence like Madara deeply threatens the existence of people who care about Cross Country, so Cross Country feels that it would be better to disappear as soon as possible. Immediately afterwards, his consciousness returned to his body, and he found that the outside demon had disappeared, which undoubtedly added a lot of haze to his heart.

 In my heart, the first thought I had when I went off-road was that Banye was very likely to make a comeback.

While Cross Country was thinking this in a very unhappy mood, Tsunade-hime, the Fourth Hokage, sensed the end of the battle and suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country.

"it's over?"

 “Well, it’s over.”

Facing the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Minato, our enemy was successfully eliminated by me. Unfortunately, in the end, I couldn't save Obito and Lin. I don't know how they are now. That control The person who followed them is dead, but Obito and Lin must still be alive in the ninja world. In addition to following our plan, our next move may include the task of eradicating the "Akatsuki" organization. "

“After all, as long as the Akatsuki organization exists, we will need it.”

 “Worry for a day!”

 “You’re right, off-road.”

Nodding, the Fourth Hokage said: "The "Akatsuki" organization is indeed a trouble now. Anyway, our "Dusk" is aiming to eradicate the "Akatsuki" organization. So we will leave it to Yahiko to solve the problem of the "Akatsuki" organization. Just deal with it. In recent days, Yahiko has been thinking about Nagato's affairs and has been a little busy. It's time for him to get busy, because we will soon be busy, and the peace will end again, and the war will start again. here we go!"

 Speaking, the Fourth Hokage sighed silently. He never thought that he who hoped for peace in the ninja world would actually be the one to start a war.

 But soon, the Fourth Hokage dealt with his mood.

 Because the war started for the sake of a better peace.

 For that concept, the temporary pain can be tolerated, as long as the cross-country and the plan of the Fourth Hokage and others can proceed smoothly.

After finishing Madara's question, the Fourth Hokage's eyes fell on Tsunade-hime. They wanted to know Tsunade-hime's next move and what she was going to do. Regarding the issue of Tsunade-hime's fear of blood poisoning, Cross-country and the Fourth Hokage had a tacit understanding and did not ask, because it was definitely an issue that Tsunade-hime did not want to talk about. Cross-country did not want Tsunade-hime to recall that painful experience.

So, after just a few seconds of silence, Cross Country turned to Tsunade-hime and asked: "Tsunade-sama, what are you going to do next? Now that Shigulin is gone, are you going to go back to the village?" Well, it’s better to prepare”

 “I am going to rebuild the wet bone forest.”

Listening to Cross Country's question, Tsunade Ji raised a faint smile on her lips and said: "Off Road, Minato, I know you want to invite me to your place to help you complete what you plan to do. But Shigulin is not interested in me. It is very important to me. This place is like another Thousand Hands clan, which needs my good care. Unexpectedly, I failed to protect my family at the beginning, and now I fail to protect Shigu Forest. Fortunately, Immortal Slug is not dead. , if it dies, there will be no possibility of rebuilding the Shigu Forest. "

With that said, Tsunade-hime slowly looked at the ground, then faced the cross country, and said: "Qiu Xiu, maybe I need your help, because in the ninja world, you are the only one who can help Slug Sage regain his strength. However, I need you. Your help will definitely be paid. If you can successfully help the Slug Immortal regain his strength, I will personally hand over the Immortal Mode of Shigu Forest to you in the future. If you can obtain the Immortal Mode of Miaomu Mountain and Longdi Cave. The cultivation methods include the cultivation methods of the three immortal modes. It is very possible that you can become a being that surpasses the Six Paths Immortal just by relying on the immortal mode."

“After all, you can defeat that guy now. The room for your improvement in the future is beyond my imagination!”

After Tsunade-hime finished speaking, she felt a bit saddened by the Fourth Hokage.

 Obviously, Tsunade-hime and the Fourth Hokage were filled with sighs for being able to defeat Madara in cross-country.

 While sighing, the Fourth Hokage was actually a little better. After all, he was too far away from Madara's time, and he had no idea how terrifying Madara was. On the contrary, the Third Hokage, a person from Tsunade-hime's era, deeply understood what the name Uchiha Madara meant. And hey, just like in the original Naruto novel, when the Five Shadows held a meeting, the third Tsuchikage heard Uchiha Madara's name and knew that the ninja world was going to unite.

On the contrary, Terumi Mei, Gaara and the new generation of ninjas don’t know what Uchiha Madara’s name means, do they?

So, when watching the cross-country race now, Tsunade-hime almost feels like she is watching a legend. Moreover, knowing that when Cross Country was in Mt. Miaomu, Cross Country was most likely practicing the Sage Mode. Now Cross Country is equivalent to saving the Shigu Forest. Tsunade Hime decided to hand over the Sage Mode training method of Shigu Forest to Cross Country. Likewise, It's an act of returning a favor.

What's more, can off-roading help the Slug Immortal regain his strength and rebuild the wet bone forest?

  followed by.

 The things that need to be dealt with in the cross-country are to help the Slug Immortal slowly regain his strength, and at the same time obtain the Immortal Mode Cultivation Method of the Shiggou Forest from Tsunade Hime.

The sage mode training in Miaomu Mountain is still going on, the sage mode training in Ryūchi Cave, and the off-road training is slowly making up for it.

 Now, getting the Sage Mode training method of the Shimogun Forest from Tsunade Hime, cross-country is not equivalent to gathering together the Sage Mode training methods of the three fairy places in the ninja world!


 Today's cross-country driving is destined to not have so much time for practice.

 Because Madara is dead, the structure of the ninja world will definitely change.


 “The first goal, the Kingdom of Fire.”

“Tomorrow, when I have completely mastered the secrets of cultivation in the Immortal Mode of Shigu Forest, I will start my first journey to the Kingdom of Fire!”

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