Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 850: Reincarnation (Part 2)

 “Six Paths Immortal.”


Listening to the words of the God of Death, Cross Country just snorted and said nothing more.

 When he can master the power of reincarnation, Cross Country knows that the Sage of Six Paths must also have the power of reincarnation. Otherwise, the Sage of Six Paths would not be able to create a so-called "pure land" for the dead strong men such as the Second Hokage. In front of the God of Death, the sealing of the second-generation Tsuchikage failed for the first time. The true form of the God of Death appeared in front of the cross-country. This undoubtedly made the cross-country situation more difficult, because this time the cross-country in front of the God of Death was not the pinnacle. Period off-roading.

  With Ban Ye sealed in the world of reincarnation, it is even more difficult to defeat the God of Death in cross-country.

 But just as he had thought before going off-road, he was not ready to escape, and was ready to start a decisive battle with the God of Death in front of him in an upright manner.

 And the location of the decisive battle is the Kingdom of Fire!

 This is the place where you come from cross-country, and it is also the place where you prepare to finish off the BOSS in front of you!

Then, when Cross Country secretly made up his mind, he did not pay attention to the second-generation Tsuchikage over there. Cross Country just stared at the Death in front of him with his own eyes. Faintly, Cross-country felt that the God of Death in front of him was a little afraid, and what could make the God of Death feel afraid now must be the power of reincarnation that Cross-country had just realized.

“Since the God of Death is a god, he cannot die and can only be sealed.”

"And he is so afraid of my power of reincarnation now, probably because of fear."

 “Be sealed by my power of reincarnation!”

"It turns out that the weakness of the Shinigami is here. If Naruto Uzumaki and the Second Pillar complete their growth, then they will gain the power of the Sage of Six Paths. They will probably help me seal the Shinigami in front of me just like Naruto sealed Kaguya Otsutsuki in the original novel. ”

"Unfortunately, it will take many years for Uzumaki Naruto and Erzhu to fully grow up."

“And I need to control Madara, so if I want to seal the God of Death, I’m afraid.”

 “I’m afraid it’s not that simple!”

Hand in his heart, he really hoped that his power of reincarnation could be stronger. In that case, while controlling Madara, he would have the ability to seal the **** of death in front of him. On the contrary, now, Cross Country controls Madara and cannot seal Death. If Ban Ye is released, who knows if Death and Madara's cooperation will allow Cross Country to successfully seal one of them.

 So, with a deep sigh, Cross Country can only do his best to fight against the death in front of him. The God of Death is vaguely afraid of the reincarnation power of cross-country, but in terms of tactics, he despises the power of cross-country. At this time, the God of Death may have a very simple idea. Anyway, he is just a ray of consciousness attached to Hei Jue's body. Even if If the cross-country is really sealed, the most it will do is give up a black body. It was also because of this that just when Xue Xue's eyes became more solemn, the God of Death suddenly moved.

Attached to Hei Jue's body, the God of Death disappeared in an instant, and when he appeared again, he was at the front of the cross-country!

“Nara Cross Country, why are your reflexes so slow?”

Almost as soon as the God of Death appeared, with the indifferent voice of the God of Death, he flew away with a "boom" without even seeing clearly what the scene in front of him was.

 Obviously, as Death said before, without the peak strength, even the off-road perception ability has become weak. Otherwise, with the speed that the God of Death just showed, there are ten thousand ways to avoid it in cross-country. Unfortunately, without the power at its peak, cross-country has no capital to confront the **** of death. Now it's just being knocked out by the **** of death. Cross-country predicts that the subsequent battle will definitely be very difficult.

 Sure enough, it’s exactly the same as what I thought about off-roading.

When the God of Death discovered that the power of the cross-country was weakening, and knew that the cross-country was using the power of reincarnation to restrict Madara, the corner of the God of Death's lips raised a faint sneer.

 While you are sick, I will kill you!

Feeling that the cross-country was weakening, the God of Death seized the opportunity very well. The figure attacked again, and the God of Death was ready to directly grab the shoulder of the cross-country with his palm. What kind of attack he would carry out later was not what the cross-country could do. It was foreseeable, and seeing the God of Death coming once again off-road, they could only use more conservative methods to defend themselves.

The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand is shaped into the secret technique of Shadow Escape. When the Shadow Armor is used, it can protect one's body very well off-road.

However, don’t forget that the secret technique of shadow escape in cross-country is mainly the secret technique of Yin escape.

When the power of cross-country Yin Escape Brand becomes weaker, the protection of the Shadow Armor will also become weaker.

So, after seeing that the Shadow Armor of Cross Country is nothing more than strong on the outside but capable on the inside, the God of Death smiled coldly, and his palm suddenly fell on the shoulder of Cross Country. Just at the moment when the palm of death fell on the cross-country shoulder, a terrifying suction force invaded, completely covering the cross-country body.

"That is."

 “Is that the power of the hungry ghost realm?”

 Feeling the suction coming from the palm of Death, Cross Country never expected that when Death attached to Hei Jue's body, Death could actually use the power of his mortal opponent, the Six Paths Sage.

 That’s right.

 That is the Hungry Ghost Path ability among the Six Paths of Power.

At this moment, the God of Death actually wants to use the power of the Six Paths Immortal to restrain the cross-country, and is also preparing to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to directly absorb all the power of the cross-country. Hurry up and activate the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand. When the Death God uses the Hungry Ghost Path ability, the cross-country must be defended. Otherwise, if the Death God really integrates the power of the Cross-country, it will be really difficult.

On the contrary, Death, feeling the cross-country movement, began to defend, still silently using the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path.

 When cross-country is in a stalemate with the God of Death, that is when the cross-country can only defend itself. The God of Death is also unable to swallow up the power of cross-country under the defense of cross-country.


 When he went off-road, he found the God of Death in front of him, and his pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

As for why the God of Death's pupils contracted slightly, showing a look of astonishment, I don't know why.


what is that?


 It is the art of shadow dragon for off-roading!

The shadow dragon technique suddenly appeared when the cross-country was not used. When the cross-country was in a stalemate with the **** of death, the shadow dragon's phantom arm condensed and directly strangled the neck of the **** of death. This was the beginning of the cross-country. Unexpected things are also things that make Death feel shocked. However, the loss of control of the Shadow Dragon Technique this time was good for Cross Country, so when Cross Country saw his Shadow Dragon Technique activated independently, he did not show the slightest panic.

On the contrary, as the Shadow Dragon strangled the God of Death's neck with its arms, and slowly used the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path to devour the power of the God of Death, the originally calm Cross Country suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

Especially when the power of the God of Death gradually filled his body, Cross Country smiled bitterly in his heart and thought:

 “My shadow dragon, you are ready”

 “Are you going to kill your master?”

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