Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 775: Journey (middle)

The journey to the Kingdom of Fire and the cross-country journey are expected to begin after mastering the Immortal Mode cultivation method in Shigu Forest.

  To master the cultivation method of Shigu Forest Immortal Mode, it must take a long time without practicing the method of Shigu Forest Immortal Mode. Therefore, they only understood the cultivation method of Shigulin Sage Mode, but did not practice it. Off-road and the Fourth Hokage started a new journey. Instead, Tsunade-hime stayed in Shigulin, waiting for Slug Sage. Resurrection, waiting for the resurgence of Shigulin.

 That’s right.

When Cross Country learned about the Immortal Mode cultivation method in Shigulin from Tsunade Ji, Cross Country suddenly used the life energy in his own body to start curing the Slug Immortal. Although the life energy held by the cross-country is just a drop in the bucket for the Slug Immortal, healing with life energy is always better than healing without life energy.

 It’s just that in the process of understanding the cultivation method of Shigulin Immortal Mode, the cross-country journey of treating the Slug Immortal is really tiring. It was just a matter of stabilizing the Slug Immortal. Cross-country was the first time that all the life energy in the body was consumed. Moreover, this situation would last for several days. When Cross Country set out on the journey with the Fourth Hokage, his face was pale and he was as weak as if he hadn't slept for several days and nights.

 Looking at the appearance of the cross-country, the Fourth Hokage felt very distressed.

 How to put it this way, off-road are all disciples of the Fourth Hokage, and they have helped many disciples of the Fourth Hokage.

Had it not been for the mission that Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage had to complete, which was a very important task, the Fourth Hokage might have been forced to take a good rest for a few days.

However, now that Madara is dead and the behind-the-scenes BOSS in the ninja world is hiding, Cross Country feels that he has finally fought for an opportunity to complete his plan.

It was also because of this that Cross Country had no intention of resting at all and set foot directly on the road to the Land of Fire.

When heading to the Land of Fire, what you need to do every day when traveling cross-country is to study the immortal mode cultivation methods in Miaomu Mountain, Shigu Forest, and Ryūchi Cave.

to be honest.

 If you practice the sage mode in cross-country, you will be faster than Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto.

After all, when you practice Sage Mode off-road, you are at the pinnacle of the ninja world. In addition, your Yin Escape skills are very good, so when practicing in Sage Mode, as long as you can absorb the natural energy from the outside world, you can do well. Control the fusion of spiritual energy, physical energy, and natural energy in the body to form the Immortal Chakra, complete the condensation of the Immortal Mask, and successfully use the Immortal Mode.

However, since we have the opportunity to understand the sage mode of Ryūchi Cave, Shigu Forest, and Miaomu Mountain, as well as the sage mode of the three celestial families in the ninja world, cross-country is to deeply understand the cultivation methods of the sage mode, and strive to integrate the three families. With all the advantages of the Sage Mode, you can create a new and most perfect Sage Mode yourself.

 It is undoubtedly very difficult to carry out such work.

 Because if you want to innovate a ninjutsu, you need to understand the true secret of a ninjutsu.

This is also the reason why, even after practicing the Immortal Mode of Miaomu Mountain in Cross Country and knowing the Immortal Mode cultivation methods of Shigu Forest and Ryūchi Cave, he still failed to create a new Immortal Mode.

Then, when analyzing the Immortal Mode cultivation methods in the three Immortal Lands, or directly speaking, the use of Immortal Mode, Cross Country discovered that there are certain differences in the Immortal Mode cultivation methods in the three Immortal Lands.

 Not only the cultivation methods, but also the effects of use are somewhat different.

 First of all, let’s talk about Mt. Myoboku, which everyone is most familiar with.

After using the shadow clone to complete the sage mode training in Miaomu Mountain, I discovered the sage mode practiced by the toads in Miaomu Mountain off-road. The most important thing is the spiritual artistic conception. Just like Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto novel, he practices the practice of perceiving natural energy. It is a kind of spiritual consciousness practice, allowing one's spiritual consciousness to completely integrate into nature and perceive the existence of natural energy.

When Uzumaki Naruto in the original book of Naruto practiced this aspect, it also took several days. Several shadow clones in the cross-country were taught by Fukasaku Sage in just two days. The training was successfully completed. The reason may be that the foundation of cross-country is relatively high. It is more likely that the Yin Escape skills of cross-country are very high, and during the confrontation with Madara, he also realized the ability of the second human path among the six paths of reincarnation.

So, since Miaomu Mountain's sage mode cultivation is destined to spiritual awareness, the effect of using it is naturally to increase the user's spiritual awareness, and the perception ability after using sage mode will also be stronger.

 Let’s talk about the Immortal mode of Shigulin.

When he was treating Immortal Slug and found that Immortal Slug's body was filled with life energy, Cross Country secretly guessed that the Immortal Mode cultivation method in Shigulin was probably related to life energy. . Sure enough, if you want to practice in the immortal mode of Shigu Forest, you need to master the secret of converting body energy into life energy.

This may be the reason why in the original version of Naruto, only the first Hokage, plus Madara Uchiha, who absorbed the power of the first Hokage, can master the Sage mode of Shikkotsu.

  After all, it is very difficult to practice to convert body energy into life energy.

 It is understandable that Tsunade-hime in the original Naruto novel did not complete her training in this area.

In the practice of Shigu Forest Immortal Mode, since you need to first master the secret of converting body energy into life energy, and then use life energy, spiritual energy, and natural energy to fuse into magical chakra, then use Shigu Forest Immortal Mode Finally, needless to say, the added effect is definitely the sage mode of the first Hokage, which allowed him to recover from injuries without sealing in a fierce battle.

So, compared to the Immortal Mode of Miaomu Mountain that focuses on spiritual consciousness, the Immortal Mode of Shigulin focuses more on the body and recovery functions.

Finally, let’s talk about the immortal mode training in Longdi Cave. Although off-roading is a bit familiar with the immortal mode of Longdi Cave, it is a pity that the White Snake Immortal did not teach off-road the real training method of Longdi Cave immortal mode. As a result, off-roading cannot figure out the immortal mode of Longdi Cave no matter what. Cultivation, what is the real secret contained in it.

Furthermore, Cross Country knows that if he wants to perfectly master the Immortal Mode cultivation method in Longdi Cave, he will probably have to deal with the White Snake Immortal again.

 But when it comes to dealing with the White Snake Immortal this time, Cross Country is not prepared to be as weak as before.

 Because in the idea of ​​off-roading

 After settling the matter in the Country of Fire, the second journey he will embark on is the journey to destroy Longdi Cave!

“Since White Snake Immortal, you have cooperated with Madara.”

 “Then Mr. Ban is dead, and the guy who is going to die next.”

"You are the one!"

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