Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 852: Five Shadows (Part 1)

 In the original book of Naruto, Erzhu has a theory that off-road can agree with.

 That is the five great ninja villages in the original Naruto novel. The reason why they can abandon their prejudices and temporarily unite together is mainly because they have a common enemy.

For example, the Five Shadows Conference currently being held by Cross Country, if there was no threat from the God of Death, Madara, then the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage, two old stubborns, would not be easily solved by Cross Country.

 Now, Madara and the God of Death suddenly lost the ability to threaten the ninja world, which is both good news and bad news for cross-country.

 The good news is of course that there is no need for the ninja world to be persecuted by Madara and the God of Death.

The bad news is that the ninja world will once again fall into a situation where the heroes are divided. If the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage knew that it would take a long time to recuperate from their injuries cross-country, then the Fourth War would have started in advance instead of Start when off-roading is expected.

 But there is no way. Can't off-roading release Master Ban in the world of reincarnation and make Master Ban become everyone's enemy?

 So, with a deep sigh, Cross Country used his remaining strength to lock the aura of the Fourth Hokage, and instantly used the shadow blink technique to arrive in front of the Fourth Hokage. When the figure of Cross Country slowly appeared in front of the Fourth Hokage, looking at the seriously injured Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately asked:

 “Off-road, you just.”

 “That’s right.”

  Nodding, Cross Country said: "Teacher Minato, I have good news and bad news to tell you. Which one are you going to hear first?"

 “Let’s hear the good news first!”


Taking a deep breath, Cross Country organized his thoughts and said: "The good news is that both Uchiha Madara and the God of Death are under my control. Now Uchiha Madara is in my seal, and there is no possibility of escape for the time being, but I need Perfect your own power, otherwise Uchiha Madara's escape will be a matter of time. The same is true for Death. His projection in the ninja world was eliminated by me. Next, I only need to deal with Death's minions, and the ninja world can be restored. Peace."

  When Cross Country said this, the Fourth Hokage really looked happy.

 Because just like what I thought before going off-road, the threats that come with the God of Death and Madara are simply not something that the ninja world can bear. Now, knowing that the ninja world no longer needs to be threatened by Death and Madara, the Fourth Hokage is naturally very happy. However, the Fourth Hokage soon knew what the bad news that Cross Country was talking about, so he slowly shook his head, and the Fourth Hokage asked: "Cross Country, is the bad news you want to say about the only one in the ninja world?" An opportunity for cooperation is gone now?”


With a faint bitter smile on his lips, the Fourth Hokage in front of him said, "Minato-sensei, I just wanted to save the Mizukage in the Kiri Ninja Village. I really didn't expect that I could actually master the skills to defeat Madara Uchiha and the Shinigami." Method. Just now, I successfully sealed Uchiha Madara, and even caused the Death God's projection to explode. Now that the common enemy in the ninja world has disappeared, I feel a little confused. Let's talk about the current Five Kage Conference. Convening is a problem!”

 “It is indeed a problem, but I have a solution.”

After listening to Cross Country's words, the Fourth Hokage smiled slightly and said: "Let's go, Cross Country, I will take you to the Country of Waves first. With your strength, these injuries can be healed as long as your strength slowly recovers. , so let’s deal with the situation of the Five Shadows meeting first, and then we’ll talk about the rest after appeasing the other four shadows!”


 I am very happy to see that the Fourth Hokage actually has a way to go cross-country.

 Then, leaning on the back of the Fourth Hokage, we headed cross-country to the Country of Waves with the Fourth Hokage.

 On the road to the Kingdom of Waves, Cross Country naturally tried his best to recover his strength, but it was a pity that his recovery was not as smooth as expected.

 The reason why cross-country strength cannot be fully restored, or even restored to its peak forever, is mainly due to three points.

 First, cross-country needs to allocate part of its strength to restrain Ban Ye in the world of reincarnation.

Madara is indeed a hero in the ninja world. When cross-country was shaping reincarnation, the world of reincarnation was not very perfect because of the lack of the power of fire escape and earth escape. In the reincarnations again and again, Banye has grasped the shortcomings of the reincarnation world, and now he has begun to compete with the cross-country reincarnation world.

 Obviously, Banye has become stronger and knows the direction of cracking the world of reincarnation. Cross-country will need to consume more power to maintain the world of reincarnation. If Madara is released, it will be really troublesome. Just because Death's Black Zetsu clone is dead doesn't mean that Death can't control Madara's soul. If Madara escapes from trouble, and the God of Death has no spokesperson in the ninja world, if Death takes over Madara's body, or uses Madara's immortal ability to stir up trouble, then off-roading will be a huge headache. .

 Second, the death energy that was previously swallowed by the off-road still exists in the body of the off-road, which is also a hidden danger.

  How the Black Zetsu clone of the God of Death self-destructed? Off-roaders will always remember it, or rather, it will be unforgettable forever. Now, knowing that there is still death energy in his body, and that the death energy cannot be expelled, cannot be swallowed, and will always be entrenched in the cross-country Yin Escape brand, it means that cross-country wants to perfectly restore his Yin Escape brand. Power is impossible.

To put it simply, the power that can be stored in the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand is limited. Now that the energy of the God of Death is entrenched in the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand for no reason, it is equivalent to weakening the Off-Road Yin Escape Brand. It is simply The most difficult thing.

 Third, the cross-country injuries were serious, which was also the reason why he was unable to regain strength for the time being.

 Only this third point, off-roading will be able to solve it sooner or later, but the first and second points are completely a problem that gives off-roading a huge headache!

However, if you want to think about the problem of restoring strength, you still have to think about the problems in front of you.

With the Fourth Hokage's rapid advancement, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage soon arrived at the Land of Waves. Yahiko came to pick up Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage. Naturally, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage had just arrived in the Country of Waves and went to the place where the Five Shadows Conference was held. When he first entered there, Tsuyoshi saw the fourth Kazekage from Suna Ninja Village, the fourth Raikage from Kumo Ninja Village, and the third Tsuchikage from Iwa Ninja Village, all looking impatient, waiting silently. Going off-road.

When the Fourth Kazekage, the Fourth Raikage, and the Third Tsuchikage saw Cross Country coming, and he looked seriously injured, it was not as Cross Country imagined. The Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage took advantage of Cross Country's weakness. When the time came, he immediately started to get angry. Instead, when they saw the seriously injured Cross Country slowly entering with the Fourth Hokage on his back, the eyes of the Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage instantly became solemn!

“The shadow mages are all injured like this, our enemies”


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