Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 784: Shadow instant is invalid

Black hole!

 A black hole that can swallow everything!

When Cross Country uses the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to transform it into the Hungry Ghost Path ability in the Six Paths of Power, and uses Shark Muscle as the medium to increase it, in terms of devouring ability, if Cross Country says that he is second, then no one would dare Say you are number one. Therefore, when he appeared in front of Ōtsutsuki Momoshi, Cross Country clearly wanted to defeat Ōtsutsuki Momoshi in front of him in Ōtsutsuki's most advantageous aspect, and tell him that the people of the Ōtsutsuki clan did not descend into the ninja world. It means being able to act recklessly.

During the cross-country confrontation with Otsutsuki Momoshiki, especially after Otsutsuki Momoshiki showed his last trump card, the trump card that can condense chakra fruit

 All the weaknesses of Otsutsuki Momoshiki, Offroad is clearly aware of them all!

So, let’s count all the weaknesses of the Otsutsuki Momoshiki. You can overcome the weaknesses of the Otsutsuki Momoshiki by mastering it off-road!

 First, when swallowing, or performing rebound ninjutsu or secret techniques, Otsutsuki Momoshiki must use the samsara eye in the palm of his hand to do it.

 This is a very important weakness, and it is also a weakness that was exploited when cross-country gained an advantage for the first time. The real strength of the Hungry Ghost Path ability among the Six Paths of Power is not the ability to swallow Chakra, but that when swallowing Chakra, it can be done anytime, anywhere, and it can be done with every part of the body.

Nagato in the original Naruto novel can use every part of his body to cast the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path when he casts ninjutsu.

 Hungry Ghost Path's ability can be used in cross-country Shadow Escape techniques at the same time. This is the real advantage of Hungry Ghost Path's ability.

  Instead, it is Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

 You must use your hands to devour, and rebound ninjutsu and secret techniques occupy your own hands, which is equivalent to cutting off your arms. Under such circumstances, Cross Country could give Otsutsuki Momoshiki a fatal blow while he was about to devour her, or when she was rebounding ninjutsu or secret techniques.

The second weakness of Otsutsuki Momoshiki is that his attainments in physical arts are simply rotten!

When he lost his chakra and entered a state of serious injury, why didn't Momoki Otsutsuki go to fight the Fourth Hokage?

The reason is that Otsutsuki Momoshiki's physical skills are not good. When the black rod is condensed to deal with the Fourth Hokage, Otsutsuki Momoshiki is not confident of winning 100%. And Otsutsuki Momoshi's taijutsu is not very good. Cross Country is not sure whether it is because he stripped Otsutsuki Kinshiki of being his servant, or because Otsutsuki Momoshi was originally very talented, so he has never practiced taijutsu. reason.

Anyway, Off-Road knows that if you just fight with physical skills, it will be very simple for an ordinary shadow-level strongman, as long as he is a shadow-level strongman with a little bit of physical skills, to defeat Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

 Finally, let’s talk about the third weakness of Otsutsuki Momoshiki, which is that Otsutsuki Momoshiki is more suitable for group battles rather than individual battles.

In group battles, as long as there are a few more fighting scum among the enemies faced, Otsutsuki Momoshiki can condense the chakra fruit at any time, improving his own strength while weakening the enemy's strength, and during the battle Ability to conduct cost-free operations. On the contrary, in individual battles, facing enemies like cross-country, Otsutsuki Momoshi has no ability to fight back, because his various abilities must be targeted in the face of cross-country. It is also because of this that now cross-country shadows are used. The black hole created by the secret technique of Escape combined with the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path and using Samekin as the medium directly restricted all the abilities of Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

 Swallow that black hole?

 What a joke!

 Being able to struggle in front of a black hole and preserve one's own strength is the limit of Otsutsuki Momoshiki.

It is absolutely impossible to escape from that black hole.

 While the chakra in the body, as well as the absorption and rebound abilities of the Rinnegan, were limited by the black hole, Otsutsuki Momoshiki was able to move his arms and part of his upper body slightly. But when his feet couldn't move, and when chakra couldn't be used, Otsutsuki Momoshiki had no choice but to use taijutsu to compete with Yuki.

 Compared with a scumbag in physical skills, can you be afraid of off-roading?


 Of course not!

Therefore, when he walked up to Otsutsuki Momoshiki with a sneer, he continued to output the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand. Cross Country punched heavily on Otsutsuki Momoshiki's chest, and instantly penetrated Otsutsuki Momoshiki's chest. heart. Feeling the warm blood flowing from Otsutsuki Momoshiki's heart, Yue Yue knew that unless Otsutsuki Momoshiki had the ability to die, he would definitely die tragically in front of him.

 But just as Shijie secretly wondered whether it was possible that the vital points of the Otsutsuki clan were different from those of ordinary ninjas, and that injuries that penetrated the heart could not cause fatal injuries to the Otsutsuki clan.


Spurting out a stream of blood, Otsutsuki Momoshiki said with a weak face while staring at the cross-country: "Shadow Mage, he is indeed worthy of his reputation. I am convinced that I lost at your hands this time. However, Don't think that if you defeated me this time, you still have the possibility of defeating me next time. The immortal ability of our Otsutsuki clan is not something that you, a mere mortal, can understand unless...unless you can swallow that guy's power and become it. We, the Otsutsuki clan, are otherwise."

“Shadow Mage, the only fate waiting for you is death!”

As soon as Otsutsuki Momoshiki finished speaking, when he was about to use his human abilities to explore what Otsutsuki Momoshiki knew, there was a sudden "boom"!

Momoki Otsutsuki self-destructed in the face of off-roading!

His body instantly turned into a blood mist in front of the cross-country, and even the power of self-destruction caused a little injury to the cross-country.

However, relying on the perception of spiritual energy, Cross Country found that Momoki Otsutsuki, whose body self-destructed, was not dead, and his spiritual energy aura still existed around him. Therefore, thinking about the theory of eradicating the weeds, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly, and was about to use the Shadow Technique to come in front of Otsutsuki Momoshiki, and then use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to instantly destroy Otsutsuki Momoshiki's soul.

I never thought that when the off-road Shadow Flash Technique was ready to be used, I would suddenly cast the Shadow Flash Technique.


 An invisible force enveloped him, and it unexpectedly bounced off the off-roader who had used the technique of shadow instant!

 The off-road technique of Shadow Instant is actually

  It actually failed for the first time!

“What kind of space is that space? Can it actually invalidate my Shadow Technique?”

 “Could it be.”

“Is that the home of the Otsutsuki clan?”

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