Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 83: The beginning of the war

 “Spiritual magic?”

“It turns out to be the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan. No wonder Minato-sensei wants to teach it to someone else!”

"As for my master wife, Uzumaki Kushina, whom I have never met before, she is really a noble person of Minato-sensei!"

 The secret technique that the Fourth Hokage is going to teach has finally been unveiled.

Off-road was suddenly enlightened, and when he looked at the Fourth Hokage, a faint smile slowly appeared on his face.

 Furthermore, precisely because Cross Country came from time travel and is familiar with the plot of the original work, it is really appropriate for the Fourth Hokage to say that Uzumaki Kushina is his noble person in Cross Country. After all, judging from the current point in time, the Fourth Hokage's wife Uzumaki Kushina should be pregnant with the Fourth Hokage's child, which is the original protagonist Uzumaki Naruto.

What's more, in addition to continuing the descendants of the Fourth Hokage, if it were not for Kushina Uzumaki, the Fourth Hokage might not have achieved what it is today?

 On the road to success of the Fourth Hokage, there are three people who are indispensable!

 The first one is undoubtedly Jiraiya who brought the Fourth Hokage back to Konoha Village and accepted him as his disciple.

How to put it another way, without Jiraiya, the fourth-generation Hokage, who was an orphan, might not be able to tap his potential and become a qualified jounin like he did with Jiraiya. Therefore, Jiraiya was the first noble person that the Fourth Hokage met. As for the second noble person that the Fourth Hokage met, that was the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama who died early!

Without the secret technique of the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, which is the Flying Thunder God Technique that the Fourth Hokage became famous for, where would the name of Konoha's golden glitter come from?

 So, even if the Fourth Hokage has never met the Second Hokage, the Second Hokage is still considered one of the nobles of the Fourth Hokage.

During the Fourth War in the original plot, the fourth Hokage respected the second Hokage so much, presumably because of the flying thunder god's technique!

 The third noble person, who is also an indispensable role in the life of the Fourth Hokage, is also Uzumaki Kushina!

 You may not have seen it, but the Fourth Hokage truly showed his talents. From an ordinary jounin to a shadow-level powerhouse who was proud of the pinnacle of the ninja world, it was all closely related to Uzumaki Kushina.

 On the one hand, Uzumaki Kushina has the dream of "Hokage" and is always spurring the growth of the fourth generation of Hokage.

On the other hand, it can be seen from the original plot that the Fourth Hokage was able to develop and master so many secret techniques in the process of exchanging the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan with Kushina Uzumaki.

Now, as a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country heard that the Fourth Hokage was going to teach him the secrets of the Uzumaki clan, so he was naturally the one who felt the deepest feelings.

Whether it is wind teleportation or the "acceleration" secret technique, the Fourth Hokage relied on practicing the essence of the Uzumaki clan and was able to further understand the changes in the nature of the wind attribute chakra in order to achieve wind teleportation. "Accelerate" the secret technique to become a real magical skill. Moreover, not to mention the two secret techniques of wind teleportation and "acceleration", when Cross Country learned that the Fourth Hokage was proficient in the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan, he suddenly discovered that the perception method of wind perception was somewhat derived from the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan. The shadow of the art.

 Then, he secretly thought that Uzumaki Kushina was indeed a noble person of the Fourth Hokage, and was the factor that helped the Fourth Hokage grow. The Fourth Hokage also began to teach cross-country and the cultivation methods of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts.

As we all know, the Uzumaki clan in the original plot are not only far superior to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness, but also possess terrifying amounts of chakra. In terms of mastering the secret arts of perception, sealing, and many other secret arts, the Uzumaki clan is also very good at mastering them. The terrifying perception ability possessed by the Uzumaki clan is first of all due to the fact that each member of the Uzumaki clan is gifted and has a huge amount of spiritual energy.

Secondly, it is because the Uzumaki clan has been practicing the mystic arts all year round, which can further enhance their huge spiritual energy!

 As a cross-country traveler, your mental energy is already very huge.

  Unfortunately, there is no secret technique for cultivating spiritual energy. As a result, only under special circumstances can breakthroughs in spiritual energy be achieved during off-roading.

The first breakthrough in cross-country's spiritual energy was when he fought with Kakashi and was almost killed by Kakashi with a Chidori.

 The second spiritual energy breakthrough was during a fight with Ghost Lantern Man Yue, and he almost died tragically due to the combination of the Kirigakure Technique and the Silent Killing Technique.

From here we can see that if ordinary people want to make breakthroughs in spiritual energy, they must be in danger of life and death. Even off-roading, where spiritual energy has special advantages, is no exception.

Of course.

 The ordinary people mentioned here refer to those families who have not practiced the mystical arts.

For example, the Yamanaka clan, which has good relations with the Nara clan, actually has methods of cultivating spiritual mystical arts within their clan. After all, the amount of spiritual energy is related to the use of the Yamanaka clan's mystical arts!

However, even if the Nara clan has a good relationship with the Yamanaka clan, can they share something as crucial as spiritual magic?

 It is definitely impossible!

 So, it is an opportunity for Cross Country to master the spiritual arts of the Uzumaki clan from the Fourth Hokage!

 An opportunity for cross-country to give full play to its own advantages and continue to strengthen its spiritual energy!

Especially with the cultivation and improvement of spiritual energy, Off-road can not only gradually master the terrifying perception method similar to that of the Uzumaki clan, but also, like the Fourth Hokage, can master the changes in the nature of wind attribute chakra at a deeper level. And, in addition to the above two benefits, there are many invisible benefits that need to be slowly discovered off-road.

 In general, it’s just one sentence!

  Practicing mystical skills off-road has many benefits, and there are really no disadvantages at all!

Immediately afterwards, when the Fourth Hokage finished teaching Cross Country the Uzumaki clan's spiritual mystic training method, and saw that Cross Country practiced the Uzumaki clan's spiritual magic for the first time, and it was such a success, the Fourth Hokage ordered Cross Country to complete the spiritual magic every day. Technological lessons. Then, because there are other things to deal with, the Fourth Hokage's teaching ends here.

However, during the half-month follow-up period of the cross-country recovery, the Fourth Hokage still took some time every day to teach cross-country training.

During the days of training with the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country recovered half of his own injuries, and also stabilized his strength at the Jonin level, which is considered an improvement.

 On the contrary, it is the cultivation of spiritual mysticism, which is a process of getting rid of the stone.

 After all, the two breakthroughs in cross-country spiritual energy have already "squeezed out" the spiritual energy advantage of his time traveler.

However, as long as Cross Country persists in practicing the spiritual mysteries of the Uzumaki clan, and when his spiritual energy makes another breakthrough, the many benefits of practicing the spiritual mysteries of the Uzumaki clan will be revealed bit by bit.

Furthermore, even if his spiritual energy has not yet made a "qualitative" leap, in half a month, he has been practicing spiritual mysticism every day in cross-country, and he has also gained a lot of benefits. However, I have to practice with the Fourth Hokage every day, and I have to do so many tedious trainings cross-country, so I haven't had time to summarize it properly.

 So on this day half a month later, as the new year is approaching and the Fourth Hokage is busy with the war, he has no time to teach today, so he must summarize the recent training results. But who could have imagined that just when Cross Country was about to summarize the recent training results, Lu Jiu's sudden arrival actually ruined Cross Country's summary plan!

“Have you almost recovered from your injuries during the cross-country trip?”

"Our decisive battle with the Mist Ninja is about to begin. Be prepared. Minato will assign you a special mission today!"

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