Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 792: Hope (Part 1)


 “I’ve finally waited for you.”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Even though he was in the body of the four-tailed Monkey King clone, controlling the tailed beast clone to destroy Konoha Village, Cross Country still knew that he would eventually have to fight with him here. A battle between friends. Because Akai is different from Cross Country. He always has the will of fire in his head. He can give everything he has for Konoha Village, even risking his life, just to protect his important things.

 And simple people are often terrible.

Off-road can be sure that when he senses Akai's aura from Kagura's inner eye, he can feel that the current Akai is far more terrifying than Kakashi.

 Eight Gate Dunjia

Akai, have you mastered it?

There is never a way to forget that the silly captain, also Akai's father, who taught off -road tolerance to what is the horror when he fully opened the eight -door armor. Thinking of Matt's majestic figure, Cross Country looked at Akai, and Kagura's inner eye penetrated directly from the outside of Akai's body to the inside of Akai's body.

Although he has not been able to fully practice the Eight Gate Dunjia, Cross Country still knows what the signs of opening the Eight Gate Dunjia are. Therefore, when using Kagura's inner eye to sense the situation inside Akai's body, Cross Country can know from some traces in Akai's body that Akai can open seven of the eight gates of Dunjia early, but the seventh gate is It's just Akai's limit, the eighth gate of death among the eight gates of Dunjia. Akai must still not have mastered it now.

 But only seven gates are enough.

Off-road didn't want to see Akai die, so he felt that as long as he could defeat Akai who opened seven of the eight gates of Dunjia, it would be good.

On the contrary, it was the Third Hokage. Just when he was facing defeat and didn't even have time to use the Ghoul Seal, Akai suddenly appeared in front of the Third Hokage, leaving the Third Hokage with only emotion in his heart. A few minutes have passed since his battle with the four-tailed Son Goku clone. Although the Third Hokage ordered not to let the others come to join the battle, since Mito Kadoen died tragically at the hands of Cross Country , the Third Hokage was secretly looking forward to someone coming to relieve himself of the burden.

  Originally, the person whom the Third Hokage was most optimistic about was Kakashi. Unfortunately, Kakashi still did not come because Kakashi was busy with other things. The civilians in Konoha Village need to be relocated, and more importantly, the Hatake clan members need to be relocated. Therefore, Kakashi, who was busy transferring the Hatake clan members, was looked down upon by Cross Country. Instead, he used Kagura's inner eye to sense the situation in Konoha Village, knowing that Matt Dai was willing to ignore his own life and insisted on letting Kai When he came to assist the Third Hokage, Cross Country sighed deeply, and without any hesitation, he landed a stick in front of Kai.

"Whether you can save the Third Hokage, Akai, is not up to you."

“But in order to make our battle more exciting, we’d better get rid of these annoying ants first!”

 The stick fell and the wind roared!

Off-road controlled the clone of the four-tailed Sun Wukong, and was about to use the King Kong Ruyi stick transformed from the old ape demon to hit the Third Hokage directly. However, Akai is also dissatisfied with his speed. Although his perception is not as strong as off-road, he has been paying attention to the situation of the four-tailed Monkey King clone in the off-road. Akai is still controlling the four-tailed Monkey King clone in the off-road, preparing to drop the When he hit the stick, he suddenly came to the front of the Vajra Ruyi Stick dropped by the four-tailed Sun Wukong through cross-country control.


 It turned out to be with one hand!

Akai stretched out his right hand, and with a "bang" sound, he abruptly stopped the Vajra Ruyi Rod from falling.

 Looking at Akai's body again, the blue light that ignited was not a sign of opening the seventh gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, so what could it be?

Looking closely at the blue light that suddenly ignited on Akai's body, Cross Country and the Third Hokage were both shocked. Akai actually had the ability to instantly open the seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia!

However, it was only a few seconds of shock, and I felt relieved after going off-road.

Because he knew why Akai could instantly open the seventh gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia. The reason must be Akai's practice, which mainly focused on the cultivation of the first seven of the eight gates of Dunjia!

“Unlike Captain Adai, Akai, the Eight Gate Dunjia you have cultivated must be more perfect. No wonder it is in the original book of Naruto.”

“You were able to reach your peak much longer than Captain Adai. It turns out the secret lies in your cultivation of Eight Gate Dunjia!”

Secretly, Cross Country could not help but compare the eight-door Dunjia worn by Matt with the eight-door Dunjia worn by Akai.

There is no doubt that Eight Gate Dunjia is a magical skill. As long as it can be mastered perfectly, its power is simply terrifying. However, when Matt Dai studied the Eight Gate Dun Armor, he only regarded the Eight Gate Dun Armor as an explosive method. Therefore, except for the occasional use of the Eight Gate Dun Armor, Matt Dai mostly used it. Treat Eight Gate Dunjia as your trump card, and at the same time, in order to avoid some side effects, don't use it often.

 On the contrary, it is Akai, he is simply a madman!

How is his method of cultivating the Eight Gate Dunjia now?

 Significantly, it is to activate the Eight-door Dunjia in the extreme state and keep using the Eight-door Dunjia!

 Obviously, this kind of practice is very dangerous, because as long as the Eight Door Dunjia is opened, it will put a certain burden on the body. And a madman like Akai ignores such a burden, and the consequences are either destruction or heartbreak. In the eyes of cross-country, Akai is obviously a lucky guy and a talented guy at the same time.

In the extreme practice again and again, the burden of always opening the Eight Doors Dunjia not only did not become a burden to Akai, but instead became the motivation for his practice. Gradually, I became familiar with the use of Eight-door Dunjia, and further improved my physical fitness even though the Eight-door Dunjia brought a burden to me.

Over time, Akai was able to instantly open the Eight Gates of Dunjia, and the side effects of opening the first seven gates of the Eight Gates of Dunjia were minimized!


If you continue to practice like this, it will become easier and easier to open and use the first seven doors of the Eight-door Dunjia, with fewer side effects. But when it comes time to open the eighth gate of the Eight Gate Dun Armor, the side effects of Akai's previous use of the Eight Gate Dun Armor will probably accumulate and superimpose on him in an instant. It is estimated that except for the situation in the original book of Naruto, where Akai can still survive, in other cases, as long as the eighth gate of the eight gates of armor is opened, there is absolutely no chance of Akai's survival.

Because of this, looking at Akai who has already opened the Seven Gate Dunjia, Cross Country can't help but be a little worried that his friend will take an extreme path.

Immediately, seeing Akai resisting the pressure of the Vajra Ruyi Stick with one hand, Xue Yue sighed deeply and murmured:

"Akai, for you, I will give it to Konoha Village"

 “A little hope is good!”

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