Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 819: Lend me your hand

 “Director Hei Jue.”

 “It is indeed well-deserved!”

Knowing that the secret technique of the Yin Escape Brand was secretly taught to the Uzumaki clan by Black Zetsu, Cross Country couldn't help but secretly sigh, Black Zetsu is indeed worthy of being the director of Naruto's original work.

 As for the confrontation with Hei Jue, needless to say, he was naturally at a disadvantage in cross-country.

Since the secret technique of Yin Escape Brand was taught to the Uzumaki clan by Hei Jue, Hei Jue must be very clear about the flaws of the secret technique of Yin Escape Brand mastered by Cross Country. Just like if someone uses the Shadow Escape Secret Technique in front of a cross-country, they must be restrained by the cross-country. The Yin Escape Secret Techniques used by the cross-country are basically the condensation of Yin Escape attainments. Now when fighting against Black Jue , will naturally fall into a disadvantage.

 However, the off-road Yin Escape brand is actually generally different from the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape brand in one aspect.

That is the secret technique of the Yin Escape Brand of the Uzumaki clan, which must not be able to comprehend the power of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

  After swallowing the power of Payne, the Hell Path controlled by Nagato, the cross-country Yin Escape Brand has embarked on its own unique path.

So, just when Hei Jue was full of confidence and completely suppressed the mental energy of Cross Country, suddenly a faint smile appeared on the corner of Cross Country's mouth, and immediately he could clearly see that Hei Jue, who had occupied half of Cross Country's body, Astonishingly, when Cross Country developed his Yin Escape Skill, he was slowly forced out of the body by Cross Country.

At the beginning, Hei Jue seemed very shocked when he discovered that cross-country driving could actually force him out of his body. After all, when Black Zetsu taught the Uzumaki clan the method of condensing the Yin Escape Brand, he arranged a "backdoor" in the condensation of the Yin Escape Brand. As long as it is through the "back door", no matter how powerful the Yin Escape brand is, it must be under the restraint of Hei Jue.

It’s just that Hei Zetsu never expected that Cross Country was not that stupid, and the members of the Uzumaki clan were not that stupid either.

Even when they surrendered to the God of Death, the Uzumaki clan did not let the God of Death give them too much power. Instead, they were prepared to rely on their own strength to crush fate and become stronger. Therefore, after Black Zetsu taught the Uzumaki Clan how to condense the Yin Escape Brand, the Uzumaki Clan was secretly perfecting the condensation method of the Yin Escape Brand. The "back door" left by Black Zetsu in the Yin Release Brand Condensation Method has actually been perfected in the hands of the Uzumaki clan.

Off-roading is the "back door" to further perfect the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape brand condensation method after possessing the power of six reincarnations. In other words, it is not a coincidence that cross-country can now resist the power of Hei Zetsu, but something that must happen. However, there is still a "backdoor" in the Yin escape brand condensation that has been improved by both the cross-country and the Uzumaki clan. This is why Hei Zetsu was shocked at first, and then the corner of his mouth raised a sneer.

  followed by.


Hei Jue's figure seemed to have turned into a shadow. Just when he was forced out of the body by the cross-country, it suddenly enveloped the whole body of the cross-country again.

That was the power of Black Zetsu at its peak, and it was the power that killed Madara instantly in the original Naruto novel.

 After showing all his strength, the cross-country counterattack became powerless again.

At this time, Cross Country discovered that he could only watch in silence as Hei Jue eroded his spiritual energy and slowly invaded his Yin Escape brand. Even if he uses the power of Six Paths of Reincarnation, he is so powerless in front of Black Zetsu, just like Madara Six Paths in the original Naruto novel. He has strong power, but it has no effect in front of Black Zetsu.

 Obviously, that is Hei Jue’s trump card, and it is also Hei Jue’s strength.

As the son of Otsutsuki Kaguya, Kuro Zetsu has no ability to be beaten, that is, he is very good at using the secret technique of escape.

 It is precisely by relying on the ultimate Yin escape secret technique that Black Jue can restrain anyone and invade anyone's body. Being able to have the strength of a god-level expert in cross-country must not only rely on the Yin Escape Secret Technique, but also rely on the strength of the Yang Escape Secret Technique. In terms of Yin Escape Secret Technique alone, Cross Country is not as strong as Hei Jue, so Hei Jue can directly invade Cross Country's body when the Yin Escape Secret Technique breaks out. Now, Cross Country does not even have the power to counterattack.


Seeing that Hei Jue was about to perfectly occupy the cross-country body and continue his conspiracy, another force emerged from the cross-country body.

That power directly invaded Hei Jue's body without even giving Hei Jue time to cry.

 For a moment, Cross Country only felt that his body became lighter, and the pressure from Hei Jue's body disappeared.

At the same moment, Hei Jue's figure slowly appeared in front of the cross country. However, when the cross country was on guard, Hei Jue in front of the cross country actually showed a faint smile and said:

 “Nara Cross Country, there is no need to panic, it’s me.”

 “Are you the God of Death?”

 Hearing the familiar voice, Xue Yue was slightly stunned, and soon he knew what exactly happened just now.

 In other words, when Xue Qi looked at his skin and saw that there were no traces of death possessed by him, he knew why the black man in front of him could become the **** of death.

 Obviously, the God of Death took advantage of Cross Country. He first gave his power to Cross Country, and then when Hei Zetsu wanted to occupy Cross Country's body, he occupied Hei Zetsu's body instead. In other words, Cross Country was able to escape from Hei Jue's occupation, thanks to the Death in front of him. If Death hadn't borrowed his hand to deal with Hei Jue, I'm afraid that Cross Country would have been invaded by Hei Jue before.

The thing that Hei Jue almost succeeded in invading his body left cross country with lingering fears.

As for the Death God in front of him, now that he has mastered Hei Jue's body, it makes Cross Country feel a little bad.

 Sure enough.

 The bad idea about off-roading is correct.

 Because, the Death God invaded Black Zetsu's body, and it was obviously not just about traveling in the ninja world.

 Next second!


There was a ball of mysterious energy in the palm of his hand. When Hei Jue, who was possessed by the **** of death, took control of that energy and slowly shaped it into a human form, Madara's figure suddenly appeared in front of the cross country again.

Moreover, almost when Madara was resurrected in the hands of Black Zetsu possessed by the **** of death, Cross Country saw Madara in front of him, with a faint smile on his lips, and murmured:

 “I knew it, I didn’t believe you wrong about Nara Cross Country.”

“As long as you are willing to become an enemy of Hei Jue, then you will definitely be able to successfully deal with Hei Jue, let me.”

 “Get rid of fate!”

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