Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 820: destruction


 What is Madara’s fate?

If we look at it from the original Naruto novel, there is no doubt that Madara’s destiny is to resurrect Otsutsuki Kaguya. As the director of the original Naruto novel, Black Zetsu has actually always been using Madara. It was Black Zetsu's idea to resurrect Otsutsuki Kaguya. Like Madara and Obito after his "blackening", in the end they were just It's just Madara's chess piece.

But now, Cross Country never expected that Master Ban would see through his fate when he traveled through time and produced the butterfly effect. When exactly did Master Madara think that there was something wrong with Hei Zetsu? If this question was to be answered by Cross Country, Cross Country could only say unclearly, because Master Ban had no clue as to how Master Ban saw his own destiny clearly.

Only when his eyes fell on the **** of death possessing Hei Jue, Cross Country suddenly had a little idea.

 That’s right.

 It is the God of Death!

 Different from the original Naruto novel, Madara in front of Cross Country not only pays attention to the power of his Samsara Eye and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, but also pays more attention to the power of "science". So, since Orochimaru can know the existence of the God of Death, why can't Master Madara know the existence of the God of Death? If he makes a deal with the God of Death, Master Madara is likely to understand what his fate is.

 So, Madara’s death last time was actually for his current rebirth.

 For the sake of

 Escaped from fate?

Then, staring closely at Black Zetsu possessed by the God of Death, Cross Country suddenly realized that if the God of Death were to be his enemy, he would undoubtedly be a more terrifying enemy than Kaguya Otsutsuki. Nowadays, the possibility of Kaguya Otsutsuki's resurrection is basically gone, because Madara has escaped his fate, and Black Zetsu is already possessed by the **** of death. If Kaguya Otsutsuki wants to be resurrected, unless Madara's head is If there is a problem, use your own life to become Otsutsuki Kaguya.

But Madara is not Black Zetsu, so why would he give up his life for the resurrection of Otsutsuki Kaguya?

Also, now that Madara knows what his destiny is, can his ultimate goal still be to collect tailed beasts, become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and use the Infinite Tsukuyomi?

 Can Madara cooperate with the God of Death, share this world, and use another method to become an existence like the Six Paths Sage?

 Obviously, these issues are not very clear to Cross Country. The only thing that is clear to Cross Country now is that he may face the joint attack of Madara and Black Zetsu possessed by Death!

Soon, he took a slow breath, and used this method to adjust his condition.

When Cross Country felt that his condition was already at its peak, facing the resurrected Madara in front of him and the Shinigami possessing Black Zetsu, Cross Country said lightly: "Uchiha Madara, I didn't expect you to actually Resurrected. When I first solved you, I found that your soul was missing a finger, and I felt something was wrong. Unexpectedly, that finger eventually became a prerequisite for your resurrection. If I guessed correctly, Have you already started cooperating with the God of Death?"

 “Nara Cross Country, I need to thank you more.”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Madara, the only one in the original version of Naruto who was not afraid of his words, said with a faint smile: "If I hadn't seen you acquire the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan and grow so fast, I wouldn't have been able to go. Studying the history of the Uzumaki clan, it is impossible to know that there are so many secrets of the Uzumaki clan. After that, I obtained the Death Mask, successfully made a deal with the Death, and learned my fate from the Death."

"With the help of the God of Death, my plan has changed from a smooth resurrection, returning to my peak self, to getting rid of my own fate. Now, that Black Zetsu guy is dead, and there is no possibility of Otsutsuki Kaguya's resurrection. The Sage of Six Paths wants to hide behind the scenes of this world and cannot personally participate in the changes in this world, so the next goal for Death and I is..."

 “Victory over the Immortal of Six Paths and taking over the world!”

With that said, Madara looked seriously at Off-Road for the first time and asked seriously: "Nara Off-Road, are you interested in cooperating with us? We don't necessarily want to destroy the world, we just need the power of this world and bring benefits to the world. It’s just for peace. If I’m not wrong, are you planning to unify the ninja world and bring peace to the ninja world in this way?”

"Your idea, both me and the God of Death can help you complete it. The only thing you need to do is"

"After you unify the ninja world, you will hand over the management of the ninja world to me and the God of Death. Are you willing?"

 With the help of your strength?

 Leave the ninja world to you and the God of Death to manage?

 What is the difference between that and entering the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Although Cross Country’s ultimate idea is to unify the Ninja world and bring peace to the Ninja world in this way, Cross Country has never thought of using his own will to control everyone’s will. The reason why people are human is that everyone can control their own destiny. The so-called destiny cannot be destined by God. Cross-country is a person who does not want to be controlled by others. Naturally, he does not want to see the people around him being controlled. control.

 In this case, there is a conflict between the concepts of off-road and Madara, the God of Death.

 Because, in the minds of Madara and the God of Death, they are superior beings who can control everyone's destiny at will.

  If we have different concepts, we cannot cooperate. Cross-Country understands this.

 So, when Master Ban finished speaking, Cross Country remained silent. It happened to be the silence of Cross Country that made Madara and Death know the idea of ​​Cross Country. Madara and the Death who possessed Black Zetsu couldn't help but sigh deeply, secretly thinking that they could not cooperate with Shadow Mage in the future. The road may be a little more difficult to walk.

 After all, when Cross Country confronted Madara and the God of Death, he had already demonstrated his own strength and was able to compete with them.


 In the original Naruto novel, who is Madara afraid of?

 In the whole world, who is the God of Death afraid of?

When Madara and Death knew that they could not cooperate with Cross Country, the two looked at each other, and the faint smile that raised the corners of their mouths disappeared at the same time.

 Next second!

Just when the smile that raised at the corner of Ban Ye’s mouth suddenly disappeared, accompanied by a terrifying roar, Xue Yue looked at the power erupting from Ban Ye’s body, and his pupils contracted slightly!

"not good!"


 The resurrected Lord Ban must be even more terrifying than before.

Because of this, when he felt that Madara was about to explode his accumulated power, Cross-country directly used the shadow blink technique to come to Orochimaru's side, and used the spiritual energy in his Yin Escape brand to cover himself and Orochimaru. Using this method, he perfectly protected himself and Orochimaru when Madara broke out.

However, when Madara explodes in strength, the ability of Cross Country to protect himself and Orochimaru is already the limit.

So, when the roar continued to sound and the clouds in the sky were smashed directly by Banye's burst of power, the cross-country with slightly contracted pupils saw a scene that he would never forget.

That picture is clearly

 The destruction of the Kingdom of Rain!

 “Is a country destroyed like this?”

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