Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 86: Everyone Shows Their Magical Powers (Part 1)

 The Blade Team, which means the blades of the Fourth Hokage!

The team is led by the famous Shunshen Shisui, and there is Sharingan Kakashi in the team, and the mysterious Anbu "Meng" is a team member. As long as there is enough chakra, he can maintain the strength of jounin level cross-country, even if he meets Four Mist Ninja teams were formed, including twelve Mist Ninjas. Logically speaking, there should be no panic at all, but secretly excitement!

 After all, the Blade Team that cross-country is a real elite team!

However, using the Fourth Hokage's Secret Wind Sense, which is used to sense the surrounding situation off-road, it is clear that the Mist Ninja team that can be encountered this time must belong to the Mist Ninja elite team, and may even be the ANBU of the Mist Ninja!

Ordinary fog ninja jounin are ninjas who have experienced the "blood mist" period, and their combat qualities are far superior to those of the same period.

What's more, the elite Mist ninja jounin, like the Mist ninja ANBU, can one person deal with several ordinary Mist ninja jounin?

 So, the twelve fog ninjas who appeared in front of Off-Road and others at this time were definitely a threat to the sharp blade team. It was also because of this that when Cross Country sensed the appearance of the twelve Mist Ninjas, his expression suddenly turned ugly. He was obviously worried about the combat capabilities of the four Mist Ninja teams in front.

And when Off-Road turned his gaze and cast his questioning eyes on Shunshen Shisui, who would have thought that Shunshen Shisui would still have that calm expression, looking at the eyes projected by Off-Road, Shunshen Shisui There was a faint smile in his eyes!

All right!

That invisible pretense is really a bit "hurt" for off-roading!

Who can imagine that Shunshen Shisui looked so calm and disdainful when faced with the threat of the Mist Ninja?

After being "injured" by Shunshen Shisui, Cross Country turned his head and glanced at "Meng" and Kakashi to see if their attitudes were as detached as Shunshen Shisui.

Fortunately, after getting the information about the Mist Ninja team ahead from Off-Road, Kakashi's eyes were also very solemn, and even "Meng" looked cautious, which slightly soothed Off-Road's injured soul. Then, without waiting for Cross Country to use his wind sense to carefully explore the strength of the four Mist Ninja teams in front of him, "Meng" glanced at Cross Country with deep meaning and said lightly:

“It seems that in addition to excellent assisting ability, Ying’s perceptive ability is also very powerful.”

“In an instant, what appeared in front of us were indeed four Mist Ninja teams, with a total of twelve Mist Ninjas. They should all be members of the Mist Ninja ANBU.”

"Among them, about six Mist Ninja ANBU have the strength of jounin. The remaining six Mist Ninja ANBU. If I perceive it correctly, three Mist Ninja ANBU are combat-type Chuunin, and the last three Mist Ninja ANBU are combat-type Chunin. The ANBU are perception type, medical type, and auxiliary type chuunin!"

 “Nani? So detailed?”

 Listening to "Meng"'s report, I was really shocked when I went off-road.

Moreover, when Cross Country's eyes fell on Kakashi again, he actually found that Kakashi also looked shocked.

Such a situation undoubtedly shows that even Kakashi is a little surprised by "Meng"'s perception method, and is somewhat confused about "Meng"'s true identity.

On the contrary, Shunshen Shisui seemed to have known for a long time that "Meng"'s perception method was extraordinary. When "Meng" had just finished speaking, he said easily: "The test has really begun. The four fog ninjas in front The ANBU team is obviously the sharpening stone for our Blade team. When fighting the four fog ninja teams in front, I hope that the word "teamwork" can be fully demonstrated in the Blade team!"

“Of course, the current Mist Ninja team is not very strong, so while working as a team, each of us must also fully demonstrate our combat capabilities.”

“Six chuunin-level Mist ninja Anbu, I will be responsible for two and Meng will be responsible for two.”

“Lei, the targets of you and Shadow are the medical Mist Ninja ANBU and the assisting Mist Ninja ANBU respectively.”

“As for the remaining Jonin-level Mist ninja Anbu, we’ll put them aside later and we’ll solve them together!”

 “Yes, Captain!”

Shunshen Shisui gave the order, and everyone in the cross country was shocked, and immediately prepared to start fighting.

 However, after Shunshen Shisui gave the order, Cross Country really had a full understanding of the Blade Team again!

Not to mention the "fierce" perception ability, it actually crushes the off-road wind perception in some aspects. It doesn't even have a seal, and even without the slightest chakra fluctuation, it can sense the thing in front of it in detail. Details of the four Kiri Ninja Anbu. Let's just say that Shunshen Shisui's confidence when assigning tasks was the first time that Cross Country realized the horror of his own sharp blade team!

 Those are twelve Mist ninja Anbu, not Mist ninja genin!

 A very inexperienced plan was carried out in a matter of seconds. Shunshen Shisui's intention was very obvious, which was to use the strength of the Blade Team to head-on the four Mist Ninja ANBU teams ahead!

 “What a powerful Shunshen Shisui, what a good measure!”

“Facing twelve Mist Ninja Anbu, it’s like cutting a carrot and cabbage with a knife, there’s no point in taking them seriously!”

“Well, you, Uchiha Shisui, have this kind of ability, so how can I lose to you in Nara Cross Country?”

“My target cannot be just an auxiliary Mist Ninja Anbu Mist Ninja. At least two of the six Jonin-level Mist Ninja Anbu Mist Ninja must die in my hands!”

"Only in this way can I prove my strength in front of you! Isn't it? Shunshen Shisui!"

  murmured to himself, while advancing towards the four fog ninja ANBU teams in front, Cross Country's eyes suddenly became fiery.

However, as a Mist Ninja ANBU, are the four Mist Ninja ANBU teams in front really just carrots and cabbage waiting for others to kill them?

 The answer is naturally no!

Therefore, just when Cross Country and others relied on the terrifying perception ability of "Meng" to quickly advance to 200 meters behind the four Mist Ninja ANBU teams in front, suddenly the members of the four Mist Ninja ANBU teams suddenly He noticed the movements of the sharp blade team where Cross Country was located, and launched a counter-raid in the direction of Cross Country and others!

Seeing the twelve Mist Ninja Anbu attacking at the same time in front of them, together with the cross-country target, the auxiliary Mist Ninja ANBU joined the battle. While the pupils in the cross-country eyes contracted slightly, he touched his ninja tool bag with his left hand. He had to form a seal to use the Shadow Shuriken, and use his superior skills in hidden weapons to give the Mist Ninja Anbu in front of him a head start.

But what Cross Country never expected was that before he could finish the Shadow Shuriken spell, he had just revealed his majestic "fierceness" in the sharp blade team, and before Cross Country finished the spell, he showed his magical power!

 In an instant, the counterattack of the twelve Mist Ninja Anbu was fierce, and it was about to surround the sharp blade team where Cross Country was.

But who could have imagined that just when the twelve Mist Ninja Anbu were about to complete the encirclement, and then press forward step by step to attack the sharp blade team where Cross Country was, "Meng" suddenly formed a seal with one hand, just using Using a C-level Earth Release Ninjutsu, he forced all the twelve Mist Ninja Anbu in front of him back there!

 “Earth Release·Rock’s Beheading Technique!”

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