Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 818: Black Jue


"is that true?"

At this moment, Off-Road was obviously a little lucky that he had brought Orochimaru with him. Otherwise, he would have been addicted to the pleasure of using the power of Death. Off-Road would really not have been able to find the purple traces on his left arm, plus the black The runes had already spread along his left arm to his left collarbone.

 Sure enough, no one can be trusted at will, and no one else’s power can be used at will.

 Watching the power of the God of Death spread little by little on his body, Cross Country knew the evil intentions of the God of Death.

Obviously, the God of Death is planning to let Cross Country indulge in the pleasure of using his own power first. When the traces of Death on Cross Country slowly spread, as long as it can occupy half of Cross Country's body, the God of Death will be able to control Cross Country's body. , by then, even if off-roaders don’t want to be the spokesperson of the God of Death, they must become the spokesperson of the God of Death.

Then, he took a deep breath, knowing that the power of the God of Death could not be used at will. Cross Country used the secret technique of Shadow Escape to once again wrap up the part of his skin that had transformed into the God of Death.

 When Cross Country finished doing this, facing the remaining ninjas of Yu Nin Village, Cross Country shook his head helplessly.

  followed by.


 The S-level secret technique among the secret techniques of shadow escape, which is used when the shadow world descends.

When Cross Country came with the Shadow Realm and imprisoned all the Rain Ninja Village ninjas in front of him, Cross Country first used the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to swallow up the spiritual energy of these Rain Ninja Village ninjas. Immediately, after Cross Country used the inexhaustible physical energy in the bodies of these Rain Ninja Village ninjas to replenish his own strength, Cross Country faced Orochimaru and said: "Orochimaru, these guys seem to be going to fight. I’ll leave it to you, I don’t have the ability to kill them yet, can you kill so many people at once?”

 “It should be no problem.”

Licking the corner of his mouth with his tongue, Orochimaru said calmly: "The last experiment ended because of the lack of experimental products. You provided me with so many experimental products for this cross-country trip. I think it is possible to complete the experiment." It's over. But off-road, are you really planning to destroy Yu Nin Village this time? I feel that there seems to be some very powerful force hidden in Yu Nin Village. If you sense it, be careful. That power, you know?”

"Yeah. I know."

Since Orochimaru can sense that strong force, how can Cross Country, who is a master of the Yin Escape Secret Technique, not be able to sense that strong force?

Moreover, one thing is beyond doubt, that is, off-road, I discovered that the boss hidden behind the scenes in Yu Ninja Village turned out to be Hei Zetsu.

 Because, when Xue Yue used Kagura's inner eye to sense the strong force, he suddenly discovered that this strong force had some aura of the Otsutsuki clan. In addition, Kagura's inner eye can completely lock onto Black Zetsu's figure, so after off-road replied to Orochimaru, he used the Shadow Instant Technique to come directly in front of Black Zetsu.

Staring at Hei Zetsu who was sitting calmly in front of him, Cross Country smiled coldly, and then slowly walked forward. Hei Zetsu in front of him said, "Everyone thinks that Black Zetsu, you are originally an Uchiha." It was transformed into Madara’s consciousness, but no one can imagine that the person directing everything behind the scenes is you Hei Zetsu.”

"You must be desperate now, right? I haven't collected the tailed beasts, and I have eliminated all the guys with the Rinnegan. Without the support of the heretic demons, you must not be able to resurrect the Ten-Tails. . If this is the case, your plan cannot proceed smoothly, so what are you going to do now?"

 “If you want to resurrect your mother, the Ten-Tails must be resurrected.”

Listening to Cross Country's words, Hei Jue said indifferently with his sinister voice: "But as you said, Shadow Mage, since you have eliminated those guys with the Samsara Eye, then I need another one." A kind of power of the six paths. Now in the ninja world, the person who holds the power of the six paths is you, the shadow mage. So, as long as I can occupy your body, the shadow mage, and slowly awaken the ability of the six paths, sooner or later I can be resurrected. Mother's."

“So, Shadow Mage, I have to wrong you and give your body to me for the time being!”

Almost as soon as Hei Jue finished speaking, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound.

The black figure was actually locked by the cross-country Kagura's eyes, and suddenly he came close to the cross-country. The speed was so frightening that even the cross-country was shocked. Obviously, Black Zetsu has been hiding his own strength. Otherwise, in the original Naruto novel, how did Black Zetsu restrict the power of Madara Six Paths and unleash the real behind-the-scenes BOSS Otsutsuki Kaguya?

 At this time, in the face of cross-country, Hei Jue obviously had no intention of hiding his strength. Therefore, just as Hei Jue finished speaking, his figure arrived in front of Cross Country and directly invaded into Cross Country's body. Immediately, Cross Country felt that Black Zetsu was using some special secret technique to occupy his body. What he said before turned out to be true. He was really preparing to use Cross Country's body to resurrect Otsutsuki. Kaguya.

 However, the secret technique of occupying the body must be a kind of secret technique of escape.

Off-road is a person who is proficient in the secret art of Yin escape, how can he watch Hei Jue take over his body?



 The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand has been transformed into the power of the hungry ghost realm and the power of the human realm. He used the power of the human world in the power of the Six Paths to resist the invasion of Black Zetsu. On the other hand, Cross Country used the power of the Hungry Ghost Path to continue to weaken the power of Black Zetsu. Needless to say, at this time, Cross Country was clearly preparing to use the power of the Six Paths of Samsara to force Hei Jue back, or rather to defeat Hei Jue.

What Cross Country never expected was that Hei Jue's attainments in the secret art of Yin Escape were actually superior to his!

Especially when resisting the invasion of the power of the human world off-road, and the weakening power of the hungry ghost road on the other hand, the shadow of Hei Jue has slowly appeared on the body of the cross-country. Moreover, when Hei Jue's shadow had already enveloped half of Cross Country's body, Hei Jue's sinister voice echoed in Cross Country's ears again.

“Nara Cross Country, who do you think taught the Uzumaki clan’s secret escape techniques?”

“No matter how talented the Uzumaki clan is, if no one teaches them the secret technique of Yin Escape, it is impossible to condense the Yin Escape Brand!”

“Then, since I teach the Uzumaki clan’s Yin Escape secrets, how can you defeat me by teaching them the Uzumaki clan’s Yin escape secrets?”

"How can it be?"

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