Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 887: Dream (Part 2)

"what is going on?"

 “Nara Off-Road.”

“What kind of secret technique did you use to crush the Yin Escape Brand?”

 In the blink of an eye, Madara, who had turned into a baby, had lived in a strange world for three years.

 In the past three years, if Master Ban had the experience of cross-country, he would definitely know that he had "travelled". On the contrary, Madara has always believed that he is surviving in the secret art of off-roading, so he has finally reached the age where he can practice chakra. At this time, Madara, who "traveled" back to the Warring States period, is obviously preparing to practice chakra when he can When the carat comes out, restore your peak strength as soon as possible, and reawaken your eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

However, when he wanted to awaken the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Madara couldn't help but look at the figure who was even thinner than himself. That person was Madara's most beloved brother, Uchiha Izuna!

 Everything is so real in this world.

The father Uchiha Tajima is strict, the lovely brother Uchiha Izuna, the mother is gentle and kind, and the tribe is ambitious.

 Had it not been for Master Ban's "time travel", the ordinary strong man would have been lost in the real world. Madara even wondered several times whether he had fallen into the world of Infinite Tsukuyomi and re-started his life.

 Taking a deep breath, I knew that it was useless to think about these questions now.

Even if you have a natural Sharingan after "travelling", the Sharingan is just an ordinary Sharingan in the form of magatama. Now that he can't even practice chakra, Madara is deeply aware of his own weakness, and he also knows how difficult it is for him to survive in the terrifying era of the Warring States Period.

 So, a three-year-old who cannot practice chakra, looking back at the secret techniques collected before "travelling", Master Madara turned out to be.

It turns out that he imitated the cross-country road and started practicing the Yin Escape Secret Technique and the Yang Escape Secret Technique!

The meridians of the human body do not begin to grow until the age of four. In order not to harm one's meridians and leave hidden dangers for future practice, even ninjas in the Warring States Period could not officially start practicing until they were four years old. Chakra. However, the simple Yin Escape Secret Technique is different from the Yang Escape Secret Technique. The Yin Escape Secret Technique is mainly about tempering mental energy, while the Yang Escape Secret Technique is mainly about tempering physical energy. Such secret techniques can be practiced when they are under four years old. .

It is also because of this that when he "travelled" to the age of three, Master Ban was practicing the secret techniques of Yin Escape and Yang Escape. Combining the memories before the "travel" and Madara's talent, he was originally one of the best in the ninja world. In the world of "travel", he has undoubtedly become the future of the Uchiha clan and the most watched figure of the Uchiha clan. genius!

Because, in just one year, Ban Ye practiced the secret technique of Yin Escape like a cross-country trip, and he had already reached the level where he could condense the Yin Escape brand. In terms of practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape, Madara's attainments are also very good, so when he was able to practice chakra at the age of four, Madara was able to defeat even ordinary chunin-level ninjas.

  Let’s talk about the Sharingan.

Madara has awakened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the existence of the Samsara Eye. If he wants to practice the ordinary Sharingan, he can naturally practice it to a very high level in one year.

However, in order to keep the Sharingan "bright" forever, Madara kept his Sharingan in the form of three magatama. Otherwise, if Uchiha Izuna could awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan, he would know that it was a "dream" in front of him. "Madara, maybe he should awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan as soon as possible, and then take away Uchiha Izuna's Mangekyō Sharingan, and prepare for the awakening of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!"

  followed by.

Just when Madara's reputation was getting louder day by day, and he was able to act like an adult ninja at the age of four, following the Uchiha clan on missions, at a family gathering, he "travelled" and came to be indifferent. Master Madara, while eating, suddenly thought of the tragedy that was going to happen tomorrow. He was originally indifferent, but when he held the chopsticks, his fingers started to tremble slightly.


“Tomorrow is the time for that to happen, right?”

That thing, what is it?

the answer is.

 The first tragedy in Ban Ye’s life happened!

 During the Warring States Period, wars were raging, and many ninjas could not survive their childhood. This shows how cruel the wars during the Warring States Period were. In the eyes of most Naruto fans, the important things that happened in Madara's life began with his marriage to the first Hokage Senju Hashirama. In fact, it was not the case. The first tragedy that happened in Madara's life was the death of his other brothers. It was not until his brother was the only one left, Uchiha Izuna, that Madara's dream became to protect his younger brother Uchiha forever. Izumi.


In the end, Uchiha Izuna died in the hands of the Second Hokage. This is undoubtedly one of the important events that led Madara to darkness.

 Tomorrow, the enemy's butcher's knife will fall, and Master Ban's brother will die tragically.

Combining the memories from the past, Madara soon discovered that it was actually a conspiracy by other families to prevent the Uchiha clan from becoming more powerful, so they had a secret plan to kill the new generation of ninjas from the Uchiha clan. .

 All new generation ninjas!


If Master Ban really "travels" back, as a "traveler", Master Ban is interested in preventing the tragedy from happening. Now, knowing that he was just caught by the secret technique of off-roading, Madara's palms quickly stopped shaking, thinking that as long as he can save his life, save Uchiha Izuna's life, he can open the eternal Mangekyō Sharingan for himself in the future. Get ready.

 Finally "travelled" once, just because he knew that it was the secret of cross-country, so Banye was prepared to remain indifferent.

 Soon, the time for the tragedy came.

The indifferent Madara accompanied Uchiha Izuna and watched as the ninjas from other families suddenly rushed into the Uchiha clan and began to slaughter the new generation of ninjas of the Uchiha clan without saying a word. The corner of his mouth was just raised. Just a sneer.


“Nara Crossroads, the more pain you make me experience, the stronger my power will be when I awaken my Mangekyo Sharingan.”

 “Compared with the pain I am experiencing before, the pain I am experiencing is not on the same level at all, so.”

“So even if you let me see that hell-like scene again, my heart will never be shaken!”

  Secretly, even Madara himself didn't notice. He wanted to watch his brother's tragic death indifferently, but as the **** killing began, the black magatama in his pair of Sharingan eyes began to rotate involuntarily.

Knowing that pain is going to happen, and then watching it happen, can you really endure it?


The result is just the opposite. The more Banye tries to convince himself that the scene in front of him is fake, and watching the tragedy happen, the pain in his heart becomes more intense!

Especially when Uchiha Izuna was trembling with fear from the killing in front of him and hiding in his arms, the magatama in Madara's red pupils were slowly connected.

 The Mangekyo Sharingan opened smoothly.

But Madara was in a state of patience and failed to enjoy the pleasure of opening the Mangekyou Sharingan, and the pleasure of sublimating the eye power!

Instead, at the moment when the Mangekyou Sharingan opened, the indifferent Madara suddenly took a step forward and walked in front of the enemy ninja. Immediately, a blue terrifying aura began to emerge from his body. When the terrifying aura condensed into Susanoo's arm, he instantly killed the enemy ninja in front of him. With Madara's pupils shrinking slightly, He actually murmured:


 “This is not a dream!”

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