Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 85: Instant water stop

 “Uchiha Shisui?!”

 “Damn! Shun is actually Uchiha Shisui? That Shunshen Shisui!”

 In the plot of the original work, when it comes to the Weasel God, everyone must be familiar with it.

But no one who has read the plot of the original work can forget the arrogant figure in Konoha Village, the Itachi **** who killed Kakashi instantly with "one glance".

But what about Uchiha Shisui?

 Ha, then no one necessarily knows, right?

  After all, most people have only one impression of Uchiha Shisui, and that is the unlucky guy who "died tragically" in the hands of Itachi God when he carried out the massacre of his family.

 However, Uchiha Shisui is really that unbearable!


 Because, as a Naruto fan himself, Off-Road knows very well how terrifying Shisui, who is known as the "Snapshot", is!

Especially now, when the Itachi God has not fully grown up, if we can really say that the first person of the new generation of the Uchiha clan, it must be Uchiha Shisui, codenamed "Shun" in front of the cross-country.

Furthermore, even when the Itachi God gradually grew up, Uchiha Shisui's reputation spread early in the ninja world. Even, in the eyes of the Third Hokage and other Konoha senior officials, Uchiha Shisui a few years later will be the "strongest" of the Uchiha clan, and can be called the strongest person in the Uchiha clan.

It's a pity that such a dazzling genius, a guy who even the proud Kakashi secretly admired, died early on the stage of history because of the extremeness of Shimura Danzo, the elders of Konoha, and because of the death wish of the Uchiha clan. among. If the Uchiha clan did not conspire to rebel, it might be Shushen Shisui and Itachi God in the future, two "super god" level beings, who would definitely be able to carry forward the Uchiha clan!

 Then, I learned from Kakashi the identity of "Shun", that is, Uchiha Shisui. That Shunshen Shisui, Cross Country was stunned for a long time, and then his eyes slowly focused on Uchiha Shisui. However, looking at Shunshen Shisui's legendary figure right in front of him, Cross Country was actually more excited than when he first saw the Fourth Hokage.

  After all, in the contact with the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country did not perform the mission with the Fourth Hokage!

 On the contrary, it was Shunshen Shisui, who was Cross Country's most powerful collaborator during the mission!

"No wonder Minato-sensei believes in "Shun" so much. Just because of his reputation as Shun Shen Shisui, he is much more reliable than Kakashi!"

"What's more, Shisui's peak period not only came earlier than Kakashi's, but he was also stronger!"

"Now I have been practicing with Mr. Minato for so long, and a little Kakashi really can't "satisfy" me, so let me see how powerful you are!"

 “My lovely captain, Shunshen Shisui!”

He secretly thought to himself, a glimmer of light flashed silently in his eyes, but he did not use his "acceleration" secret technique to surpass Uchiha Shisui when he was on the road, and competed with Uchiha Shisui in a very childish way. .

 Comparing speed by light, isn’t that just a kid’s trick?

Even if he surpassed Uchiha Shisui in cross-country, what would happen?

 Does it mean that cross-country is better than Uchiha Shisui?

Besides, ANBU have rules when performing tasks. If they cross-country and overtake Uchiha Shisui, it is tantamount to disobeying orders.

Things that only a fool like Sarutobi Asuma can do, off-roading is scornful of.

 So, what Cross Country wants to do is to kill more enemies when fighting against the Mist Ninja, and perform better than Uchiha Shisui. In this way, it seems to challenge the title of Shunshen Shisui.

It's a pity that mist ninjas are not carrots and cabbages, you can meet them when you meet them.

Moreover, Cross Country, Kakashi and others had not long left the Konoha camp. Even if there were Mist ninjas around, it was the ANBU of the Mist ninja who were investigating the intelligence of the Konoha camp. It was impossible to easily communicate with Cross Country and the others. The team met. Therefore, at this time, the cross-country can only suppress the competitive thoughts, advance side by side with Kakashi from behind, silently follow Uchiha Shisui who leads the way in front, and the mysterious ANBU code-named "Meng", and quickly move towards the Fire The second assembly point within the country advanced.

Then, because the process of rushing was a bit boring, I used wind perception while traveling cross-country and found that there was no movement around me for the time being, so I started practicing in secret.

As for the cross-country training project, it is very simple.

 In the past half a month, hasn’t Cross Country been practicing the Uzumaki clan’s spiritual arts?

At this time, even if there is no "qualitative" leap in cross-country's mental energy, his mental energy has still increased a lot. Under such circumstances, Cross Country took advantage of the greatly increased spiritual energy to silently break through the second stage of the change in the nature of wind attribute chakra. With the help of the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique, Cross Country was in the first stage. During the journey, I had a small realization.

Who knows, the cross-country use of the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique is so proficient, and there are faint signs of breaking through the shackles of the second stage of the wind attribute chakra property change, which makes Kakashi and Uchiha Shisui next to him, Even the mysterious ANBU codenamed "Meng" was surprised.


When Cross Country first joined the Blade Team, the Fourth Hokage and Shikaku successively told Uchiha Shisui and others, saying that Cross Country's injury had not fully recovered, and because he was too young, Uchiha Shisui was needed. Cassie and others take care of it.

However, during the ultra-high-speed travel, Kakashi during the rest period was panting heavily. Only the cross-country and Uchiha Shisui were not affected at all. This really made Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi and others all have a new view on the strength of cross-country, and they even feel a little impressed!

 It is easy to say that the body can stop the water in an instant!

After all, he is a famous ninja. He can maintain his peak condition while traveling at super high speed without blushing or out of breath. Is that an ordinary thing?

 On the contrary, it was cross-country. His outstanding performance at such a young age really exceeded Shisui Uchiha's "fierce" imagination.

Especially Kakashi, who had only been away from cross-country for half a month, and found that cross-country progress was so fast. He was so proud that he inevitably had some anxious thoughts and wanted to prove himself again in front of cross-country.

 Then, maybe it was because Kakashi’s prayer was successful, or maybe it was a cross-country mission, there were always some twists and turns.

Before Cross Country and the others had finished resting on the spot, Uchiha Shisui, whose face was hidden under the mask, frowned and made a gesture to Cross Country and the others.

  Seeing Uchiha Shisui's gesture, Kakashi and others felt a shiver in their hearts while taking a rest during the off-roading.

Off-road, who also wanted to show his strength in front of Uchiha Shisui, used wind perception to determine the surrounding situation when Uchiha Shisui's gesture fell.

It's a good thing if you don't feel it. After using the wind sense to explore the surrounding situation, even the cross-country face became a little ugly!

“Captain, there are about four fog ninja teams on the right front, and twelve fog ninjas are coming towards us.”

 “Shall we fight, or shall we retreat?”

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