Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 778: Bad guy (middle)

 Otsutsuki clan.

In the original Naruto novel, the family of the final BOSS Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Speaking of the Otsutsuki family, everyone's appearance is very unique. In fact, just from the ashen skin and pale hair of the evil guy in front of him, you can see the evil guy who fought with the Fourth Hokage. Han is most likely a member of the Otsutsuki clan.

Once upon a time, when Cross Country had a fight with Danzo in the **** village, he discovered that except for the final BOSS in the original Naruto novel, the rest of the Otsutsuki clan had probably gone to the world of ninjas. Now, looking at the villain of the Otsutsuki clan in front of him, who completely suppressed the Fourth Hokage during the battle, he narrowed his eyes slightly. Cross Country knew that he could not wait there for the Fourth Hokage to be defeated, and took advantage of the Fourth Hokage's absence. Before he can be defeated, Cross Country must deal with the villain of the Otsutsuki clan!

“Teacher Minato, take them and evacuate first!”

 “I’ll deal with this guy!”

Suddenly casting "Moon Step", Cross Country came directly in front of the Fourth Hokage. Facing the attack of the evil men of the Otsutsuki clan, Cross Country without any hesitation used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, which condensed into the secret technique of Shadow Escape. The shadow armor is used for defense.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country was thinking about giving the Fourth Hokage and the Konoha ninjas gathered by the Fourth Hokage time to retreat, the villain of the Otsutsuki clan in front of Cross Country only punched him, and the shadow formed by Cross Country The armor defense was directly shattered there!

 What kind of terrifying power is that?

Off-road can hardly believe that there are still people in the ninja world who can shatter the Shadow Armor with one punch.

Talking about the original cross-country, it was because the Yin escape brand could not be condensed into the six magatama of reincarnation like it is now. So there are still some people in the ninja world who can break the shadow armor with one punch, like It is the fourth generation Raikage who is a peak Kage-level powerhouse, like Tsunade Hime, who has just bid farewell to Off-Road. Such an opponent must be able to crush Off-Road's Shadow Armor with one punch.

 But what about now?

The Yin Escape brand of Cross Country is in the form of the Six Magatama of Samsara. Except for a very small number of people, how can the Shadow Armor be easily shattered. He is the villain of the Otsutsuki clan. As expected, when he came up to fight with Cross Country, he gave Cross Country a blow. However, since the other party has given Cross Country a blow, how can Cross Country easily let go of the villains of the Otsutsuki clan in front of them?

 So, just when Cross Country's Shadow Armor was shattered, suddenly the Shadow Armor that was shattered in mid-air re-condensed under the control of Cross Country. Moreover, the place where the shattered shadow armor condensed was also not on the cross-country body, but on the body of the evil man from the Otsutsuki clan. Suddenly the Shadow Armor was condensed on his body, and the villain of the Otsutsuki clan immediately lost the ability to move, because if the Shadow Armor is on Yuji's body, it is a defense, but if it is on someone else, it can also become a prison. of.

Then, relying on the output of spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country temporarily controlled the villain of the Otsutsuki clan in front of him, and even used the output of spiritual energy to maintain the Shadow Armor, completely losing control of the villain of the Otsutsuki clan in front of him. took action. Under such circumstances, the Fourth Hokage was able to take the Konoha Village ninjas he had just gathered to evacuate, and when stationed at the border of the Land of Fire, only Cross Country and the evil Otsutsuki were left. Han Shi narrowed his eyes slightly. Cross Country used the auxiliary ability of the Yin Escape Brand, and combined with the second power of the Six Paths of Samsara that he had newly mastered, he directly began to read the memory of the evil man of the Otsutsuki clan!

 “As a member of the Otsutsuki clan whose origins are unknown, let me see why you are here and why.”

 “You’re going to attack Minato-sensei!”

Secretly in his heart, Cross-country used the ability of the human world and the auxiliary ability of the Yin Escape Brand. Without being able to deprive the soul of the villain of the Otsutsuki clan, he used his own spiritual energy to penetrate deeply into the spirit of the villain of the Otsutsuki clan. In the energy, the memories of the evil men of the Otsutsuki clan began to be read directly.

 In the memory of that evil man, Yue Yue knew the other party's name, it was Otsutsuki Kinshiki!

 Sure enough!

Just as he imagined, the villain in front of him was indeed a member of the Otsutsuki clan!

Furthermore, judging from the memory of Otsutsuki Kinshiki, the villain of the Otsutsuki clan, he seems to have no relationship with the final boss Otsutsuki Kaguya in the original Naruto novel. The two of them just belong to the same family. The person Otsutsuki Kinshiki is loyal to is not Otsutsuki Kaguya, but a small member of the Otsutsuki clan.

Suddenly, he found that the ninja world had become more dangerous. More members of the Otsutsuki clan seemed to be eyeing this land of right and wrong. Cross Country's brows furrowed slightly, and then he took a deep breath, and he was about to deal with the people in front of him first. Otsutsuki Kinshiki, lest he interfere with his journey to unify the ninja world in the future.

I never thought about it, just when I was thinking about getting rid of Otsutsuki Kinshiki in front of me.



 Otsutsuki Kinshiki's body actually bloomed with a touch of pink light!

That pink light is clearly the golden chakra light of Otsutsuki.

However, when the pink light bloomed, Otsutsuki Kinshiki condensed the pink chakra light into the shape of a sword blade in a short period of time, and first smashed the cross-country again. The condensed shadow armor restored its own ability to move. Immediately afterwards, holding the chakra blade, Otsutsuki Kinshiki's figure quickly disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he dropped the chakra blade from his hand!

"So fast!"

  Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki's speed is so fast even for a speed ninja going off-road. It shows how fast Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki is, right?

Moreover, when Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki holds the chakra blade, he seems to be a completely different person. If cross-country can be compared to taijutsu, there are not many people in the ninja world who can compare with Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki in front of him. It's a pity that Otsutsuki Kinshiki is still weaker in front of Cross Country, because Cross Country is not only a shadow mage in the ninja world, but also an all-round ninja in the ninja world.

So, when Otsutsuki Kinshiki unfolded his own speed and was about to chop the chakra blade on Cross Country, there was another "whoosh" sound!

Off-road's main body got close to Otsutsuki Kinshiki, and used the strength of "collapse fist" to block the chakra blade that Otsutsuki Kinshiki was about to fall.

 The shadow of the off-road, under the control of the secret technique of shadow escape, once again entangled Otsutsuki Kinshiki's body.

When Cross Country once again used the secret technique of Shadow Escape to restrict Otsutsuki Kinshiki's movements, this time Cross Country, who had no intention of holding back, directly used the Hungry Ghost Path ability in the Six Paths of Samsara!

Off-roading, I really can’t believe it. The Otsutsuki Kaneshiki in front of me can even resist the abilities of the Hungry Ghost Path.

You must know that the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation he awakened is even more powerful than Madara, who also masters the Sharingan, and Nagato, who also masters the Sharingan!

  followed by.

Just as Cross Country imagined, when he began to use the power of the Hungry Ghost Path to devour the power in Otsutsuki Kinshiki's body and even the power in his soul, Otsutsuki Kinshiki's body melted bit by bit. in front of him. However, when Otsutsuki Kinshiki was completely swallowed up by the cross-country, and Otsutsuki Kinshiki was completely transformed into pure physical energy and spiritual energy by the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path, the cross-country had no intention of swallowing up the unfamiliar physical energy and spirit. The meaning of energy is to be discharged from the body.

Who would have thought that just when the cross-country was about to discharge this part of the mental energy and physical energy, another mysterious black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the cross-country!

“The legendary shadow mage in the ninja world is indeed quite powerful.”

“Since Jin Shi can’t deal with you, it seems that I can only take action personally to deal with you, the so-called shadow mage!”

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