Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 791: share

 Do you still regret it?

How can I have any regrets?

When the Third Hokage's last companion, Mito Kadoen, died tragically in front of the Third Hokage, the Third Hokage felt that his heart suddenly stopped beating, and the whole world had no other color except darkness.


 They are all dead!

 Old friend, old rival, the conspirator Shimura Danzo in the original Naruto novel is dead.

 The son he loved the most and had the most hope of inheriting the position of Hokage, "Meng" also died.

How many friends are left?

There were only two people, Mito Monohan and Koharu who were sleeping together. Unexpectedly, they all died tragically at the hands of the four-tailed clone of Monkey King that was controlled off-road. And the third Hokage didn't even know who his opponent was. .

Facts have proved that it only takes a few seconds to fall into boundless darkness.

Just like the current Third Hokage, just like the "blackened" Uchiha Obito in the original Hokage. It only takes a few seconds for them to fall into the boundless darkness, and they have the idea of ​​​​destroying everything!

 So, when the Third Hokage, who was in extreme pain, raised his head and looked towards the cross country, he took a deep breath. It was clear that the Third Hokage had chosen his own way of death.

  followed by.

Just when the Third Hokage's eyes collided with the eyes of the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled by off-road, no sparks were generated. The third Hokage only made eye contact with the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled by off-road. , suddenly used the shadow clone technique to create two shadow clones!

 “Hokage-sama’s choice is very unwise!”

In the distance, several ANBU watched the Third Hokage choose to disperse chakra and use the shadow clone technique when facing the four-tailed Son Goku clone that was controlled off-road. One of the ANBU murmured: "The Third Hokage After all, you are old. Even if you can save some chakra when using the shadow clone, the consumption of the shadow clone is still too great. Judging from the current situation, we should protect Mr. Hokage and retreat temporarily while collecting information about the monster. The task should be left to us ANBU!"

As he said that, the ANBU took a deep breath, turned to the surrounding ANBU, and ordered: "You just recover the bodies of Lord Koharu and Lord Menyan. I will temporarily lead the team to get the attention of that monster. Strength. Remember, you must leave with the Third Hokage smoothly. The Third Hokage is the hope of our Konoha Village. The ninja world can be without us, but it cannot be without the Third Hokage, because only he can lead our Konoha Village. .”

 “Come back to the light!”

Just as the ANBU's voice fell, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound.

The Third Hokage did not give the ANBU behind him a chance to come to help, and suddenly rushed towards the four-tailed Monkey King clone that was being controlled off-road. When Cross Country was watching the Third Hokage, he suddenly realized that the Third Hokage at this time was the one worthy of his attention, because the current Third Hokage had suddenly exploded his true power, using his own lifespan to transmit the power of his peak period. strength!

It was just an acceleration, and the Third Hokage suddenly arrived in front of the four-tailed clone of Sun Wukong controlled off-road. What kind of terrifying speed was that?

Moreover, when he came to the four-tailed Sun Wukong controlled by Off-Road, Off-Road held tightly the Vajra Ruyi stick transformed by the old ape demon, originally preparing to knock back the Third Hokage with one stick. I never thought that the Third Hokage's flexible body was like a monkey in the jungle. Every hair on the four-tailed Monkey King clone that was controlled off-road was a place that the Third Hokage could use to avoid or hide. And every time he hides, the Third Hokage can actually put a few detonating charms on the body of the four-tailed Monkey King clone that can be controlled off-road.





 Continuous explosions sounded, which was the damage caused by the Third Hokage to the four-tailed Monkey King clone that was controlled off-road.

If it were placed in a hot-blooded comic, when the Third Hokage starts to attack and can hurt the four-tailed Monkey King clone under off-road control, there will definitely be a very exciting song. Moreover, under the counterattack of the Third Hokage, the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled off-road, who played the role of the villain, was bound to be seriously injured.


 This is reality, not in hot-blooded comics.

Therefore, although the Third Hokage used the detonating talisman to slightly injure the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled by Off-Road, unfortunately, the physical energy in the off-road body continued to be converted into life energy, and he could treat the injuries of the four-tailed Monkey King clone anytime and anywhere. . In the end, the Third Hokage only consumed his own physical strength. Instead, it was the four-tailed Monkey King clone that was controlled off-road. It was under the consumption of the Third Hokage and had no intention of getting hurt.

 But even so, Cross Country's eyes still fell on the shadow clone of the Third Hokage.

Especially when you feel that the Third Hokage is in pain and has the will to die early, you need to be careful when going off-road. In the original work of Naruto, the Third Hokage used the forbidden technique to seal Orochimaru's hands.

That is the Ghoul Seal controlled by the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki!

 “If the Third Hokage really uses ghouls to seal him away, then I will be in trouble.”

"So, Third Hokage, before you prepare to seal yourself away with a ghoul, I will get rid of you first!"

Huttered to himself, Cross Country took a deep breath, and was clearly ready to kill the Third Hokage. And when the Third Hokage was about to use the hair of the four-tailed Monkey King clone to hide again, he suddenly used the chakra in the four-tailed Monkey King clone's body. Immediately, every hair on the four-tailed Monkey King clone's body was completely transformed. They all turned into hot lava!


 A wailing cry, naturally the painful wailing of the Third Hokage.

Unexpectedly, the four-tailed Sun Wukong under the control of Off-Road could turn even the hair on his body into hot lava. The Third Hokage had obviously lost his mind under the pain, so Off-Road had just counterattacked. The Third Hokage had previously All the advantages of manufacturing are gone.

 However, when the Third Hokage was about to lose, Cross Country did not control the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong to pursue him.

 Because right in front of the cross-country, a familiar guy appears now.

That guy

Shockingly, he is the son of another teacher of Cross Country. He is also a good friend of Cross Country. In the original Naruto novel, he was the Emperor Kai who severely injured Madara Six Paths!


“The Third Hokage, if you are tired, please rest first.”

“Let me share the pressure for you in this battle!”

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