Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 785: Villain (Part 1)

 Is Momoshi Otsutsuki dead?


What Off-Road can be sure of is that Otsutsuki Momoshiki is not dead, and even his servant Otsutsuki Kinshiki is not dead.

Because, when Yuuki used Samemus to amplify Hikido's ability and used a black hole to instantly swallow Otsutsuki Momoshiki's body, Otsutsuki Momoshiki's body was turned into pure body energy, which was eventually dissipated by Yuuki. Between heaven and earth. However, Otsutsuki Momoshiki's soul was not swallowed by the black hole. Instead, it entered a mysterious space. When Off-Road wanted to use the Shadow Shun technique to catch up, who would have thought that Off-Road's Shadow Shun The technique was actually ineffective in front of Otsutsuki Momoshiki!

 One thing is undoubted, that is, the off-road technique of instantaneous shadow is ineffective, which casts a haze in his heart.

 Can the people of the Otsutsuki clan use that terrifying space-time ninjutsu?

Is it true that Otsutsuki Kaguya, who will be resurrected in the future, also has such an ability?


 Why are the bodies of the Otsutsuki clan members destroyed, but their souls can continue to exist?

 Is it because.

The Uzumaki clan’s Yin Escape brand?

Originally, Cross Country felt that he had solved many mysteries in the ninja world, but he did not expect that there were so many secrets in the ninja world. Even the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan he mastered, and the secret techniques of the Yin Escape Brand, all contained Holding so many secrets. Is it like what Madara said, the Uzumaki clan is an ambitious family, or is it that the Uzumaki clan knows the secret of the Otsutsuki clan, so they dream of changing from an ordinary Uzumaki clan to the so-called family of gods, so they Start studying a series of secret techniques, hoping to complete some aspect of evolution.

Or is it that the Otsutsuki clan borrowed ninjutsu from the ninja world?

Is it because of the Uzumaki clan's secret technique of escape branding that the Kaguya clan has the ability to destroy their bodies and immortalize their souls?

 There are too many mysteries that need to be solved off-road, and there are too many things that need to be dealt with off-road.

I originally thought that after getting rid of Madara, things in the ninja world would be less complicated. Who would have thought that Madara is just a minor BOSS, and the future Otsutsuki clan will be the real BOSS. Therefore, I took a deep breath and went off-road to calm down my mood and make myself more relaxed, so as not to be unable to cope with the future.

Just when Cross Country was calming down, the Fourth Hokage slowly came to Cross Country. Looking at the traces of the battle between Cross Country and Otsutsuki Momoshiki, he murmured and asked: "Cross Country, who was that guy just now?" ? I can feel that that guy is very powerful. If I fight with him, there is at least a 40% chance that I will die in his hands. Moreover, his appearance is very strange, and he looks like the legendary one. The Immortal of Six Paths is somewhat similar, isn’t it possible?”

 “Is that guy a descendant of the Six Paths Immortal?”

“No, not the descendant of the Six Paths Immortal, but the same clan of the Six Paths Immortal.”

Facing the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country said slowly: "I just got some information from that guy. I know that his name is Otsutsuki Momoshiki, and that like the Sage of Six Paths, he is a member of the Otsutsuki clan. Unfortunately, Until now, I still don't know what the ultimate goal of that guy is. Teacher Minato, we must be more careful when we act in the future. We must never act alone, otherwise we will be in real trouble if we meet members of the Otsutsuki clan. It’s big.”

Saying that, Cross Country didn't want the Fourth Hokage to bear too much burden, and immediately said with a smile: "By the way, Minato-sensei, how does it feel to be recognized again? These ninjas of Konoha Village seem to be very happy that you are alive. 's, not dead."

 “They are oppressed too much.”

Sighing deeply, the Fourth Hokage couldn't help but sigh in front of Cross Country: "If the Hyuga clan hadn't oppressed them so much, they would not have been willing to follow my footsteps, and they would definitely have been willing to continue to carry the name of Konoha Village ninja. . Fortunately, they will soon take on the name of Konoha Village ninja, but off-road, do you really want to do that? We can invade the Fire Country bit by bit, instead of like you said, Let the Fire Country become **** first.”

 “No, only pain can make people grow quickly.”

Recalling the scene in the original Naruto novel, the disgusting Uzumaki Naruto turned into a hero in an instant. Off-road couldn't help but secretly thought that some of Nagato's ideas were right. Pain is a shortcut to a person's growth.

 While thinking about this silently, Cross-country began to think of his own plan.

So, what exactly is Cross Country’s plan to quickly invade the Land of Fire?

 Then let’s talk about a villain!

Suddenly one day, a villain entered the territory of the Fire Nation and quickly occupied the territory of the Fire Nation, causing the originally prosperous Fire Nation to become devastated. No one can defeat this villain, even the third Hokage of Konoha Village was defeated miserably at the hands of that villain.

In an instant, the Fire Country and the Leaf Village fell into despair, because under the invasion of the villains, they could only watch their homes getting smaller and smaller, not having enough to eat, not sleeping well, and having to live every day. In dire straits. But just when the villain was about to destroy the Fire Country, suddenly a hero fell from the sky, and that person was the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village.

  It was the Fourth Hokage who saved the Land of Fire, and it was also the Fourth Hokage who defeated the villain.

 The story ends successfully.

  Following the Battle of the Nine-Tails, the Fourth Hokage's name as a hero once again spread throughout the Land of Fire.

The Third Hokage had no choice but to abdicate. The Land of Fire was getting better and better under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage. Even the Kingdom of Waves, which was occupied by the rebel organization, was recaptured by the Fourth Hokage.

 Looks like a story, doesn't it?

 But this is the script of cross-country, and the person who plays the villain in this script happens to be cross-country!

 The Fourth Hokage said that the method of cross-country is a bit radical, but cross-country feels that his script is the best and the most vulgar, and will never go out of style. And just now, Cross Country suddenly discovered what a very good villain looks like. Immediately, when he and the Fourth Hokage began to discuss the plan to invade the Land of Fire, Cross Country was in front of the Fourth Hokage. His body changed shape bit by bit, and he used the transformation technique to look like a member of the Otsutsuki clan.

 Pale face, long silver hair, and weird horns.

Although Off-Road's appearance has not changed, when he changes into the appearance, or form, of the Otsutsuki clan, Off-Road can definitely be recognized by few people in the ninja world.

When Cross Country completed the transformation technique and transformed into the BOSS form he imagined, Cross Country smiled at the Fourth Hokage. Immediately afterwards, under the somewhat strange gaze of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country embarked on a journey alone. It was a journey to destroy the Land of Fire, and the same...

The journey to force the Leaf Village of the Land of Fire to put down their pride and dignity!

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