Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 82: spiritual occult

 “Another master?”

"who is it?"

"Could it be Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas? Minato-sensei wants to teach me the sage mode!"

I predict that the secret technique that the Fourth Hokage will teach is likely to be the sage mode of Mt. Myouki. I can’t help but be excited about cross-country!

 What is the immortal mode?

  It can be said to be the most powerful god-level secret technique in the world of Naruto, except for the Blood Succession Limit!

In the original plot, Madara has the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. What did the first Hokage Senju Hashirama use to compete with it?

 The answer is fairy mode!

In the same plot of the original work, how did Uzumaki Naruto's strength improve by leaps and bounds, and in just a few days of practice, he was able to fight against the Six Paths Pain who defeated Jiraiya?

 The answer is still fairy mode!

As long as Cross Country can master the cultivation method of Sage Mode, even if he cannot master the perfect Sage Mode like the first Hokage Senju Hashirama and the original protagonist Uzumaki Naruto. However, after using the sage mode, Cross Country can be sure of his own strength, and he will definitely be able to cross the chasm from an ordinary jounin to become a shadow-level powerhouse who is proud of the pinnacle of the ninja world!

 What kind of temptation is this?

It's a pity that dreaming about mastering the immortal mode and crossing the chasm to become a shadow-level powerhouse only made the cross-country exciting for a few seconds.

 Soon, Cross Country realized something was wrong!

 “It shouldn’t be!”

“If Minato-sensei is going to teach me the sage mode, he shouldn’t say he’s teaching on behalf of others, but should say he’s teaching on behalf of a teacher, right?”

“After all, if it really counts, Jiraiya should be considered my master. Isn’t it too outrageous to say that he teaches on behalf of others?”

"not to mention"

He thought to himself secretly, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently for a few times, and then he thought sadly:

"What's more, Jiraiya seems to have just come into contact with the Sage Mode during the Third War. Minato-sensei hasn't even completed the training in the Sage Mode, right?"


"It was indeed my imagination just now. Let's ask Minato-sensei what the secret technique is that he wants to teach!"

  Unable to practice in the immortal mode, it is inevitable to feel a little uncomfortable when going off-road.

But just like I thought before going cross-country, the road must be taken step by step. If you take too long, you will easily get injured!

 Since he relied on the APP's accelerated training and the personal teachings of the Fourth Hokage, his cross-country strength has improved twice by leaps and bounds. Then there is no need for him to expect too much. To stabilize his own strength and foundation, slowly break through the shackles, and climb to the peak of a shadow-level powerhouse step by step, that is the true kingly way.

There are many things in the world, but if you take shortcuts, unless you are the protagonist, there will definitely be disadvantages.

 Off-road believes that he does not have the aura of a protagonist, so he quickly lets go of the fact that he cannot practice the immortal mode.

What's more, even if Off-Road cannot practice the Sage Mode from the Fourth Hokage, the Fourth Hokage still has to "teach others" and teach Off-Road a new secret technique?

While Cross Country was secretly waiting to see what kind of secret technique the Fourth Hokage was going to teach him, the Fourth Hokage suddenly used the secret technique of "acceleration" and sprinted a hundred meters in front of Cross Country before returning to him. At that time, the Fourth Hokage asked: "Xiu Chuang, do you see any difference between the secret technique I am using now and the one you are using?"

 “No difference.”

Having observed it carefully before, Shijie shook his head directly and replied: "Teacher Minato, the secret technique you just used is basically the same as the one I used. Even the speed of increase is almost the same."

“Yes, cross-country. In fact, this is the limit of the secret technique I developed.”

Listening to Cross Country's reply, the Fourth Hokage smiled slightly, looked at the frowning Cross Country, and explained carefully: "Off Road, Shikaku told me that you wanted chakra test strips. Moreover, look at what you have now mastered what I have developed. To the extent of the secret technique, you must have completed the change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra."

“At such a young age, you are able to change the nature of wind chakra and cross-country. You are really talented and amazing.”

“But do you know that the nature of wind chakra changes in more than one extreme.”

“When you make another breakthrough on the basis of understanding the changes in the nature of wind chakra, your understanding of “wind” will be raised to another level, just like this!”

 Having said that, the Fourth Hokage once again used the "acceleration" secret technique, and sprinted another 100 meters in front of the cross-country.

But this time when the Fourth Hokage used the "acceleration" secret technique, Cross Country relied on the perception of spiritual energy. He just felt that the chakra output by the Fourth Hokage had increased. However, when Cross Country used the method of wind perception to sense the "acceleration" secret technique of the Fourth Hokage, a look of enlightenment suddenly appeared in Cross Country's eyes!

 “It turns out that the real details of Minato-sensei’s use of secret techniques are here. I’m so stupid!”

“Using spiritual energy perception, it’s nothing more than feeling that Minato-sensei has increased the use of chakra. But if you use wind perception, you can discover the subtle changes in Minato-sensei’s use of secret techniques!”

"It's interesting. The "Acceleration" secret technique used by Minato-sensei previously used the wind attribute chakra to be integrated into the "wind" to speed up one's movement. But now Minato-sensei uses the "Acceleration" secret technique, which actually uses the wind attribute. Chakra first merged into the "wind" and then transcended the "wind", what a wonderful realization it was!"

 “If it were me, would I really be able to transcend the "wind" like Minato-sensei did?"

Honestly ask yourself, off-roading can be secretly nerve-wracking.

 Because the Fourth Hokage's understanding of "wind" is really beyond the imagination of off-road.

If he could be given two or three years to fully understand the magical effects of wind attribute chakra without any other training, then he would still be able to catch up with the Fourth Hokage.

 However, when practicing that kind of practice, it is inevitable that the gains outweigh the losses.

What's more, the cross-country preparations are to take the route of an all-round ninja. It takes several years to specifically understand the "wind". It is better to seek breakthroughs in all aspects, which will increase the strength even more!

 However, the Fourth Hokage seemed to have seen the difficulties of cross-country, and immediately returned to the cross-country.

Especially when Cross Country was about to speak out and refuse to specialize in the practice of "wind", the Fourth Hokage, while smiling, touched Cross Country's head and said with a smile: "Cross Country, I know your difficulties, so I I’m not going to ask you to give up other practices and just learn about the wind attribute chakra.”

"Speaking of which, even if I could get to this point, it was all with the help of noble people. Without the secret technique I am going to teach you, no matter how outstanding a person's talent is, it is basically impossible to get to this point. This is my step. So, cross-country, as long as you can complete the secret cultivation that I have taught you on behalf of others, while taking care of the other cultivation, with your talent, I feel that it will only take you more than a year. His understanding of wind attribute chakra can surpass mine."

“Now, let’s talk about the secret technique I am going to teach you!”

As he said that, he suddenly saw a gentle look in the eyes of the Fourth Hokage.

Then, when Cross Country was secretly curious about who was the person who taught the Fourth Hokage the secret technique, the Fourth Hokage directly announced the answer and said with a smile:

“Off-road, the person who taught me the secret technique is actually your master’s wife, and her name is Uzumaki Kushina.”

"And the secret technique I want to teach you on her behalf is the secret technique of her Uzumaki clan!"

 “It’s called, spiritual magic!”

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