Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 84: Blade Squad


 “Uncle Shikaku!”

Originally, I wanted to summarize the recent progress in cultivation, but Lu Jiu suddenly came and ruined the cross-country summary plan.

However, I heard from Shikaku that there was a new mission to be carried out. Although the summary plan of the cross-country was ruined, the cross-country was still very exciting!

Even, there is a bit of anticipation for the off-roading!

 Looking forward to the feeling of being about to enter the battlefield!

  It is true that off-roaders are not the kind of war madmen, let alone perverts who like killing.

 But in the previous difficult mission of breaking through the fog ninja defense line, I felt the atmosphere of the battlefield for the first time, and the cross-country was perfectly integrated into it. Moreover, while experiencing the breakthrough between life and death, Cross Country actually found that he liked the exciting feeling of galloping on the battlefield and fighting enemies to hone himself.

 So, almost the moment Shikaku ordered Cross Country to prepare, Cross Country, who had completed his daily homework, quickly got up and prepared to enter the battlefield.

  Wear ANBU clothes and pack the contents of the ninja bag.

Because the blue pill that Shikaku gave to Cross Country was too precious, he did not take it during the healing period. Instead, he put it at the bottom of his ninja bag for emergencies.

 Then, all the preparations were completed, Shichigo put on the ANBU mask, and followed Shikaku's instructions to go to the place where the Fourth Hokage summoned them. Moreover, when he first stepped into the meeting point, even though the other party was also wearing a mask, Cross Country still recognized who the ANBU was waiting there early in front of him.

That person is Kakashi, an old acquaintance of cross-country, isn't he?

"Kakashi is here, does Minato-sensei want us to carry out a plan to save Lin?"

 “If it’s really a mission to save Lin, that would be great!”

“At last, the important task was not delayed due to the injury!”

"Kakashi, if I can really change the plot of the original work, you really need to thank me! After all, it was me, Nara Cross Country, who changed the tragedy of you, Uchiha Obito, and Lin!"

Looking closely at Kakashi's figure, he thought to himself, and then walked directly to Kakashi's side and said hello: "Kakashi-senpai, it's so early!"

"Shadow, my current code name is "Thunder", don't forget the ANBU rules!"

As soon as he said hello to Kakashi, that guy from Kakashi poured cold water on the cross country, which really made the cross country feel like he had once again put his hot face on Kakashi's cold ass.

In addition, the injury on the shoulder was caused by Kakashi. Naturally, Cross Country could not give Kakashi any good looks, and directly replied with a sneer: "No problem, Lei, thank you for letting me lie in the hospital bed for more than half a month. Are you surprised to see me now? Don’t give me any more attention when you’re on a mission, remember!”

ˆ “.”

  Listening to the sarcasm of cross-country, Kakashi's eyes twitched violently a few times, and he could only endure it.

Who made him make a mistake?

  When you make a mistake, you have to admit it even on your knees!

Then, Kakashi remained silent, and he was also not prepared to talk to Kakashi.

With the gathering of the Fourth Hokage, two more ANBU members quickly rushed to Cross Country and Kakashi's side. However, neither Cross Country nor Kakashi knew these two new Anbu. After introducing each other, Cross Country only knew that each other's code names were "Shun" and "Meng", and nothing else. Know.

Seeing the four ANBU gathering around him, who happened to be a small team, Cross Country glanced at the figures of "Shun" and "Meng", and secretly thought to himself: "The four of them should be an ANBU team. Kakashi is here, Kakashi must be our captain, right? It’s really frustrating to be a team member under him!”

“But for the sake of the mission of saving Lin, just be reluctant to listen to Kakashi!”

 “Who makes him both a senior and a captain!”

Sighing silently, Cross Country, who was once the captain, was really unwilling to work under others.

However, among the ANBU present, let alone Kakashi, judging from the "shun" and "fierce" postures, they are all seniors in the ANBU. For a junior like Cross Country to be the captain, not only Kakashi may be unconvinced, but even "Shun" and "Meng" are unlikely to be convinced, so Cross Country can only wait for the arrival of the Fourth Hokage, and the mission he is looking forward to performing must be rescue. Lin's mission changed the direction of the original plot.

  Immediately afterwards, the figure of the Fourth Hokage appeared, and Cross Country and others were refreshed.

His eyes first fell on Kakashi, and then glanced at Cross Country. The Fourth Hokage had a rare serious expression and began to describe the mission: "The New Year is coming soon. According to the instructions of the Third Hokage, we must have the New Year come. The war with the Mist Ninja has ended before. Now, I am preparing to lead my troops to fight the Mist Ninja head-on. The task you have to perform is to detect and disrupt the Mist Ninja troops that have penetrated deep into our Country of Fire!"

Having said that, the Fourth Hokage did not look at Kakashi. Instead, his eyes fell on "Shun" and said: "Shun, from now on you are the captain of this ANBU. Your ANBU is called " "Blade" team, I hope you can understand the meaning of "Blade" and complete this mission perfectly. Don't let me down!"

 “Yes, the Fourth Hokage!”

As soon as the Fourth Hokage finished speaking, he replied with a "Shun".

Then, the figure of the Fourth Hokage disappeared in front of Cross Country and others. It was not until Cross Country looked at "Shun" with a surprised look that "Shun" solemnly said: "The Fourth Hokage has confessed before that Kage was injured some time ago. It’s quite serious, so during the mission, I hope you can help Ying and not let Ying’s injury worsen.”

 “Now if there are no problems, let’s go!”

 “Yes, Captain!”

Following "Shun"'s instructions, the sharp blade team that was heading off-road left the Konoha camp and headed towards the Land of Fire.

 On the contrary, it is cross-country. After knowing the mission issued by the Fourth Hokage, I basically understand that this mission must be the mission to save Lin. Because the mission of the Mist Ninja troops who penetrated deeply into the Country of Fire was to take Lin to Konoha Village and cast the three-tailed Isophobia sealed in Lin's body in Konoha Village.

 So, as long as we catch up with the Mist Ninja troops, there is a 80% chance of going off-road and preventing the tragedy in the original plot from happening.

 But before carrying out the mission, Cross Country never expected that the leader of the Blade Team would be Shun, not Kakashi.

 Especially the identities of the two new members "Shun" and "Meng" are very mysterious. In addition, "Shun" has become the captain of the Blade Team. Even Kakashi has not complained, which makes off-road people curious about "Shun"'s identity. Therefore, after leaving the Konoha camp and speeding towards the Land of Fire, preparing to join the ANBU team monitoring the Mist Ninja troops, Cross Country quietly rushed to Kakashi's side and asked, "Kakashi , who is Shun? You should know, right?"

  When asked, Cross Country was actually prepared, ready to hear Kakashi's cold rejection.

Who would have thought that Kakashi did not ignore this cross-country question.

And after the cross-country question, the proud Kakashi not only looked at Shun with admiration, but also gave an unexpected answer to the cross-country!

"Shun's identity is no secret in the ninja world. That is the only target I want to chase!"

“Kage, his surname is Uchiha and his given name is Shisui. You must have heard of his name, right?”

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