Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 797: Hero (Part 2)

 Half a month passed by in a hurry.

However, in Konoha Village, no one can feel the passage of time. Almost everyone is indulged in the joy of surviving the disaster.

 Under the leadership of the new hero of Konoha Village, the resurrected Fourth Hokage, Konoha Village officially began to rebuild.

 The ninjas in the village need to perform tasks as usual, while the civilians, led by the Fourth Hokage, began to spontaneously form teams and prepare to re-establish the Leaf Village on the ruins.

 That’s right.

Half a month ago, when Cross Country transformed into a member of the Otsutsuki clan and controlled the clone of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong, he came to destroy Konoha Village. Almost from the moment when the Fourth Hokage repelled Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage was The heroes in Konoha Village replaced the Third Hokage as the leader of Konoha Village, and no one was dissatisfied.


Of course it is not as simple as the Fourth Hokage being the hero of Konoha Village.

But ever since Cross Country controlled the clone of the Four-Tailed Sun Wukong and came to invade the Leaf Village, the Third Hokage has become seriously ill and is now being treated in a makeshift medical camp.

 But the serious illness of the Third Hokage was not caused by off-roading, let alone the Fourth Hokage. Instead, it was caused by a heart disease.

Especially when looking at the Leaf Village led by the Fourth Hokage, it feels quite prosperous. Even the Nara, Akimichi, Yamazaka, and Uchiha tribes in the Land of Waves all returned to the Land of Fire from the Land of Waves. When helping the Konoha Village to rebuild, the Third Hokage's heart problems inevitably became more serious. Whether he can survive this year depends on whether the Third Hokage can successfully defeat his own demons.



 Very slim!

 Because the Third Hokage's inner demon is himself, unless he can fight himself, this year may be the day when the Third Hokage dies.

Before the Third Hokage died, there were actually many people who wanted to see the Third Hokage, such as Shikaku, Choza, and Haiichi. They all wanted to see the Third Hokage. They had some things they wanted to tell the Third Hokage face to face and unravel the past. heart knot. However, Shikaku, Haiichi, Choza and others do not have that time. The reconstruction of Konoha Village is something that must be completed in a short time, so even if the Fourth Hokage, Shikaku, Haiichi, Choza do it every day They were all busy, and they still had endless things to deal with, so naturally they didn't have time to have a good talk with the Third Hokage.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

  Konoha Village is being rebuilt, and the first step towards unifying the ninja world cross-country has been successfully taken.

 However, if you want to unify the ninja world, a small Konoha village is still too small. Since Cross Country's goal is the entire ninja world, he must first resolve the hidden dangers of the entire Fire Nation and allow the Fire Nation to complete its true unification. When heading to the Fire Country Daimyo Mansion, preparing to imitate Orochimaru and control the Fire Country Daimyo, Cross Country naturally did not go alone. Instead, he summoned Uchiha Fugaku from the Country of Waves.

 Uchiha Fugaku is also an ambitious guy.

  When he knew that the Country of Waves was going to merge with the Country of Fire, he was planning something secretly, and even thought about letting the Uchiha clan monopolize the Country of Waves, so as not to lose the power of his current name.

However, in front of cross-country, Uchiha Fugaku has no secrets in front of him with his cross-country escape skills.

 And some things are better to be discussed in advance than to be hidden.

Therefore, when he discovered that Uchiha Fugaku was ambitious, Cross Country summoned Uchiha Fugaku and said to Uchiha Fugaku face to face: "Fugaku-kun, you are about to lose the power of the Daimyo of the Land of Waves, but the power of the Land of Fire Daimyo, I’m going to let you take charge, are you interested?”


 “The great name of the Land of Fire?”

I never thought that one day I would get involved in the position of Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

When Uchiha Fugaku heard the words of Cross Country, Uchiha Fugaku completely forgot about any conspiracy and conspiracy. There was only one word in his head.

 That is the name of the Kingdom of Fire!

It is also because of this that the troubles of Uchiha Fugaku and the Uchiha clan were successfully solved by cross-country.

It’s just that Uchiha Fugaku was blinded by power. With Shisui beside him, Itachi knew that the Uchiha clan could not hold power forever, otherwise the next person to die would be Uchiha Fugaku.

From the iron-fisted approach of Cross Country, Shisui and Itachi God can see that Cross Country is a person who cannot tolerate sand in his eyes.

 Just look at the situation of the Third Hokage.

The former "Ninja Hero" in the ninja world is now bedridden. What a miserable sight is that?

 The situation of the Third Hokage is simply more tragic than dying in battle!

 In this case, Shisui and Itachi knew what kind of person he was, so they were ready to stop Uchiha Fugaku's degeneration as soon as possible. Therefore, when Cross Country brought Uchiha Fugaku, Shisui, and Itachi God to the Daming Mansion of the Fire Country, suddenly Cross Country felt the aura of Shisui's Mangekyō Sharingan, and soon after entering the Fire Country The day before the Daming Mansion, Uchiha Fugaku's personality changed.

 Off-road friend Shisui.

   Amazingly, he has accomplished what he wanted to accomplish but was unable to accomplish in the original Naruto novel!

That thing is the casting of other gods!

"You changed Fugaku-kun's consciousness, didn't you? Shisui!"


In front of Yuexiu, Zhisui had no need to hide anything. He smiled casually and said, "Lord Fugaku is a very good clan leader, but unfortunately he is too greedy for power. However, if Lord Fugaku can have such an idea, I can I understand, who, as the leader of the Uchiha clan, doesn’t want to be able to regain the glory of the Uchiha clan one day? Off-road, Uchiha Madara may be an enemy in our eyes, but all the members of the Uchiha clan are secretly I am here to accompany Uchiha Madara."

"If Lord Fugaku wants to surpass Uchiha Madara, he needs to gain more power and be more perfect than Uchiha Madara. After all, in terms of strength, if anyone wants to surpass Uchiha Madara, it will be too difficult, isn't it?"

 Listening to Shisui's words, Cross Country nodded silently.

 He did not tell Shisui, Itachi God and others about Madara's death.

 Because if the news of Madara's death spreads, more things may happen.

 After talking with Shisui, that is, on the day when Cross Country entered the Daimyo Palace of the Land of Fire, Cross Country discovered that Uchiha Fugaku, who had now transformed into the Daimyo of the Country of Fire, was different from before. Without the greed for power, and even without the extreme mentality, under the influence of Shisui's other gods, Uchiha Fugaku has suddenly become a perfect daimyo, a daimyo who can support cross-country and complete the road to unify the shinobi world. .

 Even, looking at the changes in Uchiha Fugaku, Cross Country felt very sad.

 In my heart, the off-road sigh is even like this!

“In Konoha Village, everyone thinks Minato-sensei is the real hero.”

“Actually, the real hero is you, Shisui, if it weren’t for you.”

"Even if I unify the ninja world in the future, the Uchiha clan that develops will still cause trouble for me!"

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