Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 796: Hero (middle)

 “Am I dead?”

 “There is no death, we are not dead!”

"What happened just now? Did the Third Hokage save us?"

“No, it’s not the Third Hokage. Look, someone is fighting that monster!”

"Who is that?"

“It turns out to be the Fourth Hokage!”

The hero is here!

The Fourth Hokage suddenly appeared and saved the Konoha Village at the hands of off-road. The impact on the entire Konoha Village was unimaginable by ordinary people.

  Just like Uzumaki Naruto in the original Naruto novel.

When the Six Paths of Pain controlled by Nagato arrived and no one could stop it, Uzumaki Naruto in the original book of Naruto suddenly appeared and saved the world. Who can still understand that Uzumaki Naruto might be the incarnation of the demon fox?

 In their hearts, Uzumaki Naruto is just a hero.

  As for the demon fox, it was clearly not something they could worry about.

 And what about the Fourth Hokage?

 When the Fourth Hokage appeared to save the world, who could understand the fact that the Fourth Hokage was dead?

There is only one thought in everyone's mind, that is, the Fourth Hokage has returned and saved them from the monster. Immediately, when the Fourth Hokage fought against the off-road controlled four-tailed clone of Sun Wukong, he was greeted by the endless cheers of the civilians of Konoha Village and the ninjas.

 Instead, it was the Third Hokage.

 Listening to what the Fourth Hokage said earlier, looking at the familiar back of the Fourth Hokage, he sighed deeply.

"turn out to be."

"I see!"

Just saying "I see", the look in the eyes of the Third Hokage was actually indescribably sad.

 Because, when he saw the Fourth Hokage appear and save the entire Konoha Village in the hands of the four-tailed Son Goku clone controlled off-road, the Third Hokage suddenly understood a lot of things.

 First, the Fourth Hokage is not dead, his Third Hokage is a joke.

The reason why the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina were left alone in the first place, facing the three-tailed Izodron and the nine-tailed demon fox, wasn't it because the ambition of the Third Hokage was growing?

 It is very painful for a person who has enjoyed power to suddenly lose it. Just like before cross-country travel, why was there no very powerful emperor who took the initiative to give up his throne, even if it was given to his son, they would feel that their rights had become smaller, so the emperor who truly holds power, Unless it is on the verge of death, how can one give up his throne?

 The Third Hokage gave up his position as Hokage. His mentality was good at first, but as the power of the Fourth Hokage gradually expanded, the Third Hokage felt a little uncomfortable. Therefore, a series of tragedies happened later, which can be said to be proof that the Third Hokage began to be mediocre. It can also be said that the Third Hokage began to move towards self-destruction.

Now, knowing that the Fourth Hokage is not dead, the Third Hokage can vaguely guess that the real fool is himself.

Having just understood this, the Third Hokage understood the second truth, which was that the person manipulating the clone of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong behind the scenes must be off-road.

 The shadow mage in the ninja world.

Nara off-roading!

Because, when the Fourth Hokage showed up and started to save the world, the Third Hokage obviously discovered that the four-tailed Monkey King clone that was controlled off-road had become weaker.

 That’s right.

 The fierce battle between the Fourth Hokage and the four-tailed Monkey King clone is very exciting, and some laymen can't figure it out.

 But who is the third Hokage?

The Fourth Hokage and the four-tailed clone of Sun Wukong controlled off-road are just acting there. Is it no wonder that the Third Hokage can't tell?

  Thirdly, the Third Hokage completely understood that everything was a conspiracy. Even Mito Gate and Koharu died tragically under the conspiracy.

Until now, the Third Hokage knew that Cross Country was not a kind person. His previous kindness was just to gain a good reputation for himself. Now when the fangs of Cross Country are revealed, the Third Hokage can only look at the relatives around him, a Just disappeared.

Even the Third Hokage can imagine how many terrible things will happen in Konoha Village when the Fourth Hokage takes power in the future.

Is the Sarutobi clan going to disappear?

Just like the third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, who wanted to eliminate the four clans of Nara, Akimichi, Yamazaka and Uchiha?

 Similarly, will the Hyuga clan, with Hinata and Hinata still the clan leader, also disappear into the ninja world?

 These are things that are very likely to happen when the Third Hokage thinks about it.

For a moment, watching the fierce battle between the Fourth Hokage and the clone of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong, the Third Hokage fell silent. When Cross Country controlled the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone to fight against the Fourth Hokage, on the surface it was a fierce battle, but the Fourth Hokage silently communicated with Cross Country under the condition of mental communication:

“Cross-country, have you gone too far?”

 "Is it too much? Minato-sensei?"

Cross Country hesitated for a moment and said seriously: "In fact, only in this way can everyone recognize you more. Anyway, we have the support of the Country of Waves for the time being, and it will only take a matter of minutes to rebuild the Leaf Village. Teacher Minato, in fact, the current Konoha Ye Village is not safe at all. Destruction is equivalent to rebirth, so you just need to settle down and become your hero."

"But you have to remember, Teacher Minato, you must not leak today's events. I won't reveal my identity because I am afraid that this secret will be in the hands of others."

“Okay, Minato-sensei, we are almost done fighting, it’s time to end the battle.”

 “Enjoy the treatment of your hero!”

“Konoha Village must reach its peak in the hands of you, Minato-sensei, the Fourth Hokage!”

Off-road had just finished speaking. Although the Fourth Hokage could not see it, he still felt that the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone was in front of him and smiled faintly at him.

  followed by.

Just like the cross-country director, the four-tailed Monkey King clone was successfully defeated by the Fourth Hokage, and the fourth Hokage used the Flying Thunder God technique to directly kill the four-tailed Monkey King clone controlled by the cross-country .

 The powerful enemy disappeared. The Fourth Hokage defeated the powerful enemy, saved the Leaf Village, and even saved the entire Fire Country.

 Next, what awaits the Fourth Hokage is bound to be endless cheers and hero treatment.

  Instead, it’s off-road

 After solving the problem of Konoha Village, it was time for him to go to the Daimyo Mansion of the Country of Fire and meet the Daimyo of the Country of Fire!

“At the beginning, Orochimaru taught me a very good way, which is to master a ninja village.”

 “It’s better to know the name of that country first!”

“So, my beloved Daimyo from the Land of Fire, the next person to be dealt with is you!”

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