Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 851: conflict

 In the past, off-roading must have felt like it could swallow up the power of death, which was a good thing.

 It is something that can make you stronger and make Death weaker.

But now, as the shadow dragon shadow behind Cross Country begins to devour the power of Death, when the power of Death fills Cross Country's body and gradually flows into Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand, he discovers the spiritual energy in his own Yin Escape Brand. , all the physical energy in the body actually conflicted with the power of the God of Death. The corner of the cross-country's mouth twitched fiercely, secretly thinking that his Shadow Dragon Technique was really harmful, and suddenly appeared to restrain the God of Death. The pace of the attack is fine, so why do we have to swallow the power of the **** of death?

 The God of Death felt his power gradually draining away, and his eyes also changed from shock to horror.


You must know that the God of Death is only attached to Hei Jue, and his body is still in the underworld. Even if the cross-country shadow dragon phantom swallows Hei Jue in front of him, it is nothing more than swallowing a clone of the God of Death. That way There is actually not much loss to the God of Death.

 However, the situation was different from what Death had imagined.

When the cross-country Shadow Dragon's shadow just emerged, the God of Death was already ready to give up his Black Zetsu clone. Even when the off-road shadow dragon's phantom strangled Death's neck, Death didn't feel anything. It was just a clone anyway. If it dies, it will die. However, when Death felt that the cross-country shadow dragon's shadow began to devour his own power, not the power of Black Zetsu's clone, but the power of Black Zetsu's clone swallowing his own body, Death was afraid.

 There is a secret that the God of Death has never told Cross Country or anyone, that is, he has been getting weaker!

 The God of Death once said before that if strong men of their level want to become stronger, they must control a world. For example, before the age of ninja, the God of Death became stronger little by little when he controlled the world. However, with the emergence of Kaguya Otsutsuki and her control of the entire world, Death has gone downhill from that era.

 Until now, after so many years, the God of Death is already very weak.

Even the slightest bit of power is not what the God of Death wants to lose, so when he discovered that the shadow dragon on the cross-country had begun to devour his own power, the God of Death first showed a horrified look, and then the horrified look changed. Became greedy.

 Are you preparing to devour my power?


Then I will swallow your power and merge it with the power of the Six Paths Immortal. I may become stronger!

With this thought in mind, the God of Death began to use the ability of the Hungry Ghost Path without any hesitation to continue to devour the power in Cross Country's body. It's a pity that when the off-road Shadow Dragon Phantom went berserk, it completely crushed the Death God in front of it, or rather the Death God clone in front of it. When devouring each other's power, the cross-country Shadow Dragon's shadow can swallow 10 points of the Death's power, and the Death can only swallow 1 point of the Cross-country's power at most.

Under such unequal devouring, even a fool knows who the final winner is.

 However, as more and more death energy was contained in Xue Xue's body, he found that the conflict between his own strength and the death energy was getting bigger and bigger.

 The body gradually becomes bulging, which is caused by the inability to control the energy of death.

Similarly, his body was filled with a violent aura, as if it might explode at any time, which made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly, and he felt that the situation was really not good.

If possible, off-roaders would want to look at their own shadow dragon with pleading eyes and tell it to stop playing, because your master will be played to death soon.

 Maybe the off-road prayers worked.

It is more likely that the cross-country Shadow Dragon Technique went berserk, and it was just a momentary thing.

Gradually, the shadow dragon shadow behind Cross Country slowly disappeared under his prayers. The sudden disappearance of the Shadow Dragon shadow behind Cross Country meant that Cross Country was unable to swallow the power of the God of Death. On the contrary, it was the God of Death in front of him. He suddenly felt that when he used the Hungry Ghost Path ability to swallow up the strength of Cross Country, the power in Cross Country's body invaded like a tide.



A horrific explosion occurred, and Cross Country had no time to defend itself. Suddenly, he was caught in the horrific explosion and was instantly affected. His body went parabolic and fell directly to the ground.

 The horrific explosion also occurred in the Kingdom of Fire.

  When the explosion occurs, as long as you are in the ninja world, no matter where you are in the ninja world, you can feel the terrifying shock force.

Soon, when the terrifying shock slowly disappeared, an astonishing picture suddenly appeared in the Land of Fire.

 That is the place where the God of Death and Off-Road clash, and it is also within the territory of the Land of Fire.

At this moment, after the explosion, the surface of the Land of Fire was just like the surface of the moon, full of pits and devastation. In the center of the explosion, no matter whether they were people, trees, or soil, they all disappeared in the terrifying explosion. The only thing left is to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to protect your cross-country while the explosion continues!

 But even if he barely survived, the injuries sustained during the off-roading were still very serious.

Especially when Madara needs to be trapped and his own strength is at its limit, it is estimated that a child who comes here can easily kill Shadow Mage, the peak powerhouse in the ninja world.

However, even though his injuries were very serious, two-thirds of the country of fire also disappeared in the impact of the explosion. However, when he reluctantly used Kagura's inner eye to perceive, Cross Country actually found that the aura of the God of Death had completely disappeared. This is undoubtedly something worth celebrating. Compared with the threat of the God of Death, even if the Fire Country was completely destroyed, let alone two thirds, it felt like a good deal for Cross Country.

 As for the cause of death of the God of Death, no.

  It should be said that the cause of death of the Death God's Black Zetsu clone was probably due to the conflict between the Death God's energy and the power of the off-road.

 Simply put, the power of cross-country is white, and the power of death is black. The two cannot be perfectly integrated. In the event of conflict, they will both be destroyed. And the Black Zetsu clone of the God of Death happens to be the center of the fusion of these two forces. As long as the conflict turns into a mutual destruction, it is impossible for the Black Zetsu clone of the God of Death to survive. After all, it is the body of the Black Zetsu clone of the God of Death that explodes immediately, so There is absolutely no chance for the Black Zetsu clone of the Death God to survive.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

If his shadow dragon shadow hadn't suddenly disappeared, the person who blew himself up might have been Cross Country, not the Black Zetsu clone of the God of Death.

Now, feeling the pain in my body, and feeling grateful that a powerful enemy suddenly died tragically in front of me, I feel very complicated about cross-country, and I don’t know what to say. Especially when Cross Country recalled that it was an accident to be able to seal Madara, and it was also an accident to be able to kill the Black Zetsu clone of the God of Death. A faint bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Cross Country murmured while reluctantly getting up. said:

“The God of Death and Madara have been successfully dealt with, so let’s call the Five Shadows Conference that I convened.”

"what to do?"

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