Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 777: Bad guy (Part 1)

 Other gods?

 That’s right!

 It is the other gods, a shortened version of the other gods.

When Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country failed to directly change the minds of some Konoha Village ninjas who hated the Hyuga clan ninjas, but only enhanced the negative emotions in their minds. And after increasing the negative emotions in their minds, they might have just wanted to beat up the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who had oppressed them. Now the increase in negative emotions has made Konoha who were oppressed by the ninjas of the Hyuga clan The village ninjas wanted to go directly and kill the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

Therefore, in the night, these Konohagakure ninjas who had been cast away from the other gods slowly got up and rushed directly to the camp of the Hyuga clan ninjas with ferocious faces, directly starting a civil war at the border station of the Land of Fire.

 Next, let’s talk about the reason why other gods can be used for off-roading. In fact, needless to say, it is naturally because of the water.

Off-road can use his Yin Escape skills to imitate Itachi God's "Tsukiyomi" and create a brand new illusion. Then he can use his Yin Escape skills to change the spiritual consciousness of others and achieve the effect of other gods.

 It’s just that the full version of Biotianshen cannot be used off-road.

Because Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan is a pupil technique, it takes a lot of time to study it if you want to peek into all the mysteries inside.

 On the contrary, now, just using the reduced version of Biotianshen can achieve the effect you want, and I feel very satisfied when going off-road. However, using such a wide range of reduced version of the gods, the mental energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand is also consumed a lot. The most intuitive manifestation is that after using such a wide range of other gods off-road, the face becomes paler. , as if he had just recovered from a serious illness.

  Let’s talk about the Fourth Hokage.

 After discovering that Cross Country had cast a secret technique, his face became very ugly. The Fourth Hokage was very worried about the situation of Cross Country. However, before the Fourth Hokage could start asking about the off-road situation, the sound of fighting suddenly came from the border station of the Land of Fire. The Fourth Hokage's face suddenly turned livid, and he immediately asked about the off-road trail:

“Off-road, what is the secret technique you just cast?”

 “It is the other **** of Shisui.”

Taking a deep breath, Cross Country explained to the Fourth Hokage next to him: "Teacher Minato, there is a person in the Uchiha clan who has always been underestimated, and that person is Shisui. His Mangekyo Sharingan is very powerful, especially the The pupil technique Beitenjin he mastered can directly change the spiritual consciousness of others without others being able to detect it. If he uses the full version of Beitenjin, Shisui can even distort a person's personality and change a person. life.”

"What I just used was Shisui's Betsukami, but it was just a reduced version of Betsukami. I only aroused the hatred of those Konoha village ninjas, letting their seeds of hatred sprout, and dared to fight with the Hyuuga clan. Ninjas compete. Therefore, after the civil war is over, Minato-sensei, we can successfully deprive ourselves of the fruits of victory."

“And if I’m not wrong, when the civil war suddenly starts, the casualties of the Hyuga clan’s ninjas must be higher than those of the ghouls. Who will let them?”

 “Don’t know how to curb your pride?”

  After listening to the off-road words, the Fourth Hokage fell into silence.

To be honest, they did the right thing by going cross-country, and using this method, the number of casualties was far less than when they invaded the border station of the Kingdom of Fire.

 But for some reason, the Fourth Hokage knew that he was doing the right thing when going off-road, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.


 It's because he, Namikaze Minato, is a ninja of Konoha Village after all, and he is the former Fourth Hokage after all!

 But for some important things, you must give up something. The Fourth Hokage knew that he and his dream of cross-country were important, so after taking another deep breath, the Fourth Hokage murmured:

 “Sorry, off-road, I just had some problems”

 “It’s nothing, Minato-sensei.”

Off-road smiled and said: "I can understand your thoughts, because I used to be"

 “It’s not as cruel as it is now!”

Having said that, he felt that the time for cross-country was almost up, so he pointed to the border station of the Land of Fire and said: "Most of the ninjas of the Hyuga clan have been eliminated. The person who leads these ninjas of the Hyuga clan seems to be the elder of the Hyuga clan. Difficult to deal with.”

 "Minato-sensei, I'm sorry to trouble you."

 “Well, okay, cross-country, you have a good rest!”

 Understanding the physical condition of Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage listened to Cross Country's words without any hesitation and wanted to quickly resolve the battle in front of him.

Off-road can imagine that when the ninjas of Konoha Village were oppressed and humiliated, they wanted to kill the enemies in front of them, but they were unable to vent their hatred and eliminate the elders of the Hyuga clan. The Fourth Hokage How much shock can it bring to the ninjas of Konoha Village by his sudden appearance.

Presumably, all it takes is the appearance of the Fourth Hokage, and the split of the Fire Country will be successfully completed.

 What about off-roading?

 He ​​felt that he had to thank the Hyuga clan, otherwise their journey to the border of the Land of Fire would not be as easy as it is now.

 The problem can be easily solved by killing, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem.

  On the contrary, it becomes much easier to solve the problem by using the method of attacking the mind.

For example, those Konohagakure ninjas who massacred the Hyuga clan ninjas. After killing the ninjas of their own village and having no other way out, they suddenly saw the Fourth Hokage coming. They must have been willing to join the Fourth Hokage.

In this way, one Fire Country border garrison was captured without bloodshed. Is the second Fire Kingdom border garrison still far away?

At least off-roading feels not far away, because as long as a pedal can be installed in the Kingdom of Fire, off-roading will feel like it is only a matter of time before the country is conquered.


Just when Cross Country sensed it with Kagura's inner eye, the Fourth Hokage easily took down the elder of the Hyuga clan and successfully won the hearts of the ninjas of Konoha Village here. With a cheer, he became this When the commander was stationed at the border of the Land of Fire, a strange figure suddenly rushed towards the Fourth Hokage. It seemed that he was preparing to kill the Fourth Hokage when he had just won the victory.

When Xue Yue looked at the villain-like figure with Kagura's inner eyes, his brows also knitted together tightly.

Especially when I found that the evil man’s facial features gave me a somewhat familiar feeling.

 Recalling the plot in the original Naruto novel, the corners of Xiqiu's eyes twitched fiercely!

 “That evil guy.”

 “You’re not from the Otsutsuki clan, are you?”

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