Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 846: dream(middle)

 “You’ll find out when you go and see!”

Looking at the tailed beast that he had molded with his spiritual energy inside the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country narrowed his eyes slightly, like a scientist conducting an experiment, paying attention to the changes in the confrontation between the tailed beast and Madara.

It is true that the two-tailed Mata Brigade, one-tailed Shukaku and four-tailed Sun Wukong formed by off-road condensed spiritual energy were successfully defeated by Madara in just a few rounds. However, when looking at the two-tailed Mataru, one-tailed Shukaku, and four-tailed Sun Wukong who seemed to be entities, Cross Country seemed to have a new understanding, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"The Second Hokage and the Third Raikage are right. My Yin Release Brand contains the aura of "Pure Land". What exactly is the aura of "Pure Land"? I seem to have understood it better now."

 “And this time, the tailed beast I created is still not perfect enough.”

“If that’s the case, then let’s create some more perfect tailed beasts!”

“Anyway, it’s just a consumption of some power. As long as I can successfully trap Madara in my Yin Escape Brand, a little consumption is nothing!”

  I thought to myself that I was obviously more attentive this time when I went off-road to condensate the tailed beasts.

 First of all, Cross Country first consumed the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and started working hard to create the core of the tailed beast.

In the past, I knew what the mysteries of the tail beast were, and that was the origin of the tail beast, that is, the brand of the tail beast. Successfully used the original power of the two-tailed Mataru, the one-tailed Shukaku clone, and the four-tailed Sun Wukong clone to create a brand new Yin escape brand. As long as this Yin Escape brand can be preserved, the two-tailed Mata Brigade, the first-tailed Shukaku, and the fourth-tailed Sun Wukong created by Cross Country will not have to fear being killed by Madara.

 However, having only one core is not enough.

Soon, Cross Country began to use the physical energy in his body to transform into life energy to create a physical body for his tailed beast. In the Yin Escape Brand, Master Madara saw that the tailed beast he could create in cross-country suddenly appeared in front of him again. Moreover, this cross-country trip consumed countless mental energy and the tailed beast created by physical energy was obviously stronger than before, so when Madara went to solve it, it took a few more minutes.

But in the eyes of ordinary ninjas, what can a few minutes do?

 Can Cross Country use those few minutes to save the Kingdom of Fire invaded by the God of Death?

 Of course not!

 So at the end, Cross Country was clearly the tailed beast he created for himself, adding the power of the Six Paths of Samsara that he had mastered. The abilities of the Hungry Ghost Path and the Human Path were simultaneously transferred into the tailed beasts he created. Even the secret technique of Shadow Escape that he could perfectly master, Cross Country was all perfectly mastered by the tailed beasts he created.

In this way, the tailed beasts in Cross Country Yin Escape Brand can finally have a little confrontation with Madara.

But just to trap Madara, cross-country travel requires nearly 60% of one's strength at all times, which is obviously very uneconomical. Especially after Madara defeated the tailed beast created by Off-Road this time, he suddenly used the power of the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan to attack Off-Road's Yin Release Brand. He felt the shaking of the Yin Release Brand and found that there was a wave on the Yin Release Brand. Crack, Cross Country's pupils shrank slightly, and then he knew why Madara said he made the wrong move.

 It turns out that Mr. Ban is preparing.

 Prepare to start with the Yin Escape Brand, completely disintegrate your own strength, and use it to defeat yourself!

 However, if Master Ban is released now, wouldn’t all the previous efforts be wasted?

So when Cross Country was meditating, especially combined with the previous experience of creating tailed beasts, and felt that if he used his peak power to complete the imaginary Yin Escape Secret Technique, he took a deep breath, and first used mental energy to repair it. The cracks on the Yin Escape Brand have been healed. Immediately afterwards, looking at Ban Ye in the Yin Escape Brand with God's perspective, Cross Country took a deep breath and murmured:

 “I hope this secret technique can trap you, or even kill you!”

“After all, if this secret technique is successfully cast, even I, the one who casts it, will be able to use it successfully.”

 “I don’t even know what kind of changes can happen!”

Off-road's whispering voice had just fallen, and with the sound of "rumbling", Banye, who was in the off-road Yin Escape Brand, was shocked to find that the off-road Yin Escape Brand had self-destructed!

 That’s right!

 It’s a self-destruction!

It is impossible for Banye to feel wrong, so when Cross Country casts the secret technique, he indeed self-destructed his own Yin Escape brand.

 At the moment when he was involved in the self-destruction of the Yin Escape Brand, Madara discovered that the power of the God of Death made it impossible to repair his body. It was as if his soul was suddenly caught in the center of the self-explosion of the off-road Yin Escape brand from the palm of death, traveling in a strange world, a completely "nothing" space.

 What is the space of “nothing”?

 The answer is no time, no quality, no space.

 It is just the state of a soul body. Banye seems to be sleeping in it, but also seems to be awake. The soul body seems to be able to think, but the speed of thinking is infinitely slow. For example, if it only takes a few seconds to think about something, then in this "nothing" space, Master Ban It took me a whole few years to think about it.

 In such a world without time, space, and quality, Master Ban stayed there for who knows how long, and finally the light gradually brightened.

  Even Banye will feel fear if he is in a depressing environment for a long time.

 So, looking at the light in front of him, Master Ban's pupils were filled with excitement.

Until a horrifying sound suddenly reached Mr. Ban's ears, Mr. Ban, who was a little excited, suddenly turned into nervousness.

 Because, the voice Banye heard was a familiar voice!

That familiar voice actually said...


 “Born with Sharingan!”


 A familiar voice, and it seems to be.

 Familiar smell!

Listening to the familiar voice and feeling the familiar breath, Madara subconsciously wanted to sense it, but found that his body was very weak and he had not even practiced chakra.

Since he couldn't open his eyes, Madara couldn't see what was happening in front of him.

 Furthermore, it is estimated that if Madara could see the situation in front of him, he would probably become even more shocked!

 Because the scene in Ban Ye’s environment is like this.

 A mature, experienced man, holding Madara who had turned into a baby, was shocked by the fact that Madara had the Sharingan just after he was born. And in front of that mature, vicissitudes of life man, a woman who had just given birth was staring at Mr. Ban with eyes full of love, and said with a slight smile:

 “It seems.”

“It seems that our Madara is very likely to be the future of our Uchiha clan!”

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